----- Original Message -----
From: canauk
Sent: Friday, March 22, 2002 5:43 PM
Subject: cana uk announcement

The following text pasted below was placed on our web site last night. It explains our lack of contact & we hope shortly to send CANA News Letter 6 explaining more & indicating a future strategy. Our main priority at the moment is to publicise our new e mail address. Please put into yr address book:
Also phone number is now 0208 376 1454

Announcement MARCH 21st 2002



Friends & comrades - This announcement we are pasting on our web site at:


I am also sending this out by e-mail to supporters.

Briefly, CANA has been off line for a while & for a number of reasons. Also for an even longer period of time our web site has not been updated. We trust this will change. We have pasted some new material on the web site tonight, specifically CANA News Letter 5, (a Meditation I completed shortly after September 11th).

But more material, with links, will be posted on the web site in the coming days.

Please note our change of e mail address, & our change of telephone number, to 0044 (0)208 376 1454, & our change of postal address to One Scales Road, London N17 9HB, England.

For this Community On Line web-site work, I'm particularly grateful to have the assistance of Andrew Yiannides, whose concept and organisation of the *human-rights* Community On Line and the community's home pages are worth a visit!

The cause of human rights, like the cause of peace, as Litvinov observed, is indivisible.

The attack on Yugoslavia by NATO, the last military phase of which commenced almost three years ago ( & which as a minor & unintended consequence created CANA UK as a pressure group) was most of all an attack on human rights, and the most important right of all, the right to life.

This weekend throughout the world but particularly in Belgrade there will be ceremonies, rallies & commemorations for those who died as a result of Blair's First War.

There should also be church events, but there won't be, certainly not in England, where the people remain in denial as to the enormity of the war crimes committed by the British Government in Yugoslavia three years ago, because the media, & particularly the BBC choose not to tell the story of what really went on, & how Mr Blair & President Clinton provoked a war, when it could so easily have been avoided.

Religious leaders in England are indifferent to the loss of life in all the various military conflicts provoked by Blair, unless of course those killed happen to be British.

So in UK the task of ensuring a remembrance for the dead is left to secular non religious bodies, such as the British Serbian Alliance for Peace who are arranging a vigil & commemoration in Whitehall opposite Downing Street from approximately 2.45 pm on Sunday 24th March 2002, the 3rd anniversary of the beginning of the NATO bombing.

Since those days both Clinton & his arch miscreant associate, Madelaine Albright, have moved on to other things. Blair remains, ever extending his new British Empire, from Pristina to Freetown to Kabul & he hopes soon, to Baghdad.

In the war on terrorism the United Kingdom & the USA were for years creating, supporting, & training various subversive terrorist gangs in foreign lands, the same groups which the political leaders of the West now say they want to dismantle.

In fact there is no such agenda.

The West needs the Al Quaeda in order to create a permanent state of perceived threat to Israel, & the West protects the Al Quaeda conspiracy, located centrally in Saudi Arabia, an ally of the United States, where bin Laden is now probably relaxing behind the reclusive walls of an unapproachable Saudi villa.

Those who bombed in Afghanistan, & the targets of US & UK military deployment, have, generally speaking, nothing to do with the atrocity of September 11th 2001.

But the Taliban forces in Afghanistan remain intent, (in a war against overwhelmingly technically superior forces), on protecting their homeland from foreign invasion, in the tradition of Afghan warriors of times past, who have rejected other empires.

What is most disgraceful is the need by the US to bring in UK troops.

Only when the US starts taking casualties does the need for UK front line troops suddenly become imperative.

The British were called in as mercenaries for the Americans, & jumped to arms after the terrorist attack on New York, yet I failed to observe the same enthusiasm from the Americans for assisting the British when we were subject to terrorist attacks in Ulster & the mainland.

Indeed the para-militaries in Ulster obtained much of their funding from the USA & political support from the Clinton White House.

In Kosovo & Macedonia for years the Americans & British have been allied with Islamic terrorists.

Yet that was a good thing, as long as the Al Quaeda in Kosovo & Macedonia were killing Serbs, (& more recently Macedonians).

Al Quaeda only became a bad thing when the organisation started killing Americans.

The Chinese proverb is "those who ride a tiger find it difficult to get off".

America has sown the wind. It is now reaping the whirlwind.

In the next months we will see how this conflict develops. It seems the US administration wants to go on to attack Iraq.

In fact the war against Iraq has never stopped, with regular bombing two or three times a week by the USAF & RAF since the end of the Gulf War.

Also the sanctions regime has persisted, to keep Iraq out of the oil market.

Whatever Europe says will make no difference to the hawkish mentality of a US political elite who have tied US foreign policy in with the foreign policy of Israel & the economic interests of US oil companies.

We will be contacting you shortly with further information both by e-mail & by regular up-dates on the web-site.

We apologise for the break in continuity, due to a number of factors, but which do not reflect any break in our commitment to the cause of opposition to western military aggrandisement.

To those in Serbia this weekend, many of whom are thinking of loved ones, injured, missing, or killed during the 78 day NATO war of aggression, & in the subsequent anti Serb anti Roma pogrom in Kosovo following upon NATO's military occupation of the province, as CANA UK Director, & from the CANA UK executive, we send our thoughts & prayers.

William Spring

 "Away! we know that tears are vain/That Death nor heeds nor hears distress;/ Will this unteach us to complain?/Or make one mourner weep the less?/And thou, who tell'st me to forget,/ Thy looks are wan, thine eyes are wet."

(Lord Byron)


to e mail recipients: I added the verse from Byron because the cause of forgetting is so precisely the issue in Yugoslavia - although I concede the eyes of the treacherous Djindjic clique, (who would sell their mothers for a pair of shoes) are certainly not wet. The dry eyed Djindjic wants to negate grief, negate history & negate justice, (which is why he handed over Milosevic) & also seems to believe Serbia should be apologising to the misnamed "international community" for having become the subject of unwarranted attack. But the history of a people should be retained. This is what the commemorations in London & Belgrade are seeking to effect. This record of pain, & international criminality, as displayed by the advanced countries of the west & their morally bankrupt political leadership cannot be erased, no matter how many spin doctors are employed & however inconvenient the act of remembering may be. (As to the name "Yugoslavia" I have no thoughts on the matter,  as I am neither Serbian nor Yugoslavian.  But I wouldn't want a Spaniard to decide the name of my country, particularly one who had given the order for it to be bombed).
Long live Serbia! Long live Yugoslavia! Long live the cause of freedom!

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