-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/12/02 8:41:36 AM Eastern Standard Time,

<< "In Afghanistan we're actually on a battlefield. Al-Qaeda members captured
 under such circumstances can be tried by military tribunals if they are
 "unlawful combatants" under the 1949 Geneva Conventions. The convention
 governing prisoners of war defines unlawful combatants as participants in an
 armed conflict who abuse their civilian status to gain military advantage:
 those who do not carry arms openly and do not carry a "fixed distinctive
 sign" such as a uniform or other insignia that would identify them as
 soldiers. Terrorists appear to fall into this category almost by definition,
 as they depend on concealing their identity before their attacks.

 If a prisoner is deemed an unlawful combatant, he or she is entitled only to
 a conviction pronounced by an impartial and regularly constituted court
 respecting the generally accepted principles of regular judicial procedures.
 This is a relatively low standard of due process, which military tribunals
 would almost certainly meet. But out of respect for our own values and
 traditions as well as public diplomacy, we should at least ensure that the
 rules governing such proceedings bring them up to minimum international
 standards of due process: a presumption of innocence, the right to choose
 counsel (although it may be from a list provided by the tribunal), a speedy
 trial, the right to confront and rebut adverse evidence publicly, and the
 right of appeal (which could be to a higher military tribunal).

 Ordinary prisoners of war, by contrast, may also be tried for war crimes but
 are entitled to the same standard of process that would be applied to our
 own soldiers: that is, a full courtmartial under the Uniform Code of
 Military Justice. But here's the catch: How do we distinguish between lawful
 and unlawful combatants in the first place? Until such a determination is
 made, all prisoners are presumptively entitled to POW status. Membership in
 al-Qaeda, per se, suggests unlawful combatant status, since a lawful
 combatant must be a member of an organization capable of complying with the
 laws of war. But it's not clear who gets to make this determination--a
 military tribunal or a full court-martial? >>

What worries me is that I keep thinking back to the origins of the United
States of America.  The men who fought in the Revolution might have been
considered as unlawful combatants.   The Minute Men probably did not have
uniforms, and I'm certain the English king considered them traitors and then
some.  My understanding from the history books was that our men (even when
Washington commanded the army) were barefoot in the snow and starving to
death.  How would Rumsfeld have defined these men?  Would they have been
"unlawful combatants"?  What makes a combatant lawful?  I know President Bush
is at war, but has the Congress declared war yet?  What is the status of our
military?  I feel like Vinny Barbarino.  I'm so confused.  Prudy

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credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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