-Caveat Lector-


Ralph Nader attacks post-Sept. 11 response of corporate America, Bush and
Western Europe
Fri May 17,10:46 AM ET

STOCKHOLM, Sweden - Consumer advocate and former U.S. presidential candidate
Ralph Nader (news - web sites) on Friday accused U.S. corporations and the
Bush administration of exploiting public fears after the Sept. 11 terrorist

Nader said the growing U.S. defense budget was "a direct result of the
exploitation of the post Sept. 11 period by giant corporations that are
shaping our defense policy as a profitable business proposition rather than
as meeting legitimate defense needs."

He also said "autocratic ideologues" led by U.S. Attorney General John
Ashcroft (news - web sites) and President George W. Bush (news - web sites)
were "undermining the democratic process" with sweeping anti-terrorism laws
introduced after the attacks in New York and Washington.

Nader, who was in Stockholm en route to a meeting of European Green parties
in Berlin, called the U.S. Patriot Act, which was passed by Congress last
year, "the most serious statutory attack on civil liberties" since the 18th

He also said Western European leaders were becoming "lap dogs" of the U.S.
president in the fight against global terrorism and should push the United
States harder to pursue a more multilateral approach.

"For years we've looked to Sweden as a national demonstration of conscience
on issues wide and far, domestic and foreign. There seems to be a decline in
that level of performance in (Sweden) as well as other countries in Western
Europe," he said.

Nader, who ran on the Green Party ticket in the 2000 U.S. presidential
election, said he would decide on whether to run in 2004 after congressional
elections later this year.

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