By John Stanton and Wayne Madsen

John Stanton is a Virginia-based writer on national
security affairs and Wayne Madsen is a Washington,
DC-based investigative journalist who writes and
comments frequently on civil liberties and human
rights issues.

The U.S. justice system (courts, enforcement agencies,
rule and law making bodies) was the last venue of hope
for America's censored, oppressed, disenfranchised,
and falsely accused. Indeed, the authors of the U.S.
Constitution recognized that the third branch of
government, the judicial branch, must be the stable
and incorruptible anchor of American government and
society as the other two branches-executive and
legislative - would be subject to the whim and whimsy
of special interests and the public whose opinions
would invariably reflect those special interests. But
what was once the envy of the world is now gangrene on
the public body of a once proud nation, and it is the
site of squalor, death, exploitation, rape, abuse,
experimentation, and profit and loss.

At this critical moment in U.S. history when the
American justice system is needed to stem the tide of
American totalitarianism, it finds itself incapable of
doing so. What a tragic commentary on a once novel and
enlightened system that ended segregation, gave the
convicted rights, ensured a free press and dissent,
enforced a women's right-to-choose, and checked the
imperious power of the executive branch. Now, however,
it is extraordinarily politicized and corrupted at
every level, and wealthy ideologues, corporations and
defendants with money to burn far too easily
manipulate it. It is a system that is suspect by the
general public and daily mocked by shows like Judge
Judy. High school students in America know that the
right amount of money and influence can buy a
favorable decision, a legislative loophole, timeshare
at a low security Federal Prison Camp, and even the US
presidency as the Election of 2000 demonstrated.

With the collapse of the American justice system, the
United States stands on the precipice of the
totalitarian state. Indeed, the evidence is there to
show that the US is in the initial stages of some form
of mutated capitalist totalitarianism. And in one of
the most stunning bits of irony, the very system of
justice that steered the country away from dalliances
in State totalitarianism, is leading America there.

The War on Drugs - based on ill-conceived presidential
directives, legislation passed by a deaf, dumb and
blind Congress, and public paranoia and panic fueled
by self-serving interests - increased the U.S. prison
population by approximately 3 million people between
1990 and 2000; the collateral damage being innocents
behind bars, ruined reputations, federal interagency
squabbles and further erosion of the Bill of Rights.
The War on Terrorism, designed with equal
simple-mindedness and expediency, seems destined to
perform in similar fashion and will undoubtedly
produce fresh crops of productive inmates for the
American justice system. Scylla and Charybdis, those
quaint legends of yore, have now been replaced by the
War on Drugs and the War on Terrorism. The notorious
Roman emperor Caligula would have marvelled at the
viciousness of these monstrous creations and relished
the opportunity to wield these weapons against the
population. reports 89% of police departments
have paramilitary units, and 46% have been trained by
active duty armed forces. The most common use of
paramilitary units is serving drug-related search
warrants (usually no-knock entries into private
homes). 20% of police departments use paramilitary
units to patrol urban areas. The U.S. National Guard
currently has more counter-narcotics officers than the
DEA has special agents on duty. Each day, the National
Guard is involved in 1,300 counter-drug operations and
has approximately 4,000 troops on duty. Without
warning or prior notification to civilian authorities,
the U.S. military will "mock" invade communities
across America, often causing panic, and in some
cases, death.

On February 25, 2002, in North Carolina, for example,
undercover U.S. Army personnel-engaged in a training
exercise--attempted to disarm an on-duty civilian
deputy sheriff. The officer shot them both. Why would
the military attempt to disarm a civilian law
enforcement officer? On March 13, 1999, without
notification to the bulk of its customers, on orders
from the U.S. military, Alabama Power cut off power to
Anniston, Alabama, so that 800 military personnel
could mount an assault on the local town and airport.
The power company told the populace it was "for repair
purposes" and not that it was part of a military
exercise. Finally, on March 16-17, 1999, Operation
Laser Cup was conducted against residents in Beaver
and Westmoreland Counties in Pennsylvania. Twelve
Black Hawk, Pave Low, and MH6 helicopters "attacked"
an area near a local mine in support of special
operations troops in search of certain materials.

The local enforcement offices of both counties were
overwhelmed with 911 calls from panicked citizens,
and, according to reports, a fire truck and ambulance
were unnecessarily dispatched during the ensuing
panic. According to one exasperated local official, "I
would prefer they [the military] notify us so we can
tell the people who call. But [the military] doesn't
have to tell us anything. They're Federal and we're
County. There's nothing we can do about it."

According to groups as diverse as the Christian
evangelical Operation Starting Line and Human Rights
Watch, the American Panopticon houses 6 million people
in some form of "correctional
supervision-incarceration, probation or parole".
Roughly 2 million of those are behind bars in infamous
Supermax prisons and the rancid facilities that pass
as federal, state and local penitentiaries. According
to Linda Evans and Eve Goldberg in their work titled
Prison Industrial Complex and the Global Economy,
those numbers give the U.S. the horrific distinction
of having the "highest per capita incarceration rate
in the history of the world".

The disproportionate number of minorities' living and
working in the American Panopticon is nothing short of
criminal. Clearly, the system targets these
individuals from the moment they are born into hunger
and poverty in cities and towns across the U.S.
According to, the incarceration rate
for African-American women was 205 per 100,000, and
for African-American men 3,457 per 100,000. The rate
of incarceration for Hispanic women is 60 per 100,000,
and for Hispanic men the rate is 1,220 per 100,000.
The rate of incarceration for white women is 34 per
100,000, and for white men the rate is 449 per
100,000. The United States spent a whopping
$146,556,000,000 in 1999 to incarcerate and monitor
its 6 million captives.

Yet you'd be silly to opine that that $146 billion was
a waste of money. Corporations ranging from
pharmaceuticals to telecommunications view the
American justice system as a productive source of
labour and a test bed. Even the Pentagon is a customer.
In 2000, UNICOR's slave labour force accounted for net
sales to the private and public sectors of roughly
$600 million dollars (UNICOR is a subsidiary of the US
Department of Justice). The products they produce are
as diverse as guided missile components for the
Pentagon and clothing for the likes of Eddie Bauer.
The electronics guiding the missiles used against
American opponents and innocents in Afghanistan and
Colombia, and the upscale apparel in the shop window
or on your back, could be the product of U.S. slave

The Bush administration's frenzy to privatize
traditional government responsibilities has seen a
concurrent increase in profits for corporations that
have got into the private prison business. The
biggest corporate predator is Wackenhut Corporation, a
company that owes its very existence to the maniacal
former FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover. Founded in 1954
by former FBI agent George Wackenhut, Sr., the company
got its kick start from Hoover who was convinced a
private company could get away with things the FBI was
constitutionally barred from doing.

Wackenhut has spun off a prison industry subsidiary,
Wackenhut Corrections, an operation that, according to
The Washington Times, earned $562.1 million during
2001, an increase of $27 million over its 2000
revenues. While many companies saw the bottom drop out
of their stock values, since September 11, Wackenhut
Corrections saw its stock price dramatically increase.
And there is little reason to wonder why. Wackenhut
has a virtual monopoly on U.S. immigration detention
centres - the places where more and more suspicious
aliens will be interred as America spirals downward
into a post-constitutional Kafkaesque society.

Currently, Wackenhut runs 36 detention, prison, and
juvenile facilities in the United States, including
Immigration and Naturalization Service detention
centres in the Borough of Queens and Aurora, Colorado.
The lion's shares of Wackenhut prisons - twelve -- are
in George W. Bush's home state of Texas. And perhaps
seeing some sort of perverse benefit in combining
Pavlovian tenets with criminal incarceration,
Wackenhut has embarked on running psychiatric
hospitals throughout the United States, a frightening
prospect when considering the company was founded as a
virtual front operation in order to engage in
political surveillance and chicanery on behalf of a
sheepish J. Edgar Hoover, himself a known deviant. The
most worrisome prison operated by Wackenhut is the
Taft Correctional Institution in rural Kern County,
California. It is a 1,767-bed, low security Federal
Correctional Institution (FCI), which is adjacent to a
separate adjacent 512-bed minimum security Federal
Prison Camp - and the 380,000 square feet facility has
a lot of room for expansion. The federal government
supplements the camp with UNICOR slave labor

Adolf Hitler certainly saw the benefit in having
minimum-security prison camps like the one in Kern
County. The ghetto camp in Terezin (Theresienstadt),
Czech Republic, was one such camp. It was used by the
Nazis to fool International Red Cross inspectors who
were naturally more interested in the welfare of
famous political prisoners like former French Premier
Leon Blum, German Lutheran Pastor Martin Niemoller,
and Czech feminist leader Milana Horokova, than in the
plight of non-notable prisoners like the hundreds of
thousands who were dispatched, via their stay in
Theresienstadt, to their ultimate fate in Nazi death

Wackenhut plans to open other private prisons
throughout the United States. And it is, by no means,
alone in that respect. Other private prison
corporations seeing tremendous profits in
incarcerating Americans include Correctional
Corporation of America (CCA) and Correctional Services
Corporation (CSC). CCA operates 64 prison facilities
in 21 states. The company saw a near threefold
increase in revenue from 2000 to 2001. CSC boasts 13
prisons and 33 juvenile centres in 18 states and
Puerto Rico. CSC specializes in military boot
camp-style "Shock Incarceration" facilities - camps
that engage more in sociopolitical re-engineering of
drug-dependent inner city minority youth than in
traditional norms of juvenile rehabilitation.

Considering the fact that the Bush administration
installed John P. Walters as Director of the Office of
National Drug Control Policy, investors can look upon
private prisons and their population as a growth
industry - a definite "buy" in Wall Street parlance.
Walters told the neo-conservative Weekly Standard that
"what really drives the battle against law enforcement
and punishment, however, is not a commitment to
treatment, but the widely held view that (1) we are
imprisoning too many people for merely possessing
illegal drugs, (2) drug and other criminal sentences
are too long and harsh, and (3) the criminal justice
system is unjustly punishing young black men. These
are among the great urban myths of our time." However,
the greatest urban myth is that the United States is
winning the so-called "War on Drugs."

Like his predecessor, Gen. Barry McCaffrey, Walters
seems more interested in recruiting more slave
laborers for America's prison-industrial complex.
Consider the fact that last year, the U.S. sprayed
twice as much herbicide on Colombia's coca fields than
in the previous year. The net result was, according to
the State Department, an increase in coca production.
However, the Central Intelligence Agency, oddly
charged with determining the production output of a
narcotic for which it has a sordid history of
trafficking and distributing, stalled on issuing its
own Colombian production report. Perhaps that is
because in its own "wilderness of mirrors" it must
show a decrease in production to demonstrate its phony
war is working. With such cooked books, the future for
America's yet-to-be imprisoned youth looks very bleak

And the Caligulan madness doesn't end there.

In The Prison as Laboratory, Silja J.A. Talvi quotes
the Nuremberg Code in 1947: "The voluntary consent of
the human subject is absolutely essential." The code
was drafted in direct response to the sheer barbarity
of Nazi-era medical experiments on Jews and other
captive groups. "[The] person involved should have
legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated
as to be able to exercise free power of choice,
without the intervention of any element of force,
fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching or other ulterior
form of constraint or coercion.

Yet in a convenient disassociation from the ethical
implications of the Nuremberg Code, the United States
became the only nation in the world to officially
sanction the use of prisoners in experimental clinical
trials. From the '40s through the early '70s, American
doctors regularly injected and infected inmates with
malaria, typhoid fever, herpes, cancer cells,
tuberculosis, ringworm, hepatitis, syphilis and
cholera in repeatedly failed attempts to "cure" such
diseases. Doctors in prisons pulled out prisoners'
fingernails and inflicted flash burns to approximate
the results of atomic bomb attacks and even conducted
various "mind-control" experiments using isolation
techniques and high doses of LSD, courtesy of the
CIA." While those practices were outlawed in the
1970's, Talvi reports that there is evidence that
inmate experimentation may be resuming again.

Considering Bush's own Texas gubernatorial record of
carrying out more executions than any of his
predecessors (and his appointment of suspected human
rights abusers to positions of power in the US State
Department and Pentagon), the situation for America's
burgeoning prison population-and the general
populace--can only get worse. His glibness on the
death penalty and death in general (on Bin
Laden--"Dead or alive"; On a tax increase--"Over my
dead body") could easily result in America's condemned
being harvested for their organs - something for which
we currently condemn China.

With recent revelations that the Bush administration
set about to create a secret shadow government in two
underground bunkers near Washington (assumed to be one
operated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency
[FEMA] at Mount Weather, Virginia, and another
operated by the Defense Department at Raven Rock
Mountain [Site R], near Waynesboro, Pennsylvania), it
is worth looking at the history of U.S. government
list keeping and plans to incarcerate political

And that history, ironically or perhaps not, involves
Wackenhut. In 1977, the U.S. Privacy Protection Study
Commission discovered that Wackenhut had compiled a
list of 2.5 million U.S. citizens it considered to be
"subversive." In addition to people who had been
subpoenaed to appear before the now-defunct (soon to
be resurrected?) House Un-American Activities
Committee, it contained the names of individuals
culled from newspaper clipping services and
Wackenhut's own private investigative business.

In 1977, President Jimmy Carter signed Executive Order
12148 which transformed the Federal Emergency
Preparedness Agency into the Federal Emergency
Management Agency (FEMA). FEMA was to become
responsible for coordinating Federal civil defense and
other emergency relief activities within the USA.
However, when Ronald Reagan took over the presidency
in 1981, he named his old California National Guard
chief, retired General Louis Giuffrida, as his
emergency czar. Giuffrida had a tainted image as
California's National Guard commander. He drew up
lists of "militant Negroes" who were to be rounded up
in emergencies.

He designed "Operation Cable Splicer," which kept
track of political dissidents in California,
especially anti-Vietnam War protesters. When Giuffrida
took over the reins at FEMA, he began to embark on
similar projects. FEMA began to store some 12,000
names it had obtained from the FBI's domestic
intelligence files. FBI Director William Webster was
so outraged at this interference in FBI matters he
forced FEMA to turn the list back to the FBI. FEMA's
surveillance lists may have included at least 100,000
U.S. citizens who were assumed to be potential threats
to security. These included the names of
environmentalists, survivalists, and tax protesters
(in 2002, these are the new terrorists).

Wackenhut is reportedly a major contractor to FEMA.
With FEMA now running a shadow government, there is a
real possibility that the "subversive" lists for which
both FEMA and Wackenhut have an affinity are once
again being dusted off and updated. The USA PATRIOT
Act, drawn up in a frenzy only matched in history by
the scrapping of the German Constitution in the wake
of the Reichstag Fire, certainly criminalizes a range
of what can be construed as "political crimes against
The State. The State's prison-industrial complex,
therefore, stands to benefit from a whole new
population of "criminal."

And what does Congress say about Bush setting up a
shadow government? They never knew about it! According
to The Washington Post, Senate Majority Leader Tom
Daschle said he "had not been informed about the role,
location or even the existence of the shadow
government." House Minority Leader Richard Gephardt
said he "was unaware of the administration's move."
Senator Robert Byrd, the Senate President pro tempore,
third in line to succeed the President, was also not
informed. Aides to House Speaker Dennis Hastert,
second in succession, also expressed bewilderment.

The Bush-Cheney "regime," that being the only
descriptor that comes to mind for it, is playing fast
and loose with the U.S. Constitution, demonstrating
that they are not upholding the oath of office they
took on January 20, 2001. America must come out of its
catatonic state. It is time to recall the words of
Russian novelist Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn in his famous
book, The Gulag Archipelago:

"And how we burned in the camps latter, thinking:
What would things have been like if . during periods
of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when
they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had
not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with
terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at
every step on the staircase, but had understood they
had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the
downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with
axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?
After all, you knew ahead of time that those blue caps
were out at night for no good purpose. And you could
be sure ahead of time that you'd be cracking the skull
of a cutthroat. Or what about the Black Maria sitting
out there on the street with one lonely
chauffeur---what if it had been driven off or its
tires spiked? The Organs would very quickly have
suffered a shortage of officers and transport and,
notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst; the cursed
machine would have ground to a halt! If...if...We
didn't love freedom enough. And even more. We had no
awareness of the real situation. We spent ourselves
in one unrestrained outburst in 1917, and then we
hurried to submit. We submitted with pleasure! .We
purely and simply deserved everything that happened

The United Nations must recognize that one of its
founding members is drifting dangerously towards
totalitarianism - a prospect that endangers the peace
and freedom of the entire world. Perhaps it's time
they intervene.

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