-Caveat Lector-

This is the most recent message from the Operation Terra website.  The site
has interesting messages and articles for those who are open to this sort of
thing.  This message can also be read at the site, which includes pictures
and an animation of the cell division analogy.

article:  http://www.operationterra.com/Messages/Vol02/Booster_R.html
main:  http://www.operationterra.com/

Subj:    [OpTerraNews] NEW MESSAGE (commentary to follow)
Date:   1/7/02 1:22:00 AM Central Standard Time

January 2, 2002

All right, now. We have several things to say to you today, on both the near
and more distant view. The closest thing to you on the time horizon is a
somewhat massive event that will mark the separating out of the different
realities from one another to such an extent that they will begin to
experience events that are not shared with all of the other realities that
will emerge. This event will be felt in every corner of the world as a very
deep shock, and one that will rouse even the most deeply slumbering
individuals to a dawning realization that the world will not ever be the
same again.

The events that have preceded this forthcoming shock were relatively mild
compared to what comes now and what will follow it in relatively rapid
succession. You are nearly at the threshold of the parting of the ways and
this will become more obvious to you in hindsight, after sufficient time has
passed that you can look back and see a pattern. To put this in a proper
context, we wish to make use of a scientifically observed process as a
metaphor for what is about to occur. As with all metaphors, there is an
oversimplification of a complex situation, but it will serve to illustrate
our point well enough for you to make it the rest of the way on your own.

When a living cell is going to divide, a number of things occur. In the
resting stage, the chromatin--those threads of DNA that carry the genetic
information of the cell and the organism--are loosely spread throughout the
nucleus of the cell, making it difficult to determine just where one thread
leaves off and another begins. However, when the time nears for the cell to
divide itself into two separate halves, the chromatin begin bunching up and
separating out from the other threads so that they form distinct chromosomes
that can be observed as such under the microscope. Then they replicate and
the two identical pairs line up along the equatorial plate in the cell,
which will become the plane of division when the process completes.
Meanwhile, the "poles" of the cell have migrated so that they are opposite
each other and at right angles to the equatorial plate, not very different
from the relationship between the poles and the equator on your physical
planet. Fine threads from the center of each chromosome attach to these
poles (one from each pair goes to one of the poles; the other one of the
pair attaches to the other pole) and when all is lined up, the cell pinches
inward at the equator and divides.

In this process, things go along fairly slowly at first, but when all is
finally lined up, the process completes rather quickly. So it is with you
right now, in your planetary process. It has been a relatively slow process
of sorting out into your groups and aligning with your poles of destiny, but
this next event will be the "shot heard 'round the world," and it will mark
the "beginning of the end"--that point at which the different realities
physically move away from each other toward their "poles of destiny." In
other words, despite that fact that you can look back on your previous year
as a time of increasing acceleration--particularly from September
onward--once this event occurs, things will kick into high gear and much
will follow in rapid succession, just as the cell rapidly separates into its
new "daughter cells" and they then move apart from each other and journey
separately from that point on.

A cell only splits into two cells, and there will be several different
realities that split off from each other in this process, but the key point
to grasp here is the significance of this next event in terms of marking the
beginning of this actual movement into separate realities, and to prepare
yourself for the speed at which things will unfold after that. Despite the
shock of September and some of the things that happened afterward, the last
few weeks have been pretty tame compared to what is coming next and
afterward. We encourage you to keep your breath open, to remain detached
while observing all of this occurring, and to realize that for those who are
headed toward Terra, this could be considered the "booster rocket" for your
journey in that direction. There is no one who will not FEEL this impact,
but there are many ways of perceiving it. If you were strapped into the seat
of a space shuttle and the rockets kicked in under you, you would feel that
impact and acceleration, but you would know that it was taking you upward
toward your destination and mission. You may choose the same response to
this next shock on your perceptual screen, and it would be good if you can
do that. Instead of viewing it as a disaster, many of you will be able to
say, "Finally! We are under way."

Many of you who are reading this have been "on your way" for a long time,
and have experienced many shifts in your understanding and perceptions. Now,
however, the time of learning and processing will change from dealing with
those things of the past toward dealing with those things that are now
coming into your life. Many of you are still in the process of leaving old
relationships and circumstances. That may continue for awhile for some of
you, but most of you will find the rate of change in your life to be
exhilarating and experience more and more joy in the journey as you begin to
experience the rush of freedom, as you let go of those things and people who
hold you back. You remember an old title--Inherit the Wind? You will inherit
the wind. You will become accustomed to streaming like the wind, to be
moving so fast it brings tears to your eyes, but they will be tears of joy
that you are finally underway and can feel the movement as you stream toward
your destination.

Others will be experiencing rapid change, also, but it will not bring them
joy--in part because they will be losing a lot of what they are very
attached to: pictures of reality that must change in the face of the events
that will come now, ways of being that will no longer be possible. Many
things taken for granted will pass away, and those who can move through
these times with grace and surrender will experience wonder and awe at the
unfolding. People will look at the ashes of their past and some will
understand that it clears the way for a new beginning, while others will
sort through the ashes, trying to recover something remembered to take with
them--to take with them what no longer has life in an effort to hold onto
that life which is gone.

It is easy to point fingers of blame, but as we have said before, when you
get down to the core, you must blame the Creator who has created all that
you see and feel. It is all "good" to the Creator because it fulfills the
purpose of the Creation--to provide experiences for the Creator to enjoy
through Its creations. This shock that comes is all part of the larger exit
plan for the Creation. Nothing will be left of the old world when it is
done. Everyone will be gone from the present planet, through one exit path
or another. Everyone will experience continuity in their perceived reality,
but this event will mark the time when not everyone experiences the SAME
reality. If you could compare notes, you would discover that different
people experience different things, and this will increase as you move
through time to the finale of the drama of 3D Earth.

As things move forward, you will see your destination more and more clearly
by virtue of its contrast with everything else that is going on. Likewise,
other people with other destinations will perceive THOSE more clearly, so it
will seem like everyone else that does not share one's particular views is
mistaken, but this movement will accommodate them all, in one way or

So, for example, if you hear that a large planet or comet is coming that
will result in a pole shift or cataclysms in 2003, that is a perception that
belongs to a particular exit path, and you simply allow those people who
perceive that to do so. That path is not "yours," and it does not lead to
Terra, so all you need to be concerned with is the path that IS "yours" and
to follow what presents in your life that will lead you further in that
direction. There has been much talk in the past of many scenarios that have
not manifested--mass landings, the Photon Belt, etc. However, now the many
paths that are being "seen" by those who can "see" in that way have a
greater likelihood of coming to pass. Even the scenarios that are put forth
by the deceivers will come to pass for some people in some way, because
thought creates and if enough people believe in a particular outcome, their
combined thoughts will manifest that reality. That is why we are sharing
these Messages with you--so that those who are coded to respond and can feel
that response will add their energies with others of like mind and heart and
will manifest that which we speak of to you.

It is a paradox that Terra already exists and yet you have to align with it
for it to manifest for you. It is a reciprocal relationship, like a mirror
of sorts. Terra calls to you, and you seek Terra. In the aligning with the
vision, it is a little like a "lock" in a missile guidance system. In
reading these Messages, you "lock" onto the "target" of Terra, and Terra
attracts you by her presence in your perceptual field. Not everyone is this
way, and though it might seem like you are alone in your perceptions when
compared with those around you, consider that there are nearly 6 million of
you altogether and you will have a LOT of company once you are all together
again. You have been together before, in groupings of various sizes and at
various historical times and places, but now the time is coming when you
will all be together at once, in one place again, before you are complete
and depart for your other journeys on the way back to Source and your final
dissolution as a separate being.

Those of you who are going to Terra will be there long enough to establish
the colonies and bear your children, and then you will be off to other
adventures in the cosmos. For the next century plus [some years], your focus
will be Terra, but then you will be through with that and will move on. That
is the nature of things. One exploration leads to the next, and that next
one leads to the next one after that, infinitely. Terra calls you now, and
she is your safe harbor from the storm that now comes. Remember that. The
storms that come now are the booster rockets lifting you toward your dream
of a world without storms, without wars, without death, and if you miss the
thunder and lightning, you will be able to travel to wilder places to visit
with that, too, but Terra and her peace will be your home for the rest of
your present incarnation. When it is time to leave, you will simply change
form and move on. No pain. No death. No sorrow again, ever. Now THAT will be
a welcome thing, won't it? We look forward to having you amongst us again.

We leave you now, in peace and honor and blessing. Amen, Adonoy Sabayoth. We
are the Hosts of Heaven.

* * * * * * * * * * * *
This Message is one of a series of Messages, available in full and without
charge on the Operation Terra Web site (www.operationterra.com). It is best
understood in the context of the prior Messages, and may be freely
distributed, as long as no modifications of the text are made and this
information is included.

(c) Copyright Sara Lyara Estes, 1999-2001
Web site: http://www.operationterra.com
Postal mail address: Lyara c/o Celestial Cooperatives, PO Box 2231,
Oroville, WA 98844 (USA)

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

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