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It is said that the history of a nation can be likened to the life of a single man. Likewise the life of a single man can be a snapshot of a nation’s history. Little is more true when analyzing the life and personality of one of America’s most enigmatic chief executives, ex-president William Jefferson Clinton. My analysis of Clinton’s behavior, while not based on intimate knowledge, is grounded in certain simple principles that apply to anyone in similar circumstances.
It is irrelevant whether Clinton's mother was married three, four, five or six times. Anyone who practices serial matrimony and promiscuity is a loser on many levels, with certain identifiable character flaws, easily observable. The real relevance here isn’t all the gory details we already know about but to open the aperture of understanding so as to see what has happened all over America and to gauge the extent of Clinton’s connection to America’s dangerous future.
It is an established psychological fact that all children bond to their mothers at birth. They tend to feel whatever mother feels toward anything or anyone, especially dad. As a young boy, Bill Clinton saw the world through his mother’s eyes. As president of the United States, he projected his mother’s lifelong hostility toward men onto patriarchal America. His mother's contempt for her father classically duplicated itself and was carried forward through her as a compulsion to sabotage all male relationships. Like all abused women she tended to choose abusive men or set good men up to fail. Then she, again classically, reacted like a victim of male abuse.
As Clinton's embittered mother reached sexual maturity, she began to work her revenge on men by selecting mates (fathers) with that special weakness for women. Following the hook-ups she becomes confusing and manipulating, as if to punish men for their abusive weakness. These dark skills were passed on to young Clinton, who rose to the highest office on earth and was celebrated for his ability to confound and confuse.
With no knowledge of it in early childhood, Clinton identified with what his mother felt toward men. Little did he or she realize that he was set up to project her contempt toward everything American and masculine. This development, spreading itself far beyond Little Rock, shaped Clinton’s hidden perception and behavior towards women. In time he actually became like his abusive fathers, the kind of man his mother secretly hated. Clinton’s altered identity drove him to seek completion and absolution through many unsavory affairs. By the time of college his degraded ego had already learned how to survive by setting others up to fail. Such a person’s entire sense of worth comes to depend upon a typical rush to judgment in all matters.
Since ancient times the fall of empires and nations has come by exploiting the inherited enmity between men and women. Our liberal media now promote America’s demise by a scorched-earth cultural war against manhood. The biggest casualty may be not those men who live now but succeeding generations of boys. In the past 50 years the cultures of America and Europe have both fallen on this sword. Long before young boys become men they are set up to become feminized failures.
No nation can survive the loss of its manhood. Real heroes and natural leaders have been displaced with perverts, rock stars and flamboyants of all kinds. Now out of the closet, the Left works tirelessly for the chaotic collapse of our patriarchal Democratic Republic, replacing it with an effeminate socialism.
Young Clinton's abuse and neglect by the men his mother chose and frustrated caused him to turn against his own masculinity only to take refuge in his mother's compassion. Seeing his mother as the abused victim of beastly men literally spawned in him a strange sympathy for evil. It is in this stage of evolution that he began to bond with everything female including the political art of conniving. At 16 years old he knew he would be a politician.
An unhealthy craving for women is not love in any sense and honest women know it. Such need, masquerading as love, typically devolves into a slavish loyalty to lust. Like other men born to a mother void of genuine love, Clinton became a lecherous, co-dependent male, growing ever more abusive for the sake of his psychosexual need. In this he was just like all his fathers before him. Here is the pattern and principal. Angry, abused women set men up to fail, who in turn degrade women. Children growing up under an angry, abused woman’s roof become the next generation’s abusers, both male and female. This is the age-old enmity that Liberals encourage, using it to demoralize and bring down a masculine nation, giving them control of the clean-up, and later power.
Clinton was pre-conditioned with the inclination to seek approval from Third Worlders, as president. Most of these see strong nations like America as the abusive male. Clinton’s conditioning was and still is not only a bad example but also a dangerous security risk. Any competent profiler should have caught this and disqualified him as a candidate for high office.
Women are often regarded as the keepers of the flame of culture. As such the "sophisticate," often called the serpent of Paradise lost, knew what he was doing when he insinuated himself into Eve, using her secret jealousy of Adam as his vein. Through her a poison flows, corrupting the relationship between future Adams and Eves, evolving into the body politic of every nation.
All tyrants know that in order to take over any nation one must first demoralize the youth. This is accomplished by taking possession of the media and exploiting the enmity between male and female. The principle of ruination, as depicted in Shakespeare’s Othello, is as simple as it is diabolical. Othello’s ensign Lago, jealous of the love Othello had for his beautiful wife, poisoned his mind against innocent Desdemona, causing Othello to eventually succumb to rage, killing his beloved.
This game is as old as man’s beginning. Poison one person’s mind against another, especially a child toward his or her father or a society toward its founding fathers, and chaos erupts. When outraged fathers overreact, as conservatives often do, their "unreasonable" response is shown to the child as crazy. Reward is given to lock in the child's contempt for his father’s (conservatives) behavior. The reward often takes the form of approval, a vital treasure to the angry and soulless insecure.
Having acted through one person in order to get to another, the manipulating usurper succeeds in degrading both parties. This gives them, or political operators, the control over both of their wretched lives. Humanly speaking, if you play this game, you run the risk of it all backfiring on you and paying a terrible price, as in the tragic tale of Shakespeare’s Othello. But isn’t that what the typical family strife and our cultural war are all about?
It is obvious to any observer that the effeminate, left-wing media are promoting and exploiting this very intrigue between men and women, here and abroad. This they do, as the psycho-politicians they are, in order to disenfranchise the American people from the ultimate in masculinity, God, as well as those leaders who love God. Their methods make use of the very bond of mother to child.
What is commonly referred to as the sexual revolution evolved into the women’s liberation movement. It now encourages the exploitation and abuse of women by men. This movement has as its aim the downfall of our nation. Feminists, as they are known, have no intention of freeing abused women. On the contrary, these anarchists want the abuse to continue so that the world will see and hate the male abuser. Crime stats show that this subtle war against manhood is backfiring on women and children. It is time for both men and women to awaken to the diabolical forces, working like the Wizard of Oz, behind the scenes to destroy us both.
The fall of one home after another is no accident. It is setting the stage for the dictatorship the left has worked for, for a century. In their world only one, evil worldview rules. Slowly but surely as men are disenfranchised from their wives and children, the state takes over as big brother, already in effect in more than 30 percent of America’s households. What the media calls the "right-wing conspiracy" is really an attempt to further disenfranchise millions of angry Anglo-Saxon males waiting in the wings to take back their country. Hopefully, under the moderating influence of President Bush the cultural and political changes leading to this civil war will be averted.
Bill Clinton tried to make America into a reflection of himself, inwardly weak and feeble, especially in the eyes of a group of communist rogue nations. Because America still represents what is right and good in the world, nations already demoralized and enslaved are angry and envious. Most perceive our weakness, perpetuated by Clinton and company. Now we stand in danger of a third world war with a Chinese bully that need not happen. Clearly, Clinton set us up to fail. And it may be that he continues his work now that the cameras no longer follow him.
Whoever controls the media controls a nation’s policy apparatus and how a nation thinks. As a media-created and media-controlled puppet Clinton’s mind-set projected into his foreign policy. Israel continues to be harassed and attacked by Palestinians who want to exterminate all Jews. This had the quiet, tacit approval of Clinton during his term in office. The classic hated of father was obvious in Clinton’s Mideast policy. Whenever Israel took a stand against the incessant Palestinian violence, Arafat was offended and outraged. He became expert at pretending the Palestinians were victims of Israeli aggression.
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