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Bush Moves To Create An Imperial Presidency, Or Is It The Dictatorship He Has Pined 


>From the Detroit News

Bush out to beef up presidency
Critics claim office is more potent now than at any time in recent history.

By Bill Straub / Scripps Howard News Service

Bill Clark / Scripps Howard News Service

  WASHINGTON -- It's not a bad job considering it comes with a rent-free mansion and 
door-to-door limousine service, but President Bush maintains that the position he 
holds as the leader of the free world should come with an additional perk -- power.
   Bush says the inherent powers of the presidency have eroded to an unsettling degree 
over the past 30 years and he is moving to reclaim the lost prerogatives of the 
nation's highest office. He has drawn a distinct line that he has suggested no one 
dare cross.
   "I have an obligation to make sure that the presidency remains robust and that the 
legislative branch doesn't end up running the executive branch," Bush said.
   Ari Fleischer, the president's press secretary, said presidential powers have been 
diminished "in multiple ways" as part of a "long-standing, gradual process." The 
president has little say in how the nation's budget is devised and constraints exist 
over how he uses the military.
   Congress also has placed restrictions on the president in military matters with the 
War Powers Resolution of 1973, Fleischer said. And the spate of congressional 
investigations into administration activities, particularly during the Clinton era, 
which involved "the sharing, the yielding of information by the executive branch to 
the Congress," has tended to weaken the office.
   Critics counter that the administration's effort is nothing more than a thinly 
veiled power grab and that the office of the president is more potent now than at any 
time in recent memory. Bruce Fein, a former Justice Department official who worked in 
several Republican administrations, said the United States "has never had a more 
imperial presidency, at least since (President Franklin D.) Roosevelt during his 
conduct of World War II."
   "What the president is claiming is legally and historically absurd and politically 
stupid," Fein said.
   Mark Racicot, appointed by Bush to be chairman of the Republican National 
Committee, said the time has come for the president to reclaim lost authority because 
"the ability of the president to carry on communications and get unvarnished advice 
has eroded over a period of time."
   Fein said that while it's appropriate to cite national security at times, it's 
ridiculous to claim that anyone will be inhibited by his or her communications with 
the president if the information is made public.
   "He (Bush) hasn't pointed to a single case," Fein said. "I've been around this town 
a long time, almost 30 years, and I've never encountered one individual who told me 
he's not going to the Oval Office unless he's promised confidentiality. It's the 
biggest hoax in the world. Why he's making up all this stuff is utterly and completely 

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