-Caveat Lector-


GENERAL NEWS - Saturday 02 February 2002

Kremlin `faked' terrorist attacks on apartments


Intensifying his battle with the Kremlin, the Russian oligarch Boris
Berezovsky said on Thursday that he was just weeks away from laying out
documentary evidence that Russia's security services were involved in
apartment house explosions in September 1999 that killed more than 300

In an interview in London, he said his investigation of the bombings _
which were blamed on separatists in Chechnya and triggered a full-scale
invasion of that rebellious republic _ was the reason Nikolai Patrushev,
Russia's intelligence chief, accused him last week of providing financial
support to Chechen ``terrorists''.

Mr Berezovsky said his evidence ``is no less than the evidence the
United States had that Osama bin Laden was responsible for the World
Trade Center attack''.

He said the key to his case was the discovery in late September 1999 that
Russia's security services had placed what appeared to be a large bomb
in an apartment in Ryazan, 115 miles southeast of Moscow.

When residents discovered the bomb and called the police, the Federal
Security Service, or FSB, issued a public apology and asserted that the
``explosives'' were actually bags of sugar tied together with wires and a
detonator, a dummy used as part of a security exercise.

A number of Russian legislators called for an independent investigation
of the bombings and the actions of the security service in Ryazan, but in
March 2000 parliament defeated a motion to open an inquiry. Vladimir
Putin, a former head of the FSB, won the presidential election the same
month. Mr Patrushev succeeded him at the security service.

In the jaded politics of today's Russia, Mr Berezovsky's claims have been
treated with as much scepticism as the counter-claims of Mr Patrushev
and the security service. The fact that the charges emerged as Mr
Berezovsky was losing another battle to retain control of the independent
TV6 television channel added to that scepticism.

Yet the unsolved explosions that brought terror to Russia and incited
Russians against Chechens and other ethnic groups from the Caucasus
stand as an enduring and troubling mystery of the Chechen conflict.

Though dozens of arrests were made in the bombings, no one has been
convicted of direct complicity. Moreover, the bombings laid the
groundwork for the furious military campaign against Chechnya and for
the political rise of Mr Putin, then the prime minister, whose relentless
prosecution of the war garnered a surge of popular support that
propelled him into the presidency.

Mr Berezovsky said on Thursday that he had no evidence that Mr Putin
had personal knowledge of any involvement by security services in the
apartment bombings, but he said Mr Patrushev did.

``I don't have any facts today that Putin is involved personally,'' he
said. ``I have facts that the chief of the FSB is involved in that, and
other people from the FSB are involved.''

While he said the evidence implicated Mr Patrushev, ``I don't have the
answer as to who gave the order _ whether it was Putin, Patrushev or
someone else.''

The resurrection of the case highlights the tenacity of Mr Berezovsky, the
consummate Kremlin insider in the era of former president Boris Yeltsin.
>From exile in London, where he is fighting legal battles over his holdings
and an arrest warrant issued last autumn, he continues to strike at Mr
Putin in the name of liberal and democratic causes, even when many
liberals shun him.

And in the end, there is the question of whether Mr Berezovsky is simply
trying to orchestrate a political crisis for Mr Putin to win political
asylum in Britain as a means to protect permanently the wealth he carved
out of Russia in the early days, when the pickings were easy.

Mr Berezovsky responded to this question by saying: ``You won't have to
wait long'' to judge the merit of his case. He would not discuss whether
he planned to seek asylum, but said he would be in danger if he returned
to Russia.

``I don't want to tell you that I expect that they would kill me,'' he
said. ``I am not able to say that. But I cannot exclude anything.''

Mr Berezovsky works these days out of a suite of offices on fashionable
Savile Row, where he manages a business empire that is as hard to define
as it is to measure in value. But over the last decade, he is believed to
have controlled major stakes in Russian automobile enterprises, oil and
aluminum companies, Aeroflot and ORT, the state television combine, from
which he was ejected after Mr Putin became president.

Last week, after Mr Berezovsky lost a battle to keep TV6 on the air with a
crew of journalists who had fled the independent NTV network, the security
director, Mr Patrushev, surprised him with a new assault.

Speaking in a televised interview, Mr Patrushev said his bureau had
information that Mr Berezovsky was involved in financing Chechen rebels.

``This applies primarily to the funding of unlawful armed formations and
their leaders,'' he said, adding that his agency planned to ``duly
document'' the charges and relay the information ``to our partners abroad,
and wait for a proper reaction from them''.

The next day, the security agency's spokesman, Alexander Zdanovich, said
at a news conference that Mr Berezovsky ``is financing terrorist
activity'' in Chechnya.

Responding to the allegations, Mr Berezovsky admitted that he has had
extensive contacts with Chechen separatist leaders, especially from 1997
to 1999, when he was deputy national security adviser to Mr Yeltsin and
later a Kremlin adviser.

He admits giving $2 million of his own money in 1997 to a Chechen field
commander, Shamil Basayev, when Mr Basayev was serving as Chechnya's prime
minister. The money was intended for restoration of a cement factory, he
said, but he admitted it might have been used for other purposes.

``It was not my function to control how he spent the money,'' Mr
Berezovsky said, adding that Russian security officials were aware of the
gift at the time, though they were not pleased about it.

Mr Berezovsky was also involved in negotiating the release of kidnap
victims in Chechnya. He said he won the freedom of 64 hostages, though he
was criticised at the time for reportedly paying ransoms that fuelled the
kidnapping trade. He denied paying ransom in all but one case, involving
NTV journalists, but he admitted he provided substantial aid in the form
of computers and other marketable goods. Despite the controversial nature
of his involvement, Mr Berezovsky was praised by senior Russian officials,
including Mr Putin's current national security adviser, Vladimir Rushailo,
for his efforts to free captives in the mid-1990s. Even today, Mr
Berezovsky maintains contact with Chechen separatist leaders. He met in
London on Wednesday with Akhmed Zakayev, the envoy of the Chechen
president, Aslan Maskhadov, whom Moscow brands a terrorist. ``I am helping
him to recover his health,'' Mr Berezovsky said. ``He was wounded during
the war and is now in hospital. If they call that help for terrorists,
then it is so.''

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