
interesting - the web page that showed Pentagon MASCAL exercises including
responding to a downed plane hitting the Pentagon (in 2000) was scrubbed, and
then unscrubbed a few days later.  BUT the photos of the exercise remain
scrubbed.  See below, second article summary.
--- Begin Message ---
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___.COMPOSITION______In This Issue_______________________________

Anti-Bush Protests

AT LAST!!! 18 Months Late, the Bush Administration Admits the Florida Election Was 

After the Democrats.com Expose', Rove, Rumsfeld & Rice Scrub the Pentagon Planning 
Page - and a Whole Government Web Site!

President Gore Would Have Heeded the Warning Signals that the Bush / Ashcroft Axis of 
Incompetence Ignored

Heads Should Roll - Starting With John Ashcroft

Bush Incompetence Hides Behind a Veil of Executive Privilege

'No Warnings' - Bush's Unforgiveable Lie

Meria Heller Interviews Lt. Mike Vreeland, Who Warned About 911

FBI Bureaucrats Put Phoenix Memo Into the 'Circular File' - Let's Do the Same With 
Their Careers!

Back in July 2001, Ashcroft Was Told to Fly Leased Aircraft for the Rest of His Term – 
As a Result of an FBI Threat Assessment

How Low Can They Go? Laura Bush (R-Phony) Calls Us 'Ghouls' for Wanting Answers

Dire New Terror Warnings Are Part of a Two-Pronged Political Strategy to Cover Bush's 

Is that a Yellow Dog Being Wagged -- or a Red / Green Dog?

Remember the OTHER Bush 911 Photo?

Madeleine Albright Says Team Bush Has 'Untreated Bipolar Disorder'

All Actions of Bush, Cheney, and Rice in 2001 were Driven by Oil

Bush Crony Capitalism Goes Global through the Carlyle Group

Hastert Vetted Murder and Torture in Columbia

Shrub's Latest Judicial Pick Would Scrap Miranda Rights!

Corporate Publishing Giant Rodale Seeks to Torpedo Freedom of Information on Internet 
by Making Article Links Illegal

__Anti-Bush Protests

On 5/22, protest Bush in Berlin. On 5/24, protest Chief Injustice Rehnquist in 
Milwaukee, WI. On 5/25, protest Bush's wars in San Francisco.

__AT LAST!!! 18 Months Late, the Bush Administration Admits the Florida Election Was 

Washington Post's Tom Edsall reports, "The Justice Department disclosed yesterday it 
will file suit in three Florida counties charging voting rights violations in the 2000 
presidential election... [They] expect the counties and municipalities to admit 
wrongdoing and agree to take steps to prevent recurrences of problems in the 2002 
elections... Boyd said the allegations include improper purges of voter rolls, 
'disparate' treatment of minorities in the voting process, failures to provide 
required voter registration material in certain public places and inaccessible 
balloting for disabled voters. Boyd's announcement is the first formal action taken by 
the Bush administration to deal with the politically explosive controversies that 
surrounded the 2000 election in Florida. The suits would not seek to overturn the 
presidential election's results, which ultimately were decided by the U.S. Supreme 
Court." We demand CRIMINAL prosecutions of the thieves who Stole the Presidency!!!

__After the Democrats.com Expose', Rove, Rumsfeld & Rice Scrub the Pentagon Planning 
Page - and a Whole Government Web Site!

On 5-20-02, Democrats.com exposed Condi Rice's Big Lie that no one ever expected the 
Pentagon to be hit by a civilian airliner. According to the official government Web 
site of the Military District of Washington (www.mdw.army.mil), the Pentagon ITSELF 
planned in detail how it would respond to just such a scenario from October 24-26 
2000. And this was no low-level exercise, since it took place in the Office of the 
Secretaries of Defense conference room! Folks, we must have found something REALLY 
EXPLOSIVE - because not only did Rove & Rumsfeld & Rice scrub this article, they 
scrubbed the whole Military District of Washington Web site! Luckily, we kept a copy 
of the article (see below). Call your Representatives (202-224-3121) and the media and 
demand the truth about the Pentagon's civilian airline crash exercise in October 2000!

__President Gore Would Have Heeded the Warning Signals that the Bush / Ashcroft Axis 
of Incompetence Ignored

Aaron Marr Page wrote in January, "If Bush's advisers hadn't been so instinctively 
dismissive of all things Clinton, they might have had a [terrorism policy within two 
months] of Bush's inauguration. [But the] only Middle East issue that the Bush 
administration apparently gave a damn about was Saddam Hussein...  And here's where we 
can easily imagine a Gore administration unhampered by these factors and capable of 
intervening before disaster struck. Gore's foreign policy team would likely have been 
manned by Richard Holbrooke as secretary of state and Leon Fuerth as national security 
advisor. [Both would probably] have been immune to the two key factors which 
distracted the Bush team from the Al Qaeda threat... whatever his flaws, Clinton 
responded in kind to the Al Qaeda threat as it existed in his time. Yet Bush - when 
U.S. embassies across the world were buzzing with word of an impending attack - did 

__Heads Should Roll - Starting With John Ashcroft

John Ashcroft played "down the terrorist threat in the first months of the Bush 
administration. [He accused] his critics of undermining the fight against terrorism. 
But it is becoming clear that before September 11 he had little interest in 
counter-terrorism, and diverted resources from measures to prevent terrorism... He 
also sent a memorandum... stating his seven priorities. Counter-terrorism was not on 
the list. He turned down an FBI request for hundreds more agents to be assigned to 
tracking terrorist threats. Nevertheless, he began using a chartered private jet to 
travel around the country, rather than take commercial airliners. [Ashcroft had a 
showdown with FBI director Louis Freeh last spring on counter-terrorism. When] Mr 
Freeh began to talk about his concern about the terrorist threat facing the country, 
'Ashcroft didn't want to hear about it'... But even since September 11 Mr Ashcroft has 
been accused of putting ideology before the battle against terrorism."

__Bush Incompetence Hides Behind a Veil of Executive Privilege

Robert Scheer writes, "Until Sept. 11, the Bush administration was simply too 
distracted and/or incompetent to maintain the American pressure on Osama bin Laden 
begun in 1998 under President Clinton. [Sandy Berger was totally preoccupied with the 
prospect of domestic terror attack. He warned Condi Rice]: 'You will be spending more 
time on this issue than on any other.' Problem was, she didn't. [She wasn't alone.  
John Ashcroft also downshifted anti-terrorism efforts, and] Rumsfeld blocked an 
attempt to move $800 million from his pet missile defense program into 
counter-terrorism... We already know enough... to raise strong suspicions that 
executive privilege is now being invoked to conceal enormous incompetence on the part 
of the [Bushies. But] we as a nation have long believed that it is the truth--full, 
complex and unsanitized--that shall make us free. We should continue to act 

__'No Warnings' - Bush's Unforgiveable Lie

Marie Cocco writes in Newsday, "In all the verbiage that has rained down since word 
leaked that President [sic] Bush was warned that Osama bin Laden's crew might hijack a 
plane and strike at the United States, two words count: 'No warnings.' That is what 
White House spokesman Ari Fleischer told reporters aboard Air Force One on Sept. 11. 
He said it as the flames from the World Trade Center and the Pentagon lit the sky and 
the office workers and firefighters and deli-counter men were buried beneath the 
molten steel. It was a lie... Since word leaked about the infamous memo Bush received 
on Aug. 6, the White House has spun another web of lies... Now there is an unnerving 
shadow that will follow Bush through his presidency... Bush lied to us, and covered 
up." Impeach Bush NOW!

__Meria Heller Interviews Lt. Mike Vreeland, Who Warned About 911

"Mike is the whistleblower who was with the Office of Naval Intelligence for over 16 
years who produced the note with the targets in the U.S. and the ominous words 'let 
one happen, stop the rest' on it to the Canadian gov't on Aug 11th or 12th. Mike gave 
warnings yet no one paid attention to him. He is currently hiding out for fear of his 
life in Canada. The Navy has now stated he was NEVER in the service, when he has more 
than enough proof of his lifetime career. When the gov't is done with you, you are 
DONE. This interview proves that, and is quite shocking. Mike believes that they know 
another event will happen so why not say where? Wow. This is heavy duty stuff. Will it 
be 3 Mile Island? East Coast? Our water supply? Again Mike is talking and no one is 
listening. He said he began his warnings as far back as December 6, 2000 to the CIA, 
FBI, DOD, JAG and many more agencies. They chose to ignore them. Why? Money and Oil. 
Power. The Bush family IS 'organized crime' according to Mike."

__FBI Bureaucrats Put Phoenix Memo Into the 'Circular File' - Let's Do the Same With 
Their Careers!

Washington Post's Dan Eggen reports, "A Phoenix FBI agent's request for a canvass of 
U.S. flight schools for al Qaeda terrorists was formally rejected within several weeks 
of his July 10 memo, after mid-level officials at FBI headquarters determined they did 
not have the manpower to carry out the task, sources familiar with the memo said 
yesterday. The request was forwarded to counterterrorism chiefs at FBI headquarters 
and the New York field office, but one of the terrorism units in Washington decided by 
early August that the document's suggestions were largely unworkable in the midst of 
more immediate cases, sources said. 'Even to this day, no one seems to know who knew 
what and where critical information went at FBI headquarters,' Sen. Charles E. 
Grassley (R-Iowa) said after meeting with Mueller and Williams yesterday. 'They still 
don't have answers to . . . why things fell apart before September 11.'" It's time for 
some heads to roll at the FBI!

__Back in July 2001, Ashcroft Was Told to Fly Leased Aircraft for the Rest of His Term 
– As a Result of an FBI Threat Assessment

"In response to inquiries from CBS News over why Ashcroft was traveling exclusively by 
leased jet aircraft instead of commercial airlines, the Justice Department cited what 
it called a 'threat assessment' by the FBI, and said Ashcroft has been advised to 
travel only by private jet for the remainder of his term. 'There was a threat 
assessment and there are guidelines. He is acting under the guidelines,' an FBI 
spokesman said. Neither the FBI nor the Justice Department, however, would identify 
what the threat was, when it was detected or who made it. A senior official at the CIA 
said he was unaware of specific threats against any Cabinet member, and Ashcroft 
himself, in a speech in California, seemed unsure of the nature of the threat…The 
Justice Department insists that it wasn't Ashcroft who wanted to fly leased aircraft. 
That idea, they said, came strictly from Ashcroft's FBI security detail. The FBI had 
no further comment." Note the date of this article, July 26, 2001.

__How Low Can They Go? Laura Bush (R-Phony) Calls Us 'Ghouls' for Wanting Answers

Richard Cohen writes "In the battle of first ladies - the former one and the current 
one - Hillary Clinton won hands down. In a brief Senate speech the other day, she 
pointed out that she, better than most, knew something about 'second-guessers and 
Monday morning quarterbacks.' So she was not attempting 'to blame the president,' but 
merely to ask what went wrong before Sept. 11 and what can be done to ensure 'that  
9/11 never happens again.' Laura Bush's response was to call people like her ghouls." 
Hey Laura - we are not ghouls, but your husband is a monster - AND a criminal. Impeach 
Bush NOW!

__Dire New Terror Warnings Are Part of a Two-Pronged Political Strategy to Cover 
Bush's Butt

Under fire for its bungling of 911 warnings, the Bush administration has adopted a new 
strategy. According to AP writer John Lumpkin, a senior White House administration 
official admitted that the blunt new warnings are designed to give Americans better 
notice - and to protect Bush against second guessing in the event of another attack. 
In addition, a top White House aide said last week's criticism has prompted a 
two-pronged political response: Bush accuses Democrats of playing politics with the 
issue, while his advisers remind voters that America is still a certain target. Hey 
Ari! Would you care to remind us again about which party is politicizing this national 
tragedy for the November elections?

__Is that a Yellow Dog Being Wagged -- or a Red / Green Dog?

Timothy Noah writes in Chatterbox, "Is the White House exaggerating the imminent 
danger? [It's curious] that while the national security adviser, the vice president, 
and now FBI director Robert Mueller are doing their best to maximize Americans' sense 
of danger, the... Office of Homeland Security is keeping the nation on a relatively 
ho-hum yellow  alert (Elevated: Significant Risk of Terrorist Attacks), right smack in 
the  middle between green (Low Risk of Terrorist Attacks) and red (Severe Risk of 
Terrorist Attacks). According to Homeland Security Presidential Directive Three, a 
yellow alert should prompt consideration of [a number of responses, including 
increasing surveillance & coordinating emergency plans. But nowhere on this list is] 
'Spreading panic in order to stifle debate about the Bush administration's competence 
during prior disasters.' But these guidelines are new, and no doubt susceptible to 
broad interpretation." Youch!

__Remember the OTHER Bush 911 Photo?

Mark Lawson writes in the Guardian UK, "The now-famous snap in which George Bush's 
eyes pop as an aide whispers the events of September 11 into his ear had always seemed 
to represent complete astonishment. It's now possible that his expression can be read 
as horrified confirmation. Bush's political future may depend on whether this 
rewritten caption becomes fixed in print... The revelations in Washington that the FBI 
and White House had at least three strong hints that the plot was in progress - in 
specific warnings of terrorists training at American flying schools for future hijacks 
- removes the White House's consistent use of the Pearl Harbor parallel: unpredicted 
surprise attack. If a fourth newspaper story is confirmed - that one warning mentioned 
planes hitting the World Trade Center - then the president [sic] really will be 
choking on his pretzels."

__Madeleine Albright Says Team Bush Has 'Untreated Bipolar Disorder'

"Former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright on Sunday accused President [sic] 
Bush 's foreign policy team of suffering from 'untreated bipolar disorder.' Albright 
said the Bush administration is projecting contradictory messages on a broad range of 
global conflicts, including the Middle East and Afghanistan .'They talk about the 
importance of the rule of law, but seem allergic to treaties designed to strengthen 
the rule of law in areas such as money-laundering, biological weapons, crimes against 
humanity, and the environment,' Albright said in a commencement speech at Tufts 
University's Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy." You go, Madeleine!

__All Actions of Bush, Cheney, and Rice in 2001 were Driven by Oil

The people offering the most daring spin on the 9/11 coverup (daring as in risking the 
consequences of bald-faced lies captured on tape for all time) are also those most 
deeply staked in Central Asian Oil: Bush, Cheney, and Condoleezza Rice. Rice's old 
company Chevron (where she has pals so close they named a tanker after her) is highly 
involved in Kazakhstan (dubbed by some the "New Kuwait"). Chevron stood to benefit 
HUGELY from the U.S. takeover of Afghanistan, which would ensure free "security" 
(taxpayer-paid troops), total control over the landscape and new pipelines. On August 
2, Taliban reps were meeting with US officials (including Christine Rocca, who served 
as a glorified "gun runner" to the Mujadeen under Reagan) in Islamabad to discuss oil 
company interests. Four days later, Bush elected NOT to act on the most serious 
terrorism warning in decades.

__Bush Crony Capitalism Goes Global through the Carlyle Group

Tim Shorrock writes that, "William Conway, managing director and co-founder of the 
Carlyle Group, was talking recently about the media coverage of his bank and the cast 
of ex-Presidents and former officials, including George H.W. Bush, James Baker III and 
Frank Carlucci, on its payroll. 'One of the words that has recently cropped up as an 
adjective around us--and I love this adjective--is the 'secretive' Carlyle Group,' he 
said in an interview in his offices overlooking Pennsylvania Avenue in downtown 
Washington. 'What's the secret? I don't think we have many secrets. The reality is, 
we're a group of businessmen who have made an enormous amount of money for our 
investors [that included the bin Laden family until they had to divest right after 
911, because 'it looked BAAAD' as BushDaddy would say] by making good investments over 
the past fifteen years.' " None better than the stolen election investment, eh  

__Hastert Vetted Murder and Torture in Columbia

In 1997, a congressional delegation led by GOP Rep. Dennis Hastert (R-IL) – currently 
Speaker of the House of Representatives who was then chairman of the House 
subcommittee on national security – secretly encouraged Colombian military officials 
to ignore human rights conditions on U.S. aid. (See Documents 52, 54 and 55), 
according to newly released FOIA documents. We demand a House Ethics Investigation!

__Shrub's Latest Judicial Pick Would Scrap Miranda Rights!

The next time Shrub complains that Democrats in Congress aren't confirming his 
judicial appointees fast enough, someone should point out that maybe he ought to stop 
nominating unqualified, right-wing activist judges! Not to mention the fact that, 
despite deep reservations from several senators, the Senate just confirmed his latest 
distasteful nominee, Paul Cassell, to the U.S. District Court in Utah. Cassell is a 
gem of a man who believes Miranda protections, which mandate that suspects be informed 
of their right to an attorney and their "right to remain silent", should essentially 
be scrapped. Like Shrub, Cassell has played the ostrich with his head in the sand bit 
and denied that people are being wrongfully sent to death row, despite mounting 
evidence to the contrary (sounds like Texecutioner Bush's adamant claims about.). Ted 
Kennedy called him "intemperate and one-sided." Still, Shrub got his way and Cassell 
was confirmed.

__Corporate Publishing Giant Rodale Seeks to Torpedo Freedom of Information on 
Internet by Making Article Links Illegal

Here is a beautiful example of corporate greed, hypocrisy and contempt for  freedom of 
information: Rodale Press is threatening to sue a website because the site linked 
directly (deep link) to a printer-friendly version of a Rodale magazine article, 
thereby bypassing the site's ad-intensive home page. Rodale wants to make this a 
copyright case that would, if successful, torpedo the last bastion of direct, free 
access to information: the Internet. The case would have implications for every site 
that links directly to articles, Democrats.com included - just in  time for the coming 
elections in 2002 and 2004. No coincidence here! Call Rodale (610-967-5171) or e-mail 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] to let them know what you think. Hmm... is that a Rodale boycott we 
see just over the horizon?

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