Title: Canadian Firearms Rights Webring

Canadian Firearms Rights Webring

This website is dedicated to responsible firearms owners everywhere.

Four reasons why C-68 (AKA the Firearms Act; Canada's latest incoherent mess of firearm regulations) should be repealed and replaced with something more practical:

  • The costs of this bill are far higher than were anticipated. The startup costs of this bill were supposed to be only about $85 million over 5 years. Instead, we've already spent over $700 million and continue to funnel tax dollars into a pit of indeterminate depth. The cost can only continue to rise. We will not accept confiscation without compensation. Fair dollar must be paid for any confiscated firearms - and this alone could run into to billions. 21 million firearms x an average $500 each = 10.5 billion dollars in compensation alone, added to the cost of fighting each owner every step of the way through the court system. The cost of a bad law is not simply financial in nature, as such laws can act to foment currents of discontent within a society.
  • Firearm registration - a major focus of the Firearms Act - has proved to be ineffective in reducing firearm-related crime. Criminals typically don't pay taxes on their illegal income and they certainly won't use their illegal income to purchase government licenses for their illegal firearms. That's why we call 'em criminals - they don't obey laws.
  • Bill C-68 reduces your rights - even if you don't own firearms! Several important freedoms -- property rights, the right to remain free from unreasonable search & seizure, your right to privacy, and your right to remain silent -- are trampled upon by this bill.
  • Paranoid gun policies take guns from pilots and disarm victims. This point is here in memory of the more than 3,000 who died in the World Trade Center attacks. Had pilots aboard those aircraft been carrying firearms, thousands of children might still have parents today.
C-68 was the bill designation for the Firearms Act. The term "C-68" throughout this site refers to the Firearms Act, and not to other bills.

Some national organizations that fight for your freedoms:

National Firearms Association If you're not a member yet, why not?
Canadian Firearms Homepage - home of the (free) Canadian Firearms Digest email list! Subscribe here
Law Abiding Unregistered Firearm Association
Canadian Institute for Legislative Action
Canadian Shooting Sports Association
Canadian Outdoor Heritage Alliance

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Articles for April 2002

After enacting draconian and counterproductive gun law, Australia blames resulting underground economy on People's Republic --News.Com.AU

Top gun William gets a rifle fit for a king --Sunday Times

The $2 Light
Hunters who have looked for blood trails in the minutes following sundown will know that a light is essential for the task. Since I never seem to have a functional light handy at those moments, I resolved some time ago to semi-permanently attach a light to a representative sample of my guns, in the hope that I would then have a light available when I require one. A little checking on the net revealed a healthy assortment of firearm lights - many worth more than the guns I wanted to mount them on. Checking stores across three provinces revealed that many gun dealers have chosen to ignore the gun-mounted light market. I still haven't seen a gun-mounted light in the flesh in this country, despite about a year spent casually searching for them at gun shows and dealers. My requirements for a light are really pretty basic - seldom am I engaged in combat, submerged several fathoms beneath the sea, or engulfed in flammable environments. Least of all while it's dark out. Then the light dawned - why not just tape a small, simple, disposable flashlight to the gun? A smallish name brand light, complete with momentary on/off pressure switch, set me back $2 and a foot of electric tape to mount it. It works fine, doesn't take an extra hand to use, and is always available with the gun should I require a little temporary illumination. For two bucks, how can you afford not to? Heck, for this price you can even stick a few on your water pistols.

Eye on the media: 'Depending on your point of view' --Jerusalem Post

Gun crime shoots up after Aussie gun ban - shoot with intent offences up 440 per cent --Sunday Telegraph

Guns don't kill people - overly restrictive gun laws kill people. And now we have statistics to prove it.

RCMP: No prosecution for demonstration of CFC incompetence --CNEWS/CP

Boars run wild in Manitoba --National Post

Aging Charter still sparks intense debate --CNEWS
Hey, here's an idea: affirm a Bill of Rights. This is hardly a new concept: In the US, 'During the debates on the adoption of the Constitution, its opponents repeatedly charged that the Constitution as drafted would open the way to tyranny by the central government.' --NARA - and the US Bill of Rights was added. Nor is a Bill of Rights foreign to Canadian experience - for those unaware of the fundamental freedoms accepted by Canadians prior to the passing of the Charter, check out the Canadian Bill of Rights --McMaster And this time around, let's get 'em to put our gun rights in writing.

'With my own body I would stop him' --Jerusalem Post

(US) - ARM our airline pilots NOW --Petition Online


See also: Details of the above incidents --Garry Breitkreuz, MP To get the full effect, you really have to read this too - and check out the verbatims from some of individuals forced to observe the quality of the Firearms Act firsthand.

Controversial foreign body claims it has power to judge the world --Fox News

Ohio: Unconstitutional CCW ban expires --Cleveland

New BATF HQ features swoopy architecture --Hoovers

The New Mobile Infantry - battlemechs don't bleed --Wired

Chretien's Air Farce --National Post

Culture of safety: Murder over $20 --CNews

101 year old veteran recalls Vimy battle --National Post

NRA museum shines spotlight on Hollywood --Fox News

British comedy: Texas bandsaw massacre figure granted several gun licenses --The Times of London

Another red heifer born --Temple Institute
The red heifer's sacerdotal uses are outlined in Numbers 19. See also: Ashes of the Red Heifer --Dr Yulish

Some Vektor CP1s recalled --News24


Montreal cops replace DA revolvers with Walther P99 --CNews/CP
The $4 million cost of this move will of course be partially offset through sales of the old Ruger .357 Magnum revolvers to dealers and those licensed firearm owners qualified to purchase them . . . riight?

Report: UN not 'primarily' responsible for deaths of 7,500 UN-protected people, biggest European massacre since WWII --The Star

Firsthand reports: Jenin ambush --Ha'aretz

In the April 15 Report newsmagazine: 'Clamping down on air guns - the public will be protected from free trade in pellet guns' and 'Register this!'

You're fired: Antigun Levi's supports PAXusa campaign, closes six plants, fires 22% of its workforce --MSNBC via AR15
"A poor sales start this year put Levi’s on track for its sixth consecutive year of declining revenue." See also: Levi's-supported antigun campaign asks students to narc on firearm owners --PAX

Attracting wildlife to your garden --Canoe
'Johnson encourages gardeners to consider "plants that can survive deer."'

Gear eval: Nescafe Ice
Most product evaluations at this site will be gun-related. For a few personal favorite products like this, I'll make an exception. After all, we all have to consume beverages at some point in order to hunt and shoot. It's a simple concept: take some milk, some ice (optional), two tablespoons of the syrup and stir to produce a truly delicious iced capuccino for pennies in seconds. Girls I know assure me that it even passes the 'I used to work in a coffee shop' taste test. Regular price $4-5 for a 500ml bottle suitable for 20 servings, though I've seen prices as low as $2 at times. I like it, you might too.

$700M+ Canadian Gun Registration Scheme Less Effective than Pissing Into a Strong Breeze --NCPA via AR15

US: Despite prohibition, BATF efforts, bad press, illegal moonshine still flowing --ABC News
Just as with other markets driven underground by government regulation, "It's supply and demand."

Queen Mother's Funeral in Pictures --London Evening Standard

Some still unclear on the concept of where their burgers come from --National Post
GASP! Yes, your burgers come from animals raised in penned enclosures. If you can't hack it, stay out of the meat section at the grocery store. The real reason why antis (supported by a few who have apparently accepted their arguments) oppose private hunting grounds is because the concept will create an artificially game-rich environment near population centers. This makes it easier for non-hunters, even non-shooters, to get into the hunting game. About 80% of the population live in urban areas and must often travel long distances to reach areas where they have permission to hunt. Many of these city folk would try hunting IF it didn't require 3 weeks off work and a year's worth of paperwork. Hunt farms let these ex-Safeway shoppers harvest their meat themselves in a weekend trip, without paying their grocery store to do the killing for them, without driving all the way to the boonies, and usually for less money than a real hunting trip. And these hunter/customers get plenty of tasty venison, bison, etc to chow down on and remember their hunting adventure. The number of hunters has been declining with the increasingly draconian nature of firearm regulation - penned hunting is just another way to save real hunting by maintaining the future numbers of hunters. As for the CWD issue mentioned in the article, that sounds more like a biosecurity issue for farmers and law enforcement than any inherent problem with farming in penned enclosures.

Israeli SF optics guide --Isayeret

Ottawa contaminated - high lead levels feared caused by paint, gas, jet fuel, etc --Ottawa Citizen
Wait a minute. Waterfowlers were and are forced to use low bang for the buck steel shells because a study of waterfowl indicated that they had higher than normal lead levels - for which a convenient scapegoat was found in the form of lead shot. It would appear that city dwellers may want to rethink the primary sources of heavy metal in their lives.

Vimy from a Lewis gunner's perspective --The Star

Ex Green Beret whose wife and son were shot and killed by those enforcing barrel length regulations says armed public best terror defense --NewsObserver

Murder Capital of Canada: Culture of safety apparently at large, considered armed and dangerous --Globe and Mail

Israel: Strike averted, schools slated to open as scheduled - security to be enhanced with 1,000 armed teachers, parents, volunteers --Jerusalem Post

Australia: Fate of historic and irreplacable antique firearms in doubt --The Advertiser

The New South Africa: Gun control laws affect only law abiding while criminals murder with impunity, barbed wire, AKs (2001) --NewsMax
See also: The racist history of South African firearm regulation --CODOH and South African Stupidity - Disarming the citizenry is not the answer --Kopel, Gallant and Eisen at NRO

FBI finds computer attacks up --WN/AP
Don't worry - the government hasn't told anyone your firearm license information. Their computers, on the other hand . . .

Nigerian police tire of Chrétien's entourage --The Star

Press bus takes a bullet - Media 'stunned' as Nigerian official shoots out tire --Ottawa Sun

Gun smuggling in the Niger Delta --NISAT (2001)
"And yet, very few people in Nigeria own guns legally. Regulations on gun ownership were stringently revised after a bloody inter-ethnic clash in Northern Nigeria in 1989. As a result of the clash, former dictator Ibrahim Babangida [] recalled all licenses and enacted laws that made the restoration of licenses difficult. Now, the only guns available to citizens through a license [emphasis by CFRW] are double-barreled shotguns for use in gaming and sports. These must be licensed by the commissioner of police of a state, with the following requirements: An applicant needs to be above eighteen, of good character and not prone to temper tantrums, with a permanent home address and a verifiable source of income. The level of bureaucracy involved makes getting a gun license extremely difficult." The article goes on to note that AKs of some reporter-mangled description continue to be available for about a hundred bucks despite the lack of official approval. See also: UN's African gun control program firing blanks - Canadian-backed project has 'very few results that could be described as tangible' (2001) --National Post via NISAT Other news in Nigeria today: Women Defy Deities, Recover Skulls From Shrine --Daily Champion via All Africa

Potent Explosives Fortify Palestinian Arsenal --Yahoo/NYT via Drudge
So . . . if the finest security apparatus in the world cannot prevent military-grade explosives from appearing within its borders . . . then clearly something as wacky as the Firearms Act cannot be relied upon to keep firearms and ammunition from Canadian criminals.

PM tour vehicle receives warm lead reception in Nigeria --CTV News

Israel: As attacks spiral, gun sales soar --Boston Globe

Third harvest of despair looms in dry Prairies - Mothballed rail cars signal fears of worsening drought --National Post

More Canadian tax dollars should go to Africa, PM asserts --National Post
The Firearms Act algorithm for government programs: Is it working yet? No? Deny significant failures. Claim success in terms that cannot be measured and/or which do not properly address the actual issue. Throw more money at it. Repeat.

Ailing Chretien left in hospital corridor - 'not very funny' --National Post

Conflict begins anew debate on end times --Washington Times via Drudge

Israel: School strike called for next week due to lack of armed guards --Haaretz
Permit me to suggest that teachers and others with sufficient interest and aptitude should be allowed to learn and practice the proper use and carry of armaments, just like regular armed guards - but without the added expense.

Preventing an unhappy ending --Haaretz
"Many of those who raise the specter of assassinating Arafat are thinking in terms of continued occupation and a subsequent war of Gog and Magog . . . " See also: Abu Zubaida found in Ezekiel 37 cluster --Bible Code Digest

Pilot groups unified on arming flight crew - Organizations make written appeal to President Bush --WorldNet Daily

Firearms Act ringleader seeks rights in Africa --CNEWS/CP
Interestingly enough, a Firearms Act was already passed on the dark continent. While Uganda's Firearms Act, like ours, didn't do much to make anyone safe, theirs laid the foundation to make Idi Amin famous. (Link courtesy of the Gun Control Hall of Fame.) If Mr Chretien were truly concerned about rights, he might consider fixing situations in our own land before attempting to lecture third world nations. One good start would be the return of a certain Rifle Factory Ishapore 1A, serial # BP7134.

Gun bureaucrats label MP 'moron' on mandatory license, get province wrong too --CNEWS

Gun clerks incapable of registering real gun in three attempts over 1 1/2 years --Winnipeg Sun
If these people worked at grocery stores, entire cities could starve waiting for them to get it right. Fortunately for Canadians, these competent individuals are only handling centralized lists of guns that criminals seem to want. The sheer level of idiocy involved appeals to my tragic side.

Mexico to liberalize firearm laws (Espanol) --Univision via AR15

UNAFIL members buttstroked by guerillas (scroll to bottom) --Haaretz

Fawning critics don't say Bancroft winner book was fraud --Fox News

UK: Countryside Alliance promises 'summer of discontent' over proposed hunt ban --Independent

Sydney: Armed robbery up 34% in past 2 years --The Australian

.AU: When guns are outlawed, money is made and outlaws get whatever guns they want --Daily Telegraph
"It seems like they've all got guns"

UN spokesman: "It’s all going in a very wrong, very scary, direction" --The Times

Israel to react with 'utmost severity' --Ha'aretz
Getcher ammo now boys - price goes wayyyy up real soon.

Animal activist city dwellers don't have gophers digging up their property yet try to deny farmers - who make their livelihood from the land - from having a shot at the same --National Post

Pix of Kandahar & Operation Harpoon --Canuck_infantry via AR15

Debunking the myths about gun control (PDF; Scroll to page 21 of 36) --Professor Gary Mauser at the Fraser Institute via CFD

UK shopkeeper who lost eye in robbery recently arrested for allegedly unlawful possession of hockey stick --The Times

The Passover War and 'Shalom' --Israel Insider
". . . the realization dawned of the dreadful significance of such an attack . . ."

Cannons honour glorious life of Queen Mother - One-minute intervals: Sound of artillery thunders across Great Britain --National Post

Chretien slopes off on middle leg of global farewell tour --Toronto Sun
Any bets on whether the aging strongman will miss out on yet another funeral of world significance? Maybe he's becoming death-phobic in his advanced years. WAIT, all bets are now off: PM whose very position demands he swear an oath of allegiance to Her Majesty the Queen to attend Her Majesty the Queen Mother's funeral --Globe and Mail

Glob and Mail pens acidic diatribe/tribute against dead Queen Mother --The paper that inspired a replacement national newspaper

25,000 lack water in Ramallah --Haaretz via

US: Recorded gun sales fall during war --CSM
Can modern infowar techniques crack security in firearm registries and other databases regarding firearm owners? Do you and your family want to be the first to find out? Of course not. Keep the paperwork low and the security high.

UN leader warns of much worse to come --The Age via WorldNet Daily

UNAFIL: Palestinians tried to infiltrate from Lebanon --Jerusalem Post

Lioness lays down with another young Oryx again --BBC

UK gun law reality check: Shopkeeper loses an eye after 100th robbery --London Evening Standard via editorial
Whatever the gun law is doing, it isn't improving safety. Nor is allocating money to prop up their gun law helping to improve the safety stituation in other areas: 8 in 10 Brits would fail driving test --London Evening Standard

Arming the Opposition - By legislating hunting and fishing ethics, we risk playing into the hands of the animal rights lobby --Outdoor Canada

Alleged litterer chased, assaulted with debris, charged with possessing weapon despite evidence --The Star

Gun salutes across Britain mark Queen Mum's death --CBC

Vladimir proposes 'collective ultimatum' for mideast situation --Jerusalem Post
See also: WTF is Ezekiel's war?

Israel at war --Globe and Mail

Her Majesty The Queen Mother Memorial Website

See also: Queen who once fired a revolver in the garden of Buckingham castle a robust defender of military tradition --Telegraph and Gun salutes to be among Her Majesty the Queen Mother's funeral pageantry --Scotsman

Junk science link between TV and violence panned --Fox News via the Phantom
And look! Here are our favorite government-funded news sources rushing to the cause of truth: CBC BBC. A reader explains, "They understood sample bias, confounding, correlation vs. causation, the weakness of statistical techniques, the lot." So the question is, how it is that these media outlets can count when junk science attempts to link violence with television . . . but they morph into trusting third grade morons when junk science of a far more statistically invalid nature attempts to link violence to legitimate firearm ownership?

Analysis / PM trying to win time before int'l intervention --Haaretz
"In talks with the Palestinians, Zinni said he understood that the PA could not confiscate weapons held by private individuals in the territories . . . " Firearms ownership: a right, even in times of conflict.


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