John Rambo Joins The Hizbollah
Eleven Israelis Die in a Hail of Well-Placed Bullets

Joe Vialls, 4 March 2002

You all know what happens to any Palestinian stupid enough to challenge an illegal checkpoint in their own territory, because the western media has reinforced the sad reality hundreds of times If the enraged Palestinian is carrying a gun or a grenade, the Israelis normally shoot him or her with a bloody great 120-mm tank shell. If the enraged Palestinian is merely a stone-throwing child, they just execute him or her with a couple of well-placed 5.56-mm rounds to the head.
Either way the result is normally 100% predictable: An instant and very bloody death for the Palestinian resident daring to defend Palestinian territory, while the Israeli invaders cheer wildly from behind their safe concrete walls. In many ways this killing process has become part of the Jewish growing-up ritual for young males. First someone tears off your foreskin while you are a tiny and defenceless baby, then you have a Bar Mitzvah, then you shoot a Palestinian through the head. But all that was yesterday, and today is suddenly different and very violent.                
"Taking aim from a hilltop, a sniper killed 11 soldiers and civilians at a checkpoint Sunday in the deadliest of a two-day string of Palestinian attacks that killed 21 Israelis."  Which all seems deceptively easy until you realize these Israeli checkpoint personnel were supported by forty troops in the immediate area, plus five battle tanks and seven other assorted armored vehicles.
So there they all were, a bunch of Israeli soldiers innocently eating their pretzels after cutting down a few unarmed Palestinian women and children for kicks, when all hell broke loose. Well not exactly hell perhaps, but a single sniper taking pot shots with an old-fashioned bolt-action rifle. With a what? United Press International reported it this way:-
“ -- Early Sunday a Palestinian sniper apparently using an old Carbine took pot shots at soldiers and civilians who were at a roadblock about a mile from the settlement of Ofra northeast of Ramallah, military sources and eye witnesses said."
“The gunman who was on a hill overlooking a valley with the roadblock killed three civilians, two army officers and three soldiers before reinforcements arrived, returned fire and hit the Carbine."
"Apparently the hills surrounding the valley caused an echo so single shots sounded like bursts of fire and it was difficult to detect its source. The attacker disappeared.”
So to sum up again,  a single man using an “old carbine” outgunned a total of more than 40 Israeli soldiers in the area, plus the five known battle tanks and seven other assorted armored vehicles.
OKay then, let us assume for the moment that this awesome individual managed to work the bolt on his rifle quickly enough to hold off the Israeli jackals below, and let us further assume that he managed to avoid the 1,000+ rounds of small arms ammo that would surely have been fired back in his direction. But hey, that still leaves those bloody great 120-mm tank guns doesn't it?
After obviously deflecting the tank shells with his bare hands or clenched teeth, our hero beats a hasty tactical retreat across the ridge, where he will surely be cut down by one of those nice American- taxpayer-funded Cobra helicopter gunships. After all, these choppers have the lot: Gatling cannon in the nose, missiles on the stub wings, infra red guidance, thermal imagery, ultra-violet tracking, and sheepskin covered seats for perfect lumbar support.
Unfortunately, not today. Though the nose gunners swivel their turrets and bloodshot eyeballs in their sockets until they hurt, there is no-one in sight. Evidently the ghostly attacker has melted into the background, or disguised himself as a cold rock, or dug a deep cave with his bare hands.
You can almost hear the distant voice of Colonel Troutman on the radio:  "Come in John Rambo, Come in John. This is Colonel Troutman. You've done some bad things John, some very bad things, but we can sort it out. I've come to take you home to Fort Bragg."

"But they drew first blood, Sir, they drew first blood."

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