So this is letter I sent out March 1.....noting these extra strange
contrails in the sky and the weather was so nice.

Now I reported this to the list and note to Tenorlove - and since then
note - 20 people have died in record breaking weather disasters.   Oh
just 20 people, so they too were expendable?

Now - during the time frame of these HUGE markers in the sky - this
weather disaster occurred......further in this time frame two schools
have been closed inour area for the reason of "flu"......

Anyway here is the letter I sent out - and these x's went it seemed
clear across the sky and I do not know how to measure space and planes
up this high.

20 people died from this weather in this great experiment......believe
two planes were involved but these are markers.   Like maybe dog fights
in the sky.


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So contrails to the north of me; contrails to the south of me. 10
'oclock and 2'oclock.   Did not see anything above me.

To the South this big X (looked just like that) and to the North this
big X (looked like the other) the South is was disappating
somewhat; to the North, beautiful perfect X but obviously done by same
plane or planes, and not simultaneously.

Now yesterday we had snowflakes and oh so cold, chilll factor horrible -
damp in this house which was unusual cold.   Then about 6:00 I went
outside it was like the temperature had gone up 20 degrees or this chill
factor had gone down, not sure anymore.

Sun is out now, and it is getting nicer.  These marks - like dogs
marking territories for satellites I think to do with this weather
modification.    Still chilly but two days ago this snow was beautiful
the kind of snow you would want on a Christmas Day - big flakes, not
this sleaze.

Further when this program is in full effect often rain, is sleazy
rain....not the big friendly drops but just plain sleaze meaning someone
else go the rain you should have gotten.

Believe from all indications this weather modification program has
gained more control for they sure as hell let it get out of control that
day in April in Xenia when it was hit as was the bible belt, the
experimental station, by a tornado which demolished huge areas.

While the CFR Governor (whom John Glen detested) said did you note the
patter of that storm, etc etc etc., as if he had a secret - which he

but the year the big Siberian Clipper hit this area, and the weather so
cold and blizard - a little 9 year old boy disappeared and week later
they found him lying in what was big snow drift right outside his door -
for he was too cold and weak to get back into the house.

Do I love this program?   Well it was all done to warm up Russia so they
could grow our food and wheat.   And to spare Palm Slprings and Naples,
from the dreadful hurricanes to which they had become accustomed.

Problem:   other people were not prepared, but then this is what the
feds and ARCo may have called "colllateral damaage".

We shall see what the next few days bring here; be it the plague,
pneumonia, influenza, or will the temperature soar to to reach a new
record in his area.

Anyway, my daffodiles are okay, my little purple flowers still there
after sitting two days, in the snow.

So MARCH COMES IN LIKE LION, but goes out, like lamb to slaughter.
Hibernians awakening - sleepers in place?


Further wouldn't it be nice if the government would prepare shelters for
the people for who the hell needs all that dead weight at the top,
pushing for war to keep their jobs.

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