-Caveat Lector-

@ http://www.antiwar.com/orig/dea1.html

>>>Note that there are oodles and boodles of linques in the article accessible from
the site.  A<>E<>R <<<

> The ‘Israeli Art Student’ Papers March 21, 2002
> Secret Government Report on Israel’s Spy Operation in the US
> Leaked to Antiwar.com Read the leaked DEA Report here.
> Introduction by Justin Raimondo
> The story of Israel’s underground apparatus in the US, and the
> secret war conducted against the US on our own soil, has been
> covered here on Antiwar.com since late November, 2001. At that
> time, I noted a story in the Washington Post reporting the arrest
> of some 60 Israelis immediately after 9/11. As government officials
> explained to the immigration judges, they were being held because
> they were "of special interest" to the feds – putting them in the
> same category as hundreds of mostly Arab men rounded up since the
> attacks.
> As I wrote at the time:
> "As long as 60 Israeli citizens are being held – under conditions
> of great secrecy – in connection with the 9/11 investigation, it
> is no longer tenable to dismiss the possibility of an Israeli angle
> in this story."
> On December 11, the story broke into the "mainstream" media. Carl
> Cameron of Fox News presented the first of a four-part series
> detailing an extensive Israeli spy operation in the US, citing a
> senior law enforcement official off-the-record as claiming that,
> while
> "’There is no indication the Israelis were involved in the Sept.
> 11 attacks,’ we are told, ‘investigators suspect that they may
> have gathered intelligence about the attacks in advance and not
> shared it."
> Bits and pieces of the story, gleaned from government documents
> leaked to Fox News and unattributed remarks of government
> officials, added up to this: a large number of Israeli citizens had
> been arrested, and detained, in the weeks prior to and immediately
> after 9/11. Many had tried to enter government offices on the
> pretext of being Israeli "art students," and they gave differing
> accounts of their mission: to sell their paintings, to "promote"
> their artwork, to "promote" Israel.
> Concentrated in Florida – within a stone’s throw of Hollywood,
> where Mohammed Atta and his fellow hijackers had their abode – and
> Texas, these Israeli "art students" were organized in teams as they
> systematically sought to penetrate government offices, military
> facilities. The majority were "ex’-members of intelligence,
> communications interception and explosive ordnance units of the
> Israeli army. At least 120 were arrested prior to 9/11, in what
> appeared to be a major Israeli covert operation aimed at sensitive
> US government targets.
> Cameron also exposed the intimate links between AMDOCS, an Israeli
> company that has the contract for billing virtually all the phone
> calls made in this country, Comverse Infosys, which contracts to
> record and store US government wiretaps, and this underground
> Israeli apparatus.
> Cameron’s explosive report generated a yowl of protest from
> Israel’s apologists in the US, and there was a concerted campaign
> to spike the story: the story was pulled from Fox’s website. For
> months, there was not a word about this story written anywhere –
> except right here on Antiwar.com. In my "Behind the Headlines"
> column I gathered up the evidence, gleaned from a number of
> scattered local news sources, expanded on the story, and you can
> check it out as it unfolds here, here, here, here, here, here,
> here, and here.
> Suddenly, at the beginning of March, after months of silence, the
> story began to break. In a column dated 11/28/01, I asked in
> regard to the post-9/11 round-up of Israelis: "What, exactly, is
> the meaning of this?" Today, I am relieved to note, the rest of
> the media is finally catching up to Antiwar.com and asking the same
> question.
> According to Fox News, when Carl Cameron asked his government
> source for more details on Israel’s 9/11 connection, here’s what
> happened,:
> "But when asked for details, he flatly refused to describe them,
> saying, – quote – ‘evidence linking these Israelis to 9-11 is
> classified.’"
> Well, it may be classified, but the documentary evidence that
> Israel did indeed launch a major spy operation in the US,
> utilizing an extensive underground apparatus and hundreds of
> agents, is revealed here on Antiwar.com in what we call "The
> ‘Israeli Art Student’ Papers": a compilation, by an inter-agency
> federal task force, of the hundreds of incidents reported by
> government offices, the arrests, the names and background of
> Israeli agents, the activities of their front organizations, their
> geographical reach and interconnections – it’s all here. Read it,
> and see for yourself.
> This document is available as an Adobe Acrobat .pdf file. You may
> already have Adobe Acrobat on your computer. If you click on the
> file and it doesn't load, you may obtain a Free version of Adobe
> Acrobat Reader here.
> Back to Antiwar.com Home Page | Contact Us
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The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
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A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
                                     German Writer (1759-1805)
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--- Ernest Hemingway

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