Kathleen Parker - Co-Conspirator
Bob Scheidt
Sun Apr 21 12:01:21 2002

Cynthia McKinney is not one of my favorite people on the planet earth, but she does express the concerns of many (stupid) Americans, that according to Ms. Parker, should be removed from the gene pool.

There is no question that many intelligence agencies were aware that "something" of a huge magnitude was going to occur on 9-11. If they knew, Bush knew. George W's daddy laid the cornerstone for the CIA building at Langley, and is privy to everything going on around the world.

Not one interceptor aircraft attempted to stop the attack upon the WTC on 9-11 or on the Pentagon when they had been in the air, hijacked for up to an hour and 38 minutes.

Put options had been purchased through A.B. Brown a company previously owned by Buzzy Krongard, the third highest ranking CIA officer. A.B. Brown is most likely still a CIA front Company, and someone with inside info was out to make a huge profit at the expense of thousands of American lives.

Ms. Parker is attempting to call all of us crazy if we agree with cKinney on this one issue. Ms. Parker is attempting to run her mouth without stating a factual basis for her disdain for Cynthia McKinney's current claims.

One last thing, The Bush family, starting with Pappa (oops I mean Poppy) Bush inviting 3500 to 4000 Red Guard Troops to come live in our country. These soldiers fought under Saddam Hussein in the Persian Gulf. Did old man Bush ask me or you if we wanted these towel heads living here ? I don't think so.

The Bush family control an organization known as the Carlysle Group. Carlysle is the 11th largest supplier of miltary hardware in the world, and they are indeed getting fat, whether they have belatedly been put in blind trust or not. Mr. Cheney was the Chairman of the Board for Haliburton, paid 34 million his last year working for them, publicly, and now he is covertly ordering the bombing of innocent afghani's in order to further the profit goals of Haliburton. Further, Haliburton has a wholly owned subsidiary named Brown and Root. Brown and Root builds and supplies 95% of all military bases overseas.

Little "w" Bush, the tyrant and murdering offspring, sitting like dung in the Oval Office, has now declared war on the muslim world outside the country and the Christian Conservatives living in the country. Another in a long string of Skull and Bonesmen, claiming to be a Christian, is nothing less than a Israeli lackey and toady carrying Ariel Sharons genocidal water bucket to the trough of satan.

Good Christians are informed Christians, all others are idiots destined to align themselves in a senseless, baseless and needless patriotic display of their total ignorance by supporting the butchers of Bush-Land. Waving their Chinese made American flags from all four corners of their auto's and standing united in their total ignorance makes me want to vomit. Murderers !!!

So for a sleaze journalist like Kathleen Parker to insinuate that we are all crazy by implying that Cynthia McKinney is crazy, should cause us to suspect her intentions, and her paymaster. Is she just another CIA controlled spook ? Or is she just one of millions of blind, deaf and "DUMB", Bush supporters.

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