-Caveat Lector-

From: Bill Howard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
><< Both helicopters and small jet airplanes have been flying inordinately
>over my neighborhood for the past week or so, what ever that might mean...
>Quite possibily it means that they are doing ongoing air sampling, or maybe
>something even more ominous.

Hmmmm...it's the "something more ominous" that I worry about...

FWIW, 'my neighborhood' includes a couple of hundred acres of forested
land, with a medium-sized lake from which flows a stream which about a mile
downstream forms a smallish lake/large pond; until a few years back it was
water company property, and the lake was the reservoir from which we got
our water.  Then the water company stopped using it for some reason, and I
have no idea where our water comes from any more...

The water company gave about 50 acres of the property to the local nature
society (which already had some land adjacent to the water company
property), and tried to sell the rest to a company that was claiming that
it was going to build senior housing on the property.  But it turns out
that we have a state law which says that the state has right of first
refusal when it comes to utility property going public, and the state
successfully gained access to the rest of the water company property, and
is supposed to turn it into a state park...

But for years I've seen 'strange lights' over the lake/reservoir, which is
only about a mile up the street from me...

Another strange thing I've noticed for some time now is that the local
phone company -- or at least a van marked as belonging to the company -- is
out almost every other day, working on the switchbox that is by the
driveway out of my apartment complex; this is no exaggeration, at least 2,
often 3 times a week or more the phone company van is parked out there and
someone in workman's overalls has the box open and they're doing something
in it.  They are out here so often, you'd think they'd build a permanent
office for the workmen at that pole...

And to complete the paranoia, over the past couple of months the local TV
cable company has been installing digital cable in the area; they've made a
big deal of it with commercials showing a clearly-marked van (marked with
the name and logo of the cable company), and workmen in obvious workmen
coveralls with the company's logo clearly marked on the coveralls...

Yet in my own neighborhood, only when the cable was first being brought in
-- last July -- did I see the cable company's clearly-marked van and men in
the same coveralls as was shown in the commercial; I've had cable from this
company since the mid-1980s, and whenever the company did a service call
the 'cable guys' always came in a white van with the company's name and
logo clearly marked, and they always wore the company coveralls...

But these 'obvious' cable guys quickly disappeared, to be replaced by guys
in jeans and teeshirts and strange orange trucks with no other markings,
who were all over the phone poles in my neighborhood, stringing some sort
of black cable which was distinct from the neon orange digital cable that
'the cable guys' had brought in (and which had been laid underground)...

In September the cable company sent out a notice regarding the imminent
switchover to digital, with no date given but instructions on what to do
when it occured...

A few weeks earlier I was out at my car in the apartment complex parking
lot, when the onsite manager came by with a couple of the cable guys --
again, in clearly marked uniforms -- asking about getting into my apartment
to 'rewire' for the 'new' cable...I was busy and didn't have time, and
quite frankly would rather they not come in at all if it's avoidable....

They didn't push the matter, and like I said a few weeks later I got the
notice regarding the eventual switchover...

Nothing more happened until December; one Friday I was leaving for work (I
work 2nd shift), and found an orange tag hanging from my door, from the
cable company...it said that I had until the following Wednesday to
schedule the company to come in and 'rewire', or my cable would be shut

This was early afternoon, and as I look around I noticed that almost every
door had one of these tags on it, which would suggest that the cable
company has NOT been successful in gaining access to the majority of
apartments in my complex to do this supposed 'rewiring'...

I found the timing very interesting -- most of the people living in my
complex would not be coming home until after 5pm; it was a Friday, which
meant that the cable company would be closed for the weekend and
unavailable until Monday, meaning people would only have 2 workdays, during
the holiday season, to rearrange their work schedules to be home to let
'the cable guys' in (IF they showed up at time)...

When I got to work I called the company on my break, and the gal I spoke to
was surprised that the tag said that they were going to shut off my
cable..."Oh no, your cable isn't going to be shut off!  We just need to get
in to put in the new digital wiring, it'll only take about 5 minutes..."

For the life of me I can't begin to think of what it is they claim to want
to do that they'd be able to do in only 5 minutes, it would definitely take
more than 5 minutes if what they need to do is actually bring in new cable
to the apartment and hook me up; I know, it took them more than 5 minutes
back in the 80s to install the coax cable...

So I explained to the person I had on the line that I worked nights, sleep
a good portion of the day, and that my employer was requiring overtime,
meaning that I didn't know when I'd be getting free time, and most of the
free time I would have for the foreseeable future would probably be spent
catching up on missed sleep...

I don't watch that much TV to begin with; there are a few cable channels
that I like, and in the winter I like having the Weather Channel to keep
tabs on any approaching storms, but other than that I can easily get along
without TV...

So I prepared myself to be TV-less, or at least cable-less...

But what happened is that towards the end of December, the channels got all
messed up; the lineup changed, and I couldn't get half of the channels I'd
gotten previously...

I called the company, and was told that all I had to do was remove the
splitter (it used to be an A/B system) and reattach the "A" cable directly
to my cable box; once that was done, they were able to reprogram my box
remotely, and I got all the channels back...

Except for Animal Planet, which for some reason is CSPAN2; the gal I was
speaking to from the cable company had no idea why that happened, but
assured me that if I scheduled one of their cable guys to come out that
he'd fix it, plus lay that digital cable in 5 minutes or less...

As much as I like the Animal Planet, I can live without it...I have all the
other channels I did before (plus a couple more), and I don't see any
reason why I need digital brought in, since according to the company's
brochure I'd have to pay extra to get any of the stuff available on their
digital line, and right now I can't afford it...so why bother?

But for the past 2 weeks or so, there have been some mighty strange looking
characters purporting to be from the cable company, getting mighty pushy
about getting into apartments to supposedly bring in this digital cable...

These guys aren't in uniform, they wear skeevy jeans and faded flannel
shirts and unmarked baseball caps and sunglasses, even when it's cloudy
out.  One comes in a beatup car, the other in a beatup pickup truck with no
markings.  They claim to be cable guys.

They came around one day last week, and this past Saturday I came back from
shopping, it was about 1:30 in the afternoon, and this guy in skeevy jeans
and faded flannel shirt and unmarked baseball cap and dark shades (it was
cloudy out, threatening to snow) came up to me as I was picking trash out
of my garden and asked if I lived in that apartment; I had no idea who he
was, but something about his looks and demeanor strongly suggested
"undercover cop", maybe it was the shades on a cloudy day...

So I lied, I said I was just visiting; he pretty much figured out I was
lying, but what could he say?  He only said something about needing to get
into the apartment to bring in 'the new cable', then he went back down to
the end of my building and entered the laundry room, in back of which is
where all the utilities are, including I suppose the cable equipment.  He
didn't take off his sunglasses when he went in...

He still had them on later when he not only banged on my door, but on about
half the doors in my building, which suggests that I'm not the only one not
letting these strange 'cable guys' in...

I find the 'fervor' with which they are trying to get into our apartments
to 'bring in digital cable' to be strange, and I also wonder why 'the cable
guys' suddenly are no longer driving the clearly-marked cable company vans
and wearing the clearly marked cable company uniforms, but rather look like
typecasts from Central Casting for 'undercover cop type'...


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