-Caveat Lector-

> ---------------------------
> Thursday, 21 March, 2002, 10:59 GMT
> Online Video Report:
> ram
> The BBC's David Willey : "The Red Brigades have been dormant for years"
> Red Brigades admit killing
> ==================
> http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/world/europe/newsid_1885000/1885002.stm
> Crowds gathered in Bologna to show their respects
> Italian police say they are treating as credible an internet document
> appears to be an admission by Red Brigades militants that they killed a
> senior Italian government aide.
> "An armed nucleus of our organisation executed Marco Biagi"
>  Internet statement
> Marco Biagi, an adviser to the labour minister, was shot dead on Tuesday
> outside his home in central Bologna by two men on a motorcycle.
> The 26-page statement says Mr Biagi, aged 52, was "executed" for his role
> drawing up labour reforms, which it described as "regulation of the
> exploitation of salaried workers".
> A police official in Bologna said: "The language and contents of the
> statement seem to prove its authenticity."
> The document was signed by the Red Brigades for the construction of a
> Combatant Communist Party (BR-PCC), which police believe is the second
> generation of the Red Brigades group, responsible for a wave of killings
> the 1970s and 1980s.
> It was posted on the website Caserta24ore, which describes itself as an
> "independent territorial communications agency".
> The assassination has sent shockwaves through Italy and raised fears of a
> resurgence of political violence by left-wing and right-wing extremists.
> Suspicion had already fallen on the Red Brigades, after evidence emerged
> that the same gun might have been used to kill another ministry official,
> Massimo d'Antona, three years ago.
> Labour controversy
> A symbol of the group was also found scratched into the wall of Mr Biagi's
> house, and a man saying he represented the brigades called a Bologna
> newspaper to claim responsibility.
> "Democracy is being blackmailed"
>  La Repubblica
> Police are trying to establish how long the scratched symbol had been
> Most of the leaders of the original Red Brigades - who, most notoriously,
> killed former Prime Minister Aldo Moro in 1978 - were eventually caught
> sentenced to long prison terms.
> The Justice Ministry warned earlier this year that Italy could witness a
> revival of politically-motivated violence, after a bomb exploded near the
> Interior Ministry in Rome.
> "Democracy is being blackmailed," La Repubblica newspaper said on
> The proposed reform of labour laws is highly controversial in Italy. Trade
> unions are planning a general strike in April.
> Escort withdrawn
> They have rejected a call from Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi to cancel
> the strike, in the wake of the killing, but are planning a demonstration
> against terrorism next Wednesday.
> "They have abandoned you"
>  Anonymous call to Biagi
> Mr Biagi will be given a state funeral at the weekend.
> It has emerged that he received a number of telephone threats after his
> police escort was withdrawn last year.
> "They have abandoned you," one caller is alleged to have told him.
> Police hope the killers may have been caught on video as Mr Biagi arrived
> the city's railway station, and set off for home on his bicycle.
> The 26-page internet statement also justified the 11 September attacks
> against the United States, saying they represented "a concrete act of
> opposition to the imperialist strategy".
> ---------------------------

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