
In a message dated 5/20/02 5:19:28 PM Central Daylight Time,

> Have you noticed how the risk of Al Qaeda attacks seems to increase
>  exponentially whenever there is a risk of truth coming out about the
>  Court-appointed Bush Administration?

--- Begin Message ---
Quips & Comments  5-20- '02

by Barry Crimmins


Far right-wing Colombian presidential candidate Álvaro Uribe is
promising that if elected he will double the size of the country's army
and police force as well as organize organize one million villagers to
serve as informants. You have to figure the main peasant organizing
tool will be the automatic weapons carried by all those soldiers and

Peasants who resist the allure of becoming informants will be organized
into mass graves.

Undaunted by its failure to help overthrow Hugo Chavez in Venezuela,
the New York Times soiled itself again yesterday by running a puff
piece about Uribe. But don't worry, after he kills several thousand
peasants, the Times will consider printing an apology.

What's more shocking? The fact that Bush knew something or the fact
that Bush knew anything?

Did you catch Ari Fleischer at Friday's White House press briefing? He
looked like he was auditioning for work as a tomato can on FOX's
Celebrity Boxing.

Court-appointed President Bush  threw a tantrum in the form of a
rambling speech before  Republican Senators at a private gathering last
Thursday. Bush, raging and incoherent,  caused the assembled senators
great discomfort and embarrassment. So if anyone ever says Bush never
accomplished anything remind them that he actually managed to make a
group that included Trent Lott, Jesse Helms and Orrin Hatch feel shame.

After hearing the speech several senators drafted legislation that
would make it illegal for Bush to ever speak extemporaneously again.

Bush's wigging out is reminiscent of when Ronald Reagan, upset about
Iran-Contra revelations, said, "I have a bitter bile in my throat." To
which we responded, "Oh no, his brain is leaking!."

Laura Bush came to W's defense concerning 9-11 saying that it was,
“very sad that people would play upon the victims’ families’ emotions,
or all Americans’ emotions.” She then resumed work on the American flag
bodysuit, featuring a special inlay of the flaming towers, she was
sewing for her husband.

In a speech meant to counter Jimmy Carter's recent conversion to sanity
concerning Cuba, Bush said a first step toward normal relations between
Havana and Washington would require "certifiably free and fair
elections." If it happens in 2004 all Americans will owe Fidel Castro a
debt of gratitude.

In the Cuba speech, W  said the walls of oppression cannot stand "when
the floodgates of information are opened" -- which explains why he's so
damned hypervigilant about White House leaks.

Bush proposed a resumption of direct mail connections with Cuba in
hopes that at least some anthrax spores, created by the U.S. military
and proven lethal in domestic field tests, might find their way to the
island nation.

Bush's shamelessness is boundless. He lectures Cuba, speaking from a
stolen office in which he stonewalls vital information, is at the beck
and call of nefarious special interests and works as a cheesy hawker of
photos commemorating a disaster that might have been averted had he
half a brain, even a mild work ethic or a staff interested in doing
anything but furthering his corrupt regime's dastardly assault on
peace, environmental sanity and human rights. Yet he feels not an
inkling of embarrassment as he browbeats a country he's trying to
starve about how it can become moral enough to find its way into his
good graces. Trouble is, George W. Bush is neither good nor gracious.

The Bush defense is to claim that all they were expecting pre-911 were
old-fashioned hijackings so there was no need to warn the public about
them. Imagine if the weather service employed the same logic. "We were
only expecting an ice storm, not a blizzard so we saw no need to issue
travel advisories."

If they don't stop letting Condaleezza Rice appear on television the
only person who is going to continue to believe she is an intellectual
will be W. But then to Bush's thinking, Adam Sandler is an

Why does Shadow Governor Cheney only speak in public when he wants to
remind us that nothing should be said in public?

Two TV appearances yesterday and Cheney still failed to disclose any
details of his Enrongy policy meetings of last year.

Dick "Ignore that scam behind the curtain!"Cheney.

In a Sunday FOX NEWS appearance Cheney said, "I've got a real problem
with the suggestion that somehow my president had information and
failed to act upon it to prevent the attack of Sept. 11." Well at least
he finally admitted to whom Bush belongs.

The court-appointed veep maintains that Bush handled pre-911
intelligence properly. "He performed his duties beautifully. He called
me right way and passed along the information before he resumed playing
video golf," said Cheney.

Have you noticed how the risk of Al Qaeda attacks seems to increase
exponentially whenever there is a risk of truth coming out about the
Court-appointed Bush Administration?

Apparently nothing agitates Al Qaeda like domestic criticism of Bush.

How hilarious is the Court-appointed Bush Administration's attempt to
characterize legitimate questions about 9-11 as partisan, political and
unpatriotic when they have done everything but use it on cereal boxes
to promote their extremely partisan political agenda?

Is it too much to ask a White House, charged with representing the
people, just what it was doing leading up to the largest crisis those
people have faced in decades? Of course since Bush wasn't elected he
feels much less responsible to the people than previous presidents.

Maybe if there had been more criticism of Bush prior to 9-11 it would
have provoked Cheney to claim  "prospects of a future attack on the
U.S. are almost a certainty," back in August like he did on TV Sunday.

What was the Court-appointed Bush Administration doing pre-911? They
were busy counting Enron money and mixing up batches of anthrax, that's

The new Republican defense is now clear. They simply maintain that
since America still has enemies, those enemies  are likely to attack
again so it would be disloyal to question the competence of people
whose lousy stewardship over the country may have allowed the last
attacks to succeed.

And since we can never question Cheney, Bush and cronies, they will
always remain in power, always inflict a horrible foreign policy upon
the world, guaranteeing a bountiful supply of enemies who will always
pose a threat of attack -- therefore rendering any criticism of sacred
Republican leadership impossible for all but those who wish to be
painted as supportive of those who would do violence to America.

In other words, I'm looking into applying for political asylum in East

© 2002 Barry Crimmins

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