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    Sludge Report #126 – Truth, Peace & Love (Part 1)
Tuesday, 5 March 2002, 2:26 pm
Column: C.D. Sludge

In This Edition: Unpleasant Thoughts, Truth, Peace & Love - First Some Quotes
- Immediate Threats To Peace And Security – Who Is The Enemy?
NOTE: Authors of this report will be anonymous and wide ranging, and
occasionally finely balanced. Indeed you are invited to contribute: The
format is as a reporters notebook. It will be published as and when material
is available. C.D. Sludge can be contacted at [EMAIL PROTECTED] The Sludge
Report is available as a free email service..Click HERE -
http://www.scoop.co.nz/mason/myscoop/  to subscribe...
Sludge Report #126
Unpleasant Thoughts, Truth, Peace & Love
This Sludge Report introduces what will become a five part series attempting
to shed light on the State of the World, and why - for the sake of self
preservation - we all need to do something about it urgently.
In upcoming parts this series will focus on asking questions about matters
which you most probably have not thus far thought about, but which disclose a
new map to the world in which you live. You are invited to challenge all that
we write, for it is only by questioning what you are told that you can find
the truth.
Sludge readers who find this process enlightening are invited to forward this
and subsequent parts in the series to friends, acquaintances and even enemies
who in turn might be in need of a little enlightenment.
First Some Quotes (For Inspiration And To Set The Tone)
“A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy
enough people to make it worth the effort.”  - Herm Albright
(After noting that the U.S. is back bombing Afghanistan again ). “You know I
can picture a world without war. But then I can picture the Americans bombing
it…… Okay lets cheer someone up.”  - Julian Byrne – Wellington ZMFM afternoon
radio host Monday, 04 March 2002, 3.43pm before making a listener competition
phone call. ZMFM is the top rating commercial music station in Wellington the
capital city in New Zealand.
“Turn the enemy into a laughing matter”  - Catherine Austin Fitts
“That the Gods will destroy they will first make ludicrous” - Greek
“Truth is beauty, beauty truth. That's all you know of life, and all you need
to know.” - Keats
Our Millennial Crisis
The world is now well into what might be best described as it’s second
millennial crisis.
The financial, military and political firmament is rapidly becoming a
quagmire. What was once predictable, isn’t. Anxiety rather than security has
become the overarching tone of the zeitgeist.
Ask yourself honestly this question: Do you seriously believe George W. Bush,
Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney are going to win their war against terrorism
and restore order and sanity to planet earth?
If your answer is no then you are not alone. Even George, Donald and Dick
themselves don’t seriously think there war is winnable any time soon. In
launching his battle against evildoers George himself said he expected it
would take years if not decades.
Meanwhile the U.S. Congress too is beginning to wonder just what it is that
the Commander in Chief and his advisers have in mind for the rest of planet
in general, and for Yemen, Somalia, the Phillipines and Iraq in particular.
Fortunately all crises - as Sludge has often observed before - are also
opportunities for reversal of fortune, potential moments of catharsis.
That is, it is invariably at times of crisis that both the happiest and the
most sorrowful things happen.
Back in 1999, just when it appeared East Timor would turn into a blood bath,
contrary to all predictions the peace-keepers were let in. More recently, in
Afghanistan, just when the idea of a unified Afghani administration (and an
end to tribal infighting in Afghanistan) seemed a hopeless pipedream, a UN
conference in Bonn produced exactly that.
Peace is far more resilient that it appears.
Less obviously the daily work of millions of well-intentioned and faithful
people to make the world a better and safer place, and their small victories,
serve ends which we might also applaud.
But unfortunately, “Crisis Averted”, makes a lousy headline and such so such
victories tend to go unnoticed in the media.
Nevertheless this quiet, background work with the objective of well-being for
all, and the good fortune that accompanies it does have a name, grace. And
while the odds against peace sometimes seem overwhelming it is important to
always remember that the peace-loving, kind and gentle have always hugely
outnumbered the war-lovers, even if they have seldom held court in the
corridors of power.
And so it is a function of the analytical side of the media, and the
inquisitive among the public, to illuminate the grace around us, to look out
for the disasters waiting to happen in order that they might be avoided.
Today (and tomorrow and the day after) we are facing a potential disaster,
greater perhaps than ever experienced before in human history.
And it is our job, both as media and as questioning members of the public, to
work to avert its consequences.
The world is set on a path towards a future in which Planet Earth will soon
be in a state of perpetual war.
A world where every flight departure is accompanied by passenger thoughts of,
“will we be hijacked today”. Where every shipping container arriving on the
U.S. mainland potentially contains a nuclear bomb. And where the public are
not entitled to be informed of what is going on in their own neighbourhoods
in order to preserve their “security”. Security being something that is
defined by faceless bureaucrats operating out of bunkers at undisclosed
And for what. Primarily in order that the U.S. should continue to have a free
hand to prop up despotic regimes, extract vital resources from third world
nations at criminally low prices, pollute the planetary atmosphere and
indiscriminately and encourage the cultivation of drugs by CIA backed
bandits. Why are we allowing this?
Already in the wake of September 11th the prodigal resources of the most
prosperous nation on the planet have been committed - not to the improvement
of life for all - but rather almost exclusively towards the production and
use of ever more sophisticated weapons and ever more intrusive security
The clear intention would appear to be to provoke an arms race among both
allies and foes alike - the EU, Russia, India and China - and then to win it
by attrition. And God help anyone who tries to get in the way.
You may think this a depressing scenario, but it is far from unrealistic or
Right now it just is.
And so, in the face of these prospects, it is our duty to search for an
alternative path. And it is our duty to lobby our politicians to take the
hard decisions to change their track to this new path.
It is only if we are prepared to face what we have become, and to change,
that we can be delivered from this future that we have made for ourselves.
This is the clarion call of the Porte Allegro “Another World Is Possible”
movement, and it is one that we must now all follow.
Imagine now a world in which war is a creature of the past.
Imagine a world in which the threat of terrorism is discussed in history
A world in which individual privacy is respected both by neighbours and by
the government.
A world in which the Government is a servant of the people, not an oligarchy
of overlords whom we fear.
A world in which the police, FBI and CIA’s role is to catch the bad guy’s,
not to help them deal drugs to our children.
But in order to find the way forward to this place, Sludge must first bring
you back to the present/
We must know who we are and where we are. For without a map of our
surroundings, how can we ever hope to find a way out.
Unfortunately thanks to our emasculated mainstream media the vast majority of
us are presently living in a fools paradise.
And this is the purpose of this series of Sludge Reports. So prepare to wise
Immediate Threats To Peace And Security
On its face, the current global, peace, economic security, and general
business confidence situation might only be very kindly described as
Even an extremely bullish market pundit would find it hard to go beyond
“seriously challenging” when describing the current state of the markets,
notwithstanding the remarkable rally on US markets over the past two days.
The truth is that the significance of the ENRON bankruptcy goes way beyond
simply being the largest bankruptcy in U.S, financial history.
The financial system is falling apart as it stumbles over great reservoirs of
“rediscovered” off balance sheet debt and sleaze in the US economy and its
financial system.
Leaving aside the sleaze factor (for the moment - see Unpleasant Thoughts,
Truth, Peace & Love Part II coming soon for more on this) it is notable that
the ENRON collapse came during a period when the Federal Funds rate was taken
to its lowest level in 40 years, i.e. bank clean-up operations have had the
best possible conditions in which to operate technically, but have failed to
mop up the mess.
ENRON was irredeemably screwed. Who else is?
Perhaps illustrative of the likelihood that more icebergs are lurking out
there in the wilderness of the marketplace is the way the U.S. financial
press were conned into believing a trading market existed through the
construction of an fake trading room and the recruitment of actors employed
to pretend to be traders.
This form of deception was made immortal in folklore by the Russian governor
Potemkim who built a whole village to impress his Cszar.
We the media thought we were too smart for that sort of thing to happen
nowadays, we thought that no one would have the gall to so deceitfully pull
the wool over our (and the public’s) eyes. Well look who the monkeys are now.
One might have thought that in the circumstances they we would try harder now
to redeem ourselves. Unfortunately there is little evidence of this happening
And while there is some irony in the Russian (read in the U.S. as “economical
ly backward”) analogy with ENRON, there is greater irony in the fact that the
author of the Military-Industrial Complex’s script on understanding why the
U.S. must bomb Afghanistan is also a Russian, Zbiegnew Brieznewski (See also
PART III in this series.)
There can now be little doubt among anyone with their eyes open that ENRON is
not the beginning of Savings and Loans Part II, only this time round it will
be much, much worse. To add to the sense of Déjà Vu it is worth noting that
the architects of Savings and Loans Part I are presently occupying the same
offices they did first time round. Then the bad guys walked free. What will
happen this time?
The flight to gold is now well underway among domestic consumers in the
country with the biggest US. bond holdings, Japan. And the Japanese,
remember, are particularly sensitive politically (and emotionally) when it
comes to nuclear politics.
Which brings us to the second major threat to peace and security.
There is now arguably a higher level of nuclear threat condition against the
US than at any time since the Cuban missile crisis. The Washington Post this
week reported that radiation detection equipment is on the watch out for a
nuclear bomb attack at all US ports.
While the horrifically unpleasant thought of a nuclear attack on a US City is
bad enough, far more scary - when you think about it – is the question of who
will be making the decision on whether to, and where to reply with a nuclear
retaliatory strike if an attack does take place.
You can picture it easily enough if you try.
“Sir, we have reliable intelligence this attack was supported Iraqi
intelligence,” says the National Security Advisor in the minutes after San
Diego ceases to exist.
Do you trust in U.S. Intelligence? Does anyone?
But you can place your bets on who is likely to feel the wrath of US
vengeance in the event the unthinkable does happen. No doubt that is what the
military strategists will be out there doing today.
If you assume the Hollywood style script so slavishly followed thus will
continue to dictate our history, then the smart money would have to pick a
responsible baddy among the “Axis of Evil” nations named by George W. Bush in
his State of the Nation address, Iraq, North Korea or Iran.
Q: “But you are you sure about this intelligence. ”
A: “Yes sir.”
And then an executive order is made. Bombers are dispatched. And by fiat we
the people of the western world are dragged into an ever more dangerous
conflict with who knows who.
So if you are living in the U.S. and you are worried about your security, you
should be. Right now American’s are entitled to be anxious.
In fact with Israeli PM Ariel Sharon acting as a U.S. proxy and providing
daily doses of motivation for the hatred to millions who already regard the
U.S.A as an imperialist monster, it would be irrational not to be anxious.
And this is all assuming that the threat to the U.S. really is located in the
minds of external extremists.
But what if San Diego were nuked, and the real enemy was really within?
As the subsequent parts of this story will show, strange as it may seem this
is in fact by far the more likely scenario.
But the twin financial and security threats are not however all we have to
worry about. These two matters are in fact set against an important, and
perhaps in the long run, even more dangerous threat.
We - i.e. Planet Earth, All The People Of The World - are running out of
known oil reserves at the same time as demand growth is huge, especially in
The U.S. in particular is getting short of oil with more than 80% of
consumption forecast to be supplied from imports by 2002. So far the FARC
don’t look like they are any keener to sell oil to the U.S.
In 1995, Petroconsultants published a report for oil industry insiders
(price: $32,000 per copy) titled WORLD OIL SUPPLY 1930-2050 which concluded
that world oil (extraction) could peak as soon as the year 2000 and decline
to half that level by 2025. Large and permanent increases in oil prices were
predicted after the year 2000.
Who Is The Enemy?
Before we go too much further with this analysis it is time to identify the
bad guys.
These are the people the so-called “Third Way” Nation Leaders, the UN, the
Commonwealth, OPEC and anyone else who purports to hold dear the health of
our planet need to start thinking about.
Firstly let us agree that the principal threats to global peace and security
are not the leaders of developing world nations, even the despotic ones such
as Mugabe, Hun Sen, Saddam Hussein, Slobodan Milosevic… the list is too long
to be exhaustive.
These guys are bad, true, but they are not threatening to nuke the U.S.
Nor is the threat to collective security found among the present leaders of
struggling, populous more settled developing nations (some of which have
nuclear weapons), the Mbecki, Musharraf, Megawati, Zemin and Putin’s of this
And nor is the threat Osama Bin Laden or his ilk, though at least here we are
getting closer to the truth. Even if the Myth of Osama is real (which for a
range of reasons to be expanded upon later Sludge seriously doubts), then
Osama is a creation of U.S. foreign policy.
The real enemy of peace and security at the dawn of the 21st Century is the
leader of the free world, the Commander-in-Chief George W. Bush and his
administration, his friends and backers. It is also the system that has
enabled he and his family and associates to manipulate Global history for at
least the last sixty years, and possibly far longer.
And finally, the enemy of peace and security is us, the citizens of Western
nations who sit back and watch evil being committed in our name. The enemy is
our wilful blindness. Our collective irresponsibility exhibited in such
behaviours as purchasing SUVs rather than taking the bus. Something that we
do, as our leaders simultaneously both bomb and buy oil from Iraq.
As a new friend of Sludge, Catherine Austin Fitts famously says, “If we can
face it. God can fix it.”
And ultimately it will be Fitt’s people in the USA that will need to answer
the questions that Sludge will be asking in this series.
But before the brain is illuminated the eyes need to sense the light. And out
here in the Antipodes, in tomorrow land, we can perhaps claim to be a part of
that sensory apparatus.
The best way to avert the pitfalls of a crisis, is always to understand the
enemy, and the lay of the land. And so we need a map.
Central to the problem’s we are facing is George Herbert Walker Bush. And
central to the interests of George and his family are four great areas of
life in which he and his family have been integrally involved for
generations, banking, spying, oil and drugs.
These matters will be the subject of the coming columns in this series.
Anti©opyright Sludge 2002

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Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
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