Al Q'aida - wonder how the Aida Refugee Camp was given its
name......RACHE RACHE RACHE  - vengance was the call of over 1,000
mourners when the body of a 14 yeara old kid was buried .....this was
April 2000 this call was heard.   Slaughter of more innocents.

What wer the words again Timothy McVeigh circled in the Gideon Bible -
"Wrath of God".....and like a Samson, he took out the Murrah Building
while the news media screamed mideast terrorists did it.....only mideast
terrorists in this country are of questionable origin.



During Gaza raid, civilians killed tooSome slain without apparent
provocation; families enragedBy Lee Hockstader
GAZA CITY, March 12 — As Israeli forces rumbled close to his house,
54-year-old Abdul Rahman Izzadin headed up the stairs and called down to
his wife, children and grandchildren to stay indoors. Those were the
last words they heard him say.
  Jabalya has a long, bitter history of fighting the Jews. Fifteen
years ago, it was where the first intifada, or Palestinian uprising
against Israeli occupation, erupted.
       AT THE TOP OF THE STAIRS, as he reached to close the
metal door leading to the rooftop, he was shot three times — in the
ear, neck and cheek — and killed instantly, apparently by an Israeli
sniper on the roof of an adjacent house that neighbors said the army had
commandeered. Moments later, when Izzadin's 36-year-old son Walid rushed
to his father's aid, he, too, was shot to death. It is not known why
they were fired upon.
       The Izzadins, killed as Israel invaded the Gaza Strip's
Jabalya refugee camp late Monday, were buried today. Weeping family
members accused Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon of terrorism, and
called him a "beast."
       "Oh, my son, my son, my beloved son!" sobbed Abdul
Rahman's widow — and Walid's mother — tears streaming down her
cheeks. Her enraged daughters and daughters-in-law grabbed the two men's
bloodstained clothes from a plastic sack and held them out to foreign
visitors, as if demanding an explanation.

• Massive Israeli force enters Ramallah  • Special report: War
and peace in the Mideast         The Israeli invasion of Jabalya
lasted just three hours, from 10:30 p.m. Monday to 1:30 this morning,
but it exacted a heavy toll. Eighteen Palestinians, some of whom tried
to fight back, were killed in the raid. Several dozen were wounded,
including gunmen as well paunchy middle-aged tailors and construction
workers who were shot in their homes for no apparent reason. There were
no Israeli casualties.
       Few places in the Middle East are as poor, overcrowded,
desperate and radicalized as Jabalya, a teeming camp of 100,000 that is
fertile ground for the Islamic Resistance Movement, known as Hamas,
which has carried out suicide bombings and other attacks on Israelis.
       Israeli officials say they attacked Jabalya in
self-defense. At the camp's edge, troops blew up four metal workshops,
which Israel says were used to make mortars and rockets that have been
fired at Israeli communities inside and beyond the Gaza Strip.
       "We had to guard our civilians," a senior Israeli
security official said today. "If our people are being shelled, we have
to prevent this."
       But in the camp, where most of the men are jobless and
thousands of children scamper barefoot amid open sewage and broken
sidewalks and streets of sand, the attack was not a defeat. It prompted
calls for revenge.
       "Hey, Jews, you cowards!" announces a typical bit of wall
graffiti in Jabalya. "We swear we'll answer your aggression. Just wait."

       Jabalya has a long, bitter history of fighting the Jews.
Fifteen years ago, it was where the first intifada, or Palestinian
uprising against Israeli occupation, erupted. The Israelis finally
pulled out of the camp in 1994, under the Oslo peace agreement, but they
did not go far. Israeli troops and army bases remained inside the Gaza
Strip within a couple of miles of Jabalya and within easy striking
distance, as the camp's residents were reminded Monday.
       With little warning, the tanks and armored vehicles
streamed toward Jabalya from the north. Helicopter gunships roared
overhead. The electricity was cut and phone service collapsed in most
       Word that the army was approaching raced through
Jabalya's warren of narrow alleyways and trash-choked streets, and
hundreds of the camp's young militants, armed and unarmed, raced south
toward Gaza City to escape by car and on foot. Many headed for the main
hospital, calculating that it was unlikely to be hit by the Israelis.

• Latest Mideast news  • WSJ: Palestinian advantage  • NBC
exclusive: Al-Aqsa militants emerge  • Newsweek: Saudi plan
• NBC analysis: Chances for the Saudi plan?  • Brian Williams:
Modest hopes, high anxiety  • WashPost coverage  • America
strikes back         At least some militants stayed to fight,
and fared poorly. One was a man who gave his name only as Bahjat, 20,
who lay in the hospital today with bullet wounds in both feet. With his
older brothers, he raced outdoors to face the Israelis, only to be met
by machine-gun fire.
       A car passed bearing three bodies, one of which Bahjat
saw was that of his 30-year-old brother, Mohammed. Then he spotted
another brother, Hani, 26, who lay dead in the street. As Bahjat raced
to pick up Hani's gun, he was hit by Israeli bullets.
       "I couldn't even see the Israeli tanks," he said,
listless and barely audible in his hospital bed. "There were no lights."
       Mohammed Madhoun, 50, a jowly, gray-haired tailor, was
also hit by Israeli bullets, twice in the arm and once in the side. His
mistake was curiosity: When he heard the Israeli tanks approach, their
heavy treads gouging tracks in Jabalya's crumbling streets, he went to
the roof.
       "I was just trying to see what was going on," he said
from his hospital bed, wincing with pain, his left arm immobile.
       "Most of the fighters escaped from the camp before the
tanks came," he said. "When they heard the helicopters, they ran. It's
better for them to survive. What can they do against a tank?"
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