-Caveat Lector-

Edward there was a picture of this little girl, pale and blonde, and the
mother had had her ashes sent to a place where dolphins played because
this little girl loved dolphins.   The ashes this woman received were
god knows what.

This was prior to this crap.   And what does negro have to do with it?
Where the hell have you been.   The AFRI Asian war has already
started.....look to Africa and what is happening down there to the white
farmers; look at America where the attempt has been made to disarm WHITE
Americans is the goal.

Look at this cess pool we once called America and look at Larry Flynt -
the world hates this country now as a Sodom and Gomorrah.

Now they butcher the children and now they desecrate the bodies of the

This man was BLACK....and black means Niger....what would you prefer I
call this animal.

The parents?   Well one good source wrote to tell me of this connection
to the Democrat party.........

I doubt very much he would just dump this body of this beautiful little
girl - hey Larry Flynt probably would buy the pictures.

I say this - I hope the REAL KKK gets that bastard, castrates him, and
dumps him in the sea in shoes of cement.

This free Jamal garge is also activating...this creep murdered a
copy....and on this one bus in my area one of their sickos who was not
taking his "memdication" beat up a white man who had done nothing other
than get on a COTA bus.

I had to leave a night job with the newspaper because of these pigs on
the late bus, for I could not take the express.   One sweet negro for
othey are not black, they are brindle brown - pulled a machet knife
across the way and I pulled a police badge and he assumed I had a gun
and was part of a security on some busses.

I know what these people are like....generalization - who and where will
you stand for the war has begun.

They are coming in for the kill and not being satisfied destroying
cities and rioting and just think the ADL and those pigs wanted to take
away our guns - the only thing that keeps these animals on their own
side of the line, is the gun and I mean big guns.  But not being
satisfied now they attack the dead?>   Think this is isolated incident?
I do not.

They are robbing graves over America.

I do not like negros, I do not want to be around them.   Live and let

But I say this, if Georgia does not do something about this famly and
have a railing party they deserve what they get.

The little girls picture is on the web but prior to this atrocity being

When I saw this creek had a casket in his backyard with a corpse still
in it - well what do you think he was doing - playing Dry Bones?

I am a segregationist by choice.   This man had a mother in the Democrat
Party structure and oh the Company of Undertakers will be ones
ultimately held reesonsible.   Would not be surprised if this bastard
did not provide the urgs for the World Trade Center.

Better read up on the Mau Mau.....and consider Jesse Jackson threatening
to lloose his savages in the streets but keep in mind one thing - it is
our guns, that keep us safe and free -

And keep in mind the 18,000 Africans coming to our shores yearly who
must have AIDS and then preach this crap as Martin Luther King did and
that wasn ot his real name either, that he just wants to be a brother
and not brother in law.

I hope the KKK gets this creep and I hope they awaken soon before it is
too late.

You see I am not like Billy Graham, or Nixon, or Hill and Bill - when
pushed I tell you exactly what I think.   No mealy mouthed magnolia
mouthed words.......I am a segregationist but if you want to live with
the negros, I could care less.

If you do not mind have negros maul the dead bodies of our chilldren,
and loved ones - fine.   You are such a sensitive man.

And if you do not mind turning your country over to Zulus and savages a
alittle over 100 years away from cannibalism, I do not care but keep
them off my turf.

The line is drawn, here.


You see the negros have their NAACP, the Jews have their Jewish Defense
League and ADL - but tell me, Edward - what does the white folk have, us
pore white folk and I will tell you - we have our guns and i dare the
creeps to cross my line.

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