It's understandable why you sign yourself as anonymous. I wouldn't want to be known either as the author of such an asinine statement as below.
Is it merely incompetence that they lied about who found Baxter and whether he was alive when the security guard found him and called emergency medical services. There ought to be a record of that call. Why hasn't anyone tried to find out? 
The Sugarland Police are part of a cover-up whether directed to be or not.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2002 12:25 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] The Strange Case of the Sugar Land Suicide

I must say one thing regarding the Sugar Land police.  They are not equipped or trained to handle murders.  Their main job is spent chasing teens that speed and out of date inspection stickers.  Not really a conspiracy there, the cops are just not capable of handling such a mess.

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