-Caveat Lector-

RevCOAL wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-
> From: Steve <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >My appologies for forwarding this disgusting crap. I did not read it
> completely
> >and assumed it was against eating meat, especially dogs. Sorry!
> Why?
> Lord knows that I'd never eat dog meat, but I recognize that it is a purely
> subjective judgement to deem eating dogs, cats, or horses as 'bad', but
> that it's perfectly okay to eat pigs, cattle, deer, buffalo, etc.  It's all
> rotting mammal flesh...
> Why is it okay to eat chicken, turkey, duck, pigeons or pheasant, but not
> to eat parrots or canaries?
> If one objects to eating all kinds of meat, fine; but it's hypocritical to
> say it's bad to eat 'companion' animals, e.g. those we've decided to make
> pets out of, but okay to eat other types of animals.  They all have
> feelings.

I agree with you, June, about the hypocrisy of eating only certain
types of animals.  Makes as much sense as eating only certain types of
plants.  Imagine missing the invention of Bolognese sauce due to the
old prejudice against tomatoes!  Aren't societal prejudices amusing?

Mark McHugh

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