Pam Schuffert

These Microdishes May NOT Be "Active Denial," But Deadlier!
Sat Apr 6 16:02:42 2002

These microwave weapons mounted on these Bradleys now arriving in the USA are NOT NECESSARILY "ACTIVE DENIAL" technology! From what I have read, there IS A DIFFERENCE!

With the microwave dish weapons I have reported on in the past, there is NO ATTEMPT to somehow defend them as "Non-lethal." They were created to kill or inflict injury, and I have recieved several reports of their killing and inflicting grave injury. General Ben Partin helped develop the microdish weapon, as he admitted to me in his Wash DC area home. And my friend Ed Pack was gravely injured by the microdish, leading to his death in May of 1996. These microdish weapons were used to burn resistant Somalians out of their homes by our military.

As I have done research on this "ACTIVE DENIAL" technology and read glowing military reports soothing people's fears, and leading people to conclude, "no one can be really HURT by this, just temporarily burned to incite them to move" I say "POPPYCOCK!"

Remember: this is the MILITARY! Such weapons are for BATTLE, whether foreign or domestic.

And when I recieve information indicating that one military detention/termination facility, to eliminate NWO resisters under martial law, is a top state-of-the-art facility that utilizes MICROWAVE EQUIPMENT to both terminate prisoners AND dispose of the human remains in one operation, I shudder.

My friend, Brian, was a security guard for one of America's most guarded facilities, Cheyenne Mountain in Colorado Springs, CO, nerve center for NORAD. He admitted to me that when he worked there, information was always surfacing about the military developing new microwave stealth death weapons and capabilities.

SO beware of the "soft sell" accompanying the official government/military release of information on the "ACTIVE DENIAL" microwave system now coming out.

I am wincing with pain even as I type this. In 1998, after I flew home to the Washington DC area to set up hospice to take care of my dying father in his home, I came under direct attack from a microdish weapon. Around 4 am in the morning, I was awakened by a burst of tremendous and painful energy that shot through my left foot and ankle. It was accompanied with burning and an electicity-type sensation. I groggily started to pray for protection and healing, dimly remembering how my friend Ed had been hit one night with a government microwave attack at his Spartanburg, SC, home. And thinking, "darn, they finally got me!"

That is all I remember before falling back into a deep sleep stupor. As I noted the next morning as I examined my foot, the bedroom I was sleeping in was facing the road outside, and my left foot was closest to the wall.

But the pain in my left foot and even now radiating up and down my left leg reminds me of that attack that night. Ed's encounter with w microwave dish spawned a long tumor in his neck where they burned him. I suspect that the presure I have felt in my foot where I got hit may be a tumor triggered as well by that night's fateful encounter, but I am not going to a doctor to find out. I keep praying for healing instead...

So be careful: underestimating the deadly capacities of the microdish weapon/"ACTIVE DENIAL" system just MIGHT get burned...fatally.

-Pam Schuffert

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