-Caveat Lector-

From: Man on the Run <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>If you are saying that it is possible I am reading this wrong, I can only
>that there are two factors on my side.
>     A)The North direction

This presumes that North was considered 'up' by the architect at the time
the original design was drawn up; as I pointed out in a previous post, one
cannot just assume that this is so, since prior to standardization of
cartography in the mid-19th century, it was not unusual for the equator to
be considered the 'up' position for those in the northern hemisphere (who,
by-and-large, were the same people making the maps), and the North Pole to
be considered 'down'...

>The inverted pentagram IS enshrined in to federal law, via the design of

So what?  Even if it IS 'inverted', an inverted pentagram representing
evil/satanism is purely a 20th-century invention of horror fiction, aided
and abetted by low-grade Hollywood potboilers...

Prior to this 20th-century invention, in mystical/occult terms the
direction of a pentagram only implied the direction one was sending energy
or requesting that it be sent by a divine power; therefore the only thing
an 'upside down' pentagram would have meant to an 18th century person was
that one was requesting divine energy to be directed down from Heaven to
whatever the pentagram was pointing to...

So if the original architect did indeed view his pentagram design of DC as
being inverted (and one would have to look at his other maps to determine
whether he normally associated either the North Pole or the Equator with
'up'), it would not have been considered evil or satanic, only that one was
attempting to direct divine energy down from heaven to the 'target' that
the pentagram was pointing to...


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