-Caveat Lector-

>His grandmother, Karen Johnson, dropped him off for what was to be his
>night flight. Earlier that day, he had told her that if something happened
>him, he didn't want his "enemies" coming to his funeral - and not to tell
>father, from whom he was estranged.

A strange request from someone who ostensibly was planning on flying a
plane into the tallest building in town within a few minutes, an act he
surely would have known would have been widely reported in the news...

So one wonders that perhaps the kid WAS expecting to do something dangerous
that perhaps may have resulted in his death -- hence his request regarding
keeping 'enemies' away from his funeral (and presumably he regarded his
father as an 'enemy) -- but that he wasn't expecting to die in such a
spectacular way as to be widely reported in the media...

>He was supposed to wait for the flight instructor to finish another lesson.
>Before anyone noticed, however, the boy hopped in the plane and took off.

Or he was sitting in the plane waiting for the instructor when the plane
was started and flown via remote-control...

>Twelve minutes after he took off, Bishop's plane struck the 28th floor of
>42-story office tower, scattering office furniture and a black leather
chair in a
>law office. Just an hour earlier, an attorney had been at his desk in the

Has anyone found out anything regarding this attorney?  Perhaps he was a
target; it's strange that he should have been working late on a weekend

>He had bounced from school to school in his home state of Massachusetts,
>Atlanta and the Tampa area.

Why was he 'bounced from school to school'?

>He rarely spoke of his father, Charles Bishara,
>whom investigators have so far been unable to locate.

Anyone find out anything regarding the father, other than he hasn't been
able to be located?  I suspect that the father will have an 'interesting'
background, one that is perhaps significant in regards to his son's

>By August, Bishop was among more than 2,000 students at East Lake High
>School, where he was remembered for wearing sunglasses in class

Hmmm...just like the 'cable guys' in my neighborhood who wear sunglasses on
cloudy days and inside where there's only a 40-watt bulb to light the area
where the cable switches are...

>Tampa Police Chief Bennie Holder said the case will likely be ruled a
>deliberate crash caused by a suicidal teen.

And so it will be summarily dismissed, the 'suicidal teen' story enabling
it to be swept under the rug without deeper investigation being done...

>The theories of his death abound.
>"I think he wrote the note to get publicity so people would know who he was
>when he died," classmate Favreau said. "And they do."

In which case Bishop's request to his grandmother when she dropped him off
at the airfield that if he should die, not to tell his father, becomes even
more strange; if the note was written by Bishop to gain publicity, as his
friend surmises, then Bishop would have known that his father would hear of
his death via the ensuing publicity...

>Detectives also took note of his parents' own brush with suicide, though a
>family lawyer said the boy knew nothing of it. In 1984, his mother and
>joined in a suicide pact when they were denied a marriage license because
>of insufficient documentation.

Huh?  Insufficient documentation of WHAT?

>The couple married after their son was born in 1986 but divorced when he
>was a baby. Julia Bishara later changed her name and her son's to Bishop.

So what changed between 1984 and 1986 to allow Detore and Bishara to marry?
And why did she choose the name 'Bi

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