I just got the book, It's pretty big and at a glance, is well documented. It'll take a while to get through it. If the allegations are correct, we've found the bad guys. Though I'm not buying that the Jesuits are the single source for man's troubles.
Lots of folks these days blaming the Jews.  Like the Protocols. Vatican Assassins and other sources claim the Jesuits are the culprits.
History is chock full of examples of Popes officially authorizing the annihilation of Jews, but I know of no example of a comparable Jewish figurehead officially authorizing the annihilation of Catholics -- except for Mordecai's retribution for Haman's proposed genocide under Ahasuerus (who might have held the title of Pontifex Maximus as king of Babylonian Persia) in the book of Esther. 
Interestingly enough, the book comes with a CD full of books related to the Jesuits, originally, this is why I got the book.


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