-Caveat Lector-

Excellent, helpful news clips.  Thanks so much.

In a message dated 5/18/02 8:41:40 PM Central Daylight Time,

> From Lynne Moss-Sharmann Police Search West Country Garden After Child Abuse
>  Court Case  Ananova  5/15/02 - "Police are carrying out investigations in
> the
>  garden of a West Country home in the wake of a major sexual abuse court
>  which saw eight people sentenced to lengthy jail terms. Officers have been
>  working at the premises since Monday, their investigations concealed by a
>  tent. The new inquiries follow an allegation made by a complainant from the
>  original inquiry, said a police spokesman. During the court case in 1998,
> the
>  venue of which cannot be given because of a legal order, the eight
>  defendants, who included grandparents and their children, were found guilty
>  of 78 charges."
>  http://www.guardian.co.uk/uklatest/story/0,1271,-1737651,00.html
>  Aide admits Law made molester priest a vicar - by Tom Mashberg and Eric
>  Convey 5/18/02 "A high-ranking Archdiocese of Boston official has
>  acknowledged under oath that Bernard Cardinal Law promoted a priest in the
>  mid-1990s even though the cleric had admitted to child molestation....And
>  confirmed that a total of 85 archdiocesan priests - 70 living and 15 dead -
>  have been hit with credible allegations of child abuse since the
>  more than half of them multiple times."
>  http://aolsvc.digitalcity.com/boston/news/article.adp?provider=
> thebostonherald
>  &category=News&article=1025225
>  Records: Vatican knew of scandal coverup in 1973 - by Jack Sullivan - 5/16/
> 02
>  "Previously sealed records in the case of defrocked pedophile priest James
>  Porter show Catholic church officials - including Pope Paul VI, Humberto
>  Cardinal Medeiros and top aides to Richard Cardinal Cushing - knew of and
>  took part in the coverup of cleric sexual abuse as far back as 1964. It is
>  believed to be the first time records show Vatican officials were aware as
>  long as 30 years ago that priests were molesting children and bishops were
>  shuffling the pedophiles around the country and covering up their acts. It
>  also is the first time involvement by the Boston archdiocese under Cushing
>  has been documented."
>  http://www2.bostonherald.com/news/local_regional/prie05162002.htm
>  Records: Church let loose predator priest - by Eric Convey and Tom Mashberg
>  5/17/02 "The Archdiocese of Boston turned former priest Paul J. Mahan loose
>  on the public in the mid-1990s after he had been diagnosed as a
>  and a ``threat to adolescent males,'' according to documents released
>  yesterday. In a sign of just how sick therpists deemed Mahan, doctors at
>  Luke Institute in Suitland, Md., expelled him as hopeless in 1995 - kicking
>  him out of a hospital that has specialized in treating clergy with severe
>  sexual disorders."
>  http://www2.bostonherald.com/news/local_regional/maha05172002.htm
>  From Lynne Moss Sharman Robber loses appeal By Julio Gomes - The
>  Chronicle-Journal  5/16/02 "A Thunder Bay man who has been described as an
>  "institutionalized career criminal" has lost his appeal of a 1992 bank
>  robbery conviction and a 17-year prison sentence.....Carlson, who has spent
>  most of his adult life in jail, has repeatedly claimed his criminal
> behaviour
>  was the result of brainwashing experiments he suffered while in prison
>  between 1968 and 1974."
>  Files show church leaders knew of abuse for decades - 05/17/2002 By
>  Levitz - Journal Staff Writer "Providence - Newly released documents in New
>  England's watershed case of sexual abuse by clergymen show that church
>  officials as high-ranking as the late Cardinal Humberto Medeiros knew
> decades
>  ago that now-defrocked Fall River priest James Porter had been accused of
>  molestation. Hundreds of pages of personnel files on Porter, which the
> Boston
>  Herald obtained through a court order in U.S. District Court in Boston,
>  indicate that bishops failed to act on early warnings that sexual abuse by
>  priests was becoming a problem, the Rev. Thomas Doyle, a priest and canon
>  lawyer who formerly worked at the Vatican Embassy in Washington, D.C. said
>  yesterday. The files show that Porter himself wrote to Pope Paul VI in the
>  1970s, alluding to troubles that had plagued him in North Attleboro and
>  followed him to Fall River. He admitted to abusing scores of children while
>  he was a priest."
>  http://www.projo.com/news/content/projo_20020517_porter17x.307b2.html
>  Toxic Secrets - Fluoride & the A-Bomb Program "During the ultra-secret
>  Manhattan Project, a report was commissioned to assess the effect of
> fluoride
>  on humans. That report was classified "secret" for reasons of "national
>  security". Extracted from Nexus Magazine, Volume 5, #3 (April-May 1998). PO
>  Box 30, Mapleton Qld 4560 Australia. [EMAIL PROTECTED] Telephone:
>  (0)7 5442 9280; Fax: +61 (0)7 5442 9381 From www.nexusmagazine.com - Joel
>  Griffiths and Chris Bryson 1997 4 West 104th Street New York, NY 10025, USA
>  "Some 50 years after United States authorities began adding fluoride to
>  public water supplies to reduce cavities in children's teeth, recently
>  discovered declassified government documents are shedding new light on the
>  roots of that still-controversial public health measure, revealing a
>  surprising connection between the use of fluoride and the dawning of the
>  nuclear age." http://www.nexusmagazine.com//fluoridebomb.html
>  Teacher - Archbishop Told Her to Resign By Amy Lorenstein AP Omaha, Neb. -
> A
>  teacher at a Catholic school says the archbishop of Omaha asked her to
> resign
>  because she told police that a priest had used a church computer to look at
>  child pornography on the Internet." from AOL
>  Missouri, four other states seek to recoup losses on Frankel insurers from
>  Vatican, bank, others - 5/9/02 - "Scott B. Lakin of Missouri joined
> insurance
>  receivers from four other states in a federal court claim that accused the
>  Vatican, a high-ranking church official and a church foundation of
>  participating in a money-laundering scheme operated by banned securities
>  trader Martin Frankel." http://www.insurance.state.mo.us/

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