-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!


By Reverend Austin Miles
Special to ASSIST News Service

BRENTWOOD, CA  (ANS) -- As children return to school this week, following the
Christmas break, 7th graders in a growing number of public schools, who are
not permitted to wear a cross or speak the name of Jesus, will be required to
attend an intensive three week course on Islam; a course in which students
are mandated to learn the tenets of Islam, study the important figures of the
faith, wear a robe, adopt a Muslim name and stage their own Jihad.

In Byron, California, parents were outraged when students came home with
their handouts and were told what was being taught. Their complaints to the
school principal not only were ignored, but officials of this public school,
funded by tax dollars, essentially fluffed them off.

The public schools in California so stealthily slipped this course into the
7th grade curriculum that even another 7th grade teacher, Elizabeth Christina
Lemings, was totally in the dark that this was being taught until her son,
Joseph, who is a 7th
grader in the same school where she teaches, brought home the handouts.

"We could never teach Christianity like this," Lemings said to ANS during an
on-site interview. "We can't even mention the name of Jesus in the public
schools, but over there?," she pointed to the building next to hers, "they
teach Islam as the true
religion, and students are taught about Islam and how to pray to Allah."

Lemings, in her second year of teaching in the Byron (Northern California)
Union School District, has been a Christian since 1987. The government school
system requires that she teach evolution in her science class with no
reference to creationism or any contrasting viewpoint to Darwin's theory. She
quickly learned that God and Christianity are out (forbidden) but that Islam
is in.

The textbook used for the Islamic course, Across The Centuries, is published
by Houghton-Mifflin (Boston, Ma.). It is described as a Social
Studies/History book and has been adopted by the California School System.

In it, Islam is presented broadly in a totally positive manner, whereas the
restricted references to Christianity, is centered on The Reformation, Martin
Luther and The Catholic Church. Everything Christian is shown in a negative
light, with events such
as the Inquisition, the Salem witch-hunts, etc. highlighted in bold, black

This is proper for a complete study of history. However, there is not one
negative to be found about Islam in this one-sided account, such as the wars,
massacres, cruelties against Christians and other non-Muslims that Islam has
consistently perpetrated over the centuries.

Nor is any mention made of the way Muslims treat their own people, cutting
off hands, feet and heads for even the slightest violations of the Islamic
tenets of faith,
or the shocking way they treat their women.

The 'miraculous' events leading up to the Koran, the 'holy' book of Islam,
and other 'revelations' are presented as factual. Any reference of the
miraculous regarding Christianity is always set next to a disclaimer stating
that; "It was (is) believed by
Christians (or an individual such as Martin Luther) that?..,"implying an
absence of credibility about the stated event.

For example, the representation that Gabriel the archangel came to Muhammad
(Note: not believed to have come to Muhammad) and dictated to him the Koran,
a whole new revelation and idea that would surpass all other religions.

What needs to be explained by the Houghton-Mifflin historians, is why Gabriel
(which translates, "Man of God"), the archangel of both Christians and Jews,
who was a part of all of God's plan, who interpreted for Daniel the vision of
the ram and the he-goat, and comforted him after his prayer with the prophecy
of the 'seventy weeks' and who heralded the good tidings by declaring the
coming of the predicted Messiah, would at that point in time and history,
call on Muhammad, one who did not believe in Jehovah God or Jesus as the Son
of God, and 'reveal' to him the
words of the pagan god Allah to lead his people with. How's that again?

It would be most interesting to have the Houghton-Mifflin experts explain
what possessed Gabriel to turn on the God of Abraham and Jesus Christ to lend
assistance to what would become a murderous cult with no regard for life, the
very antithesis of  Christianity. There is a deplorable lack of information

And too, the Book of Revelation clearly states that no words should be added
or taken away from that book. So this in itself poses a major contradiction
and problem.

The faulty textbook, Across the Centuries, has more than its share of deceit.
It is stated as fact that Islam, Judaism and Christianity share in common the
belief in one god. This is a half- truth, which is the worst kind of lie.
Christianity and Judaism
worship one God, the God of Abraham. Islam worships one god named Allah. This
hook is misleading on the part of Houghton-Mifflin. The publisher apparently
is attempting to legitimize Islam.

If this were an authentic history, the textbook would explain that the god of
Muhammad was man's creation. Arabia was a pagan nation that worshiped over
300 gods. One of those was the moon god named, al-ilah. Legend has it that
the moon god mated with the sun god and had two daughters, both of whom were
worshiped as goddesses. When Muhammad claimed to have had his 'vision' and
'revelation from Gabriel' he chose al-ilah as the god to build his army

Muhammad shortened the name, al-ilah, to, Allah, and declared that he alone
should be worshiped. He forbade the worship of the daughters. To this day, a
crescent moon can be found at the front of every mosque, acknowledging that
Allah was, and is the moon god. All of this is missing from the
Houghton-Mifflin accounts.

It is also to be noted, even though not publicized, that Allah is also known
as, The God of War. So why isn't this important study of Islam included in
the history books?

The handouts used in this course, obtained by ANS, are considerable. They
include a history of Islam and the life of Muhammad its founder.

Muhammad is portrayed as an extremely moral man who wanted a society of
purity. A vast body of historical accounts will refute this image. Historians
will show that he had multiple wives, a sexual problem, and among his wives,
he took a 10-year-old girl for his pleasure (some accounts list her age as 6).

And Islam promises its followers that those who become suicide bombers,
killing themselves and others, will go directly to Allah's paradise where
they will be given
72 virgins for unbridled sexual pleasure for all of eternity.

There are many verses in the Koran that must be memorized in this Public
School course and students are taught to pray, "in the name of Allah, the
Compassionate, the Merciful" and to chant, "Praise to Allah, Lord of

There are 25 Islamic terms that must be memorized, six Islamic (Arabic)
phrases, 20 Islamic Proverbs to learn along with the Five Pillars of Faith
and 10 key Islamic prophets and disciples to be studied.

"Can you imagine the barrage of lawsuits and problems we would have from the
ACLU if Christianity were taught in the public schools, and if we tried to
teach about the contributions of Matthew, Mark, Luke, John and the Apostle
Paul?" teacher Elizabeth Lemings lamented. "But when it comes to furthering
the Islamic religion in the public schools, there is not one word from the
ACLU, People For The American Way or anybody else. This is hypocrisy!"

Even more disturbing; students are to pretend that they are Muslims, wear
Muslim clothing to school, stage their own Jihad via a dice game, and pick
out a Muslim name (to replace their own) from a list of thirty.

ANS asked some of the students what they thought about this course. All of
them felt that "it was fun," while others described Islam as "a pretty
culture." This included a pastor's son! Joseph Lemings, 12, said, "the Jihad
was like playing a video game,"
even though the true violent nature of Jihad was well concealed.

Lemings is disturbed by the "fun" description. She sees it as a tool, not
only to engender sympathy and support for the Muslim cause, but for
recruitment. "This is not just a class of history of examining culture," she
said. "This course is entirely too
specific. It is more about indoctrination."

Lemings, upon learning of the course on Islam, approached the principal of
Intermediate-Excelsior School of Byron, Nancy Castro, requesting the right to
teach Christianity in the manner that Islam is taught and for the same length
of time.

Castro has not responded to her request. Lemings later received, roundabout,
information that the only way she could do this would be to teach the
Christianity class (as a Christian Club) after school hours where students
would come of their own accord.  Otherwise, she would violate the law of
(selective) Separation of
Church and State. Excuse me?

In an interview with Nancy Castro, the principal of the schools in Byron, she
to ANS that the Islam course (hidden within "History of Cultures") reflects
California (educational) Standards that meet State requirements.

When asked about the intensity of the Islamic course, Castro stated that the
course "is not religion, but Ancient Culture and History. And," she pointed
out, "the text is a State Adopted textbook. We do not endorse any religion,
we just make students

She stated that the textbook is now in use throughout California. When asked
if she would allow Christianity to be taught the same way that Islam is
taught, Castro stammered before saying that Christianity is already taught in
the History and Culture class, "which," she said, "actually starts in the 6th

She said that this class started a year ago. The Christianity that is taught
is brief, taught as a myth, and strictly negative. This is how it is
portrayed in the textbook.

Lemings had stated to ANS that there were many, many parents who protested
this course on Islam, especially after September 11th ( which, coincidently,
is when the course began).. Nancy Castro contradicted this account.

Asked if there was any response from parents about this course, Castro
answered, "Oh a couple of parents called to express concerns, three to be

Peggy Green, Superintendent of the Byron Union School District did not return
calls by press time.

The Muslim's intentions are clear and the public has been continually
notified of that fact. In nearby Fremont, where the majority of the over
150,000 Muslims living in the Bay Area reside, Omar M. Ahmad, chairman of the
board of the Council on
American-Islamic relations said this at the Flamingo Palace banquet hall: "I
urge Muslims not to shirk their duty of sharing the Islamic faith with those
who are on the 'wrong-side'."

He said that Muslims should not assimilate into American society. "If you
choose to live here, you have a responsibility to deliver the message of
Islam?  Islam isn't in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become
dominant. The Koran should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the
only accepted religion on earth," he said.  These quotes were published in
the" San Ramon Valley Herald" on July 4, 1998 (ironically on our Independence
Day), 3 years, 2 months and 7 days before September 11, 2001. And like
everything else, Americans and church leaders didn't pay any attention to it.

In the same article, Ahmad stated: "Everything we need to know is in the
Koran." And bear in mind that the Koran clearly states that Muslims are
obligated to kill Christians, Jews and all other infidels.

So why would the American Public School System and the politicians want to
further the Islamic faith, push to have it become the One World Religion and
nix Christianity?

Simple. Christians cannot be enslaved. Islam, an oppressive religion of
control, cruelty and fear does enslave, which can keep people subdued. This
is precisely what the future leaders of the One World Order want to achieve.
And the misinformed, make nice, politically correct crowd seem eager to help
them accomplish it.

But the greatest driving factor in all of this is money. There are the
profiteers and politicians who stand to grow in unspeakable wealth and power
by cooperating with the Arabs and finding favor by helping them and their
pagan religion take control. They have no compunction in selling us out, and
our freedom, to accomplish their goals. These greedy, self-serving investors
stand salivating on both sides of the oil pump.**(see below) For a related
story, see, "Historian Rebuts Columnist's Islam Take."Rev. Austin Miles is a
chaplain, author, historian, speaker and educator. He has been
Master-of-Ceremonies for major events in Madison Square Garden, The Brooklyn
Academy of Music, Radio City Music Hall and at the United Nations in
New York **where he was M.C. for the opening of the new Libyan Embassy. He
was not surprised at the various world leaders he introduced who were there
as friends of Libya. But what unsettled him was the number of American
financiers and oil men who were there as friends of this terrorist nation.

*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
purposes only.[Ref. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml ]

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