-Caveat Lector-


The Konformist

Non-Lethals Turned on Curio
Alex Constantine


Note: For years now, "Curio" has posted documentation concerning ritual child
abuse - one of the most disgusting crimes imaginable - on the Net, and was
smeared for it, insulted, stressed by Dr. Michael Aquino's harassment
lawsuits. She is one of the most effective RA activists on the Web and now
she is under assault by unknowns with access to the DoD's classified
non-lethals. She has suffered long bouts of sleep deprivation so severe that
she lost her job and she is currently unemployed. Her health is in evident
decline. The idiots doing this are bereft of conscience.

My name is Diana Napolis aka Karen Curio Jones

My professional background includes being a child abuse juvenile court
investigator during 1990-1996 for a county agency. From the years 1996-2001 I
worked with the Family Court System monitoring visitations between parents
and children. Over the past 10 years I have researched satanic ritual crime
networks, mind control and the ritual abuse of children. I was never a victim
of this activity before but only a survivor/child advocate.

In 1995 began using the world-wide web to communicate information about my
research involving these horrendous activities perpetrated against children
and adults. I used an anonymous pseudonym to identify myself for safety
reasons. After an extensive search conducted by those whom I believe felt
threatened by the information I was providing, I was then stalked and
photographed. On Sept. 24, 2000 a peculiarly biased newspaper article was
written about me in my local newspaper. See my response:


In November 2000 I experienced someone making internal/psychic contact with
me. In March 2001, I experienced being abducted from my home via an unknown
technology. My life then drastically changed.

In approximately January 2001 a beeping sound began in my left ear and I was
continually monitored in some way. Due to lack of sleep I was unable to work
full time. I was then accessed by it. During the months of May and July 2001
changes were made to my body and internal structure. For a short time I
experienced these changes as potentially positive in nature.

I then experienced something akin to what I had been researching - a mind
control program of unknown origin that was installed in my mind. I heard low
chanting sounding music in the left hemisphere of my brain and "heavenly"
music in my right hemisphere. I was told I was in the Heaven and Hell
program. I began "channeling" a group of people or entities. I was subjected
to various "tests" and I was involved in a great deal of telepathic activity.

It appears that there were competing forces at work within me and a struggle
began involving extraterrestrial intelligences. I was told this and I
experienced it. I found that I was "judged" within their system and sentenced
to "Hell" within their computer system. My energy field changed and my heart
began behaving abnormally. My digestive system was impacted and I became
thinner and thinner. What I originally thought was positive contact quickly
became something else. I went to several hospitals trying to discover if
assistance could be provided. I discovered that the medical mainstream
community provided no answers or positive intervention.

As of August 13, 2001, my state of health has now deteriorated to a point
that it is difficult to function.

I was led to believe that there were a group of competing extraterrestrials
occupying the earth and they had somewhat different motivatons -- but perhaps
similar means to the end.

I believe that this poses a significant threat to our world and I would ask
all to reconsider what it really means to have "alien" contact. I urge all
parties of interest in this phenomena in any form or fashion to realize that
the human race is special because of the qualities which we can bring to our
service to others and grow as beings in the spirit of love, compassion,
strength and wisdom.

I believe that my state of health, which is deteriorating rapidly, is
directly related to technology of unknown origin which has impacted my system
and poses a threat to others.

If anyone experiences psychic phenomena of unknown phenomena, I would urge
all parties to not trust the message of the original contact. I have
discovered that high-tech virtual reality is being used and psychological
manipulation is used to try to take control of and destroy others. I also
experienced an extraction of my internal substances.

What's of particular concern about this is that in some of this imagery there
are real consequences if acted upon. It appears that there is a computer
program in which some of the ET's believe they are Gods and they are
collecting souls.

I consider this a grave threat to society and other people need to be

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