-Caveat Lector-

  I think this is unfair and overblown.  I saw the segment on television
where she explained how she thought this had happened, and it was a very
credible explanation.  She has taken every step to correct this and has been
sincerely sorry about it all.  Ms. Goodwin must be a threat to someone for
this matter to be made into such a huge deal.  As always, good guys have to
walk the straight and narrow path in every aspect of their lives while bad
guys can get away with anything.  This is typical libel-ops IMO and I ain't
buying into it.

In a message dated 5/26/02 11:34:35 AM Central Daylight Time,

> May 26, 2002 NA (Network America) e-wire
>  W. Bush Blocking 9-11 Commission – confirmed
>  This is a short e-wire. . . . On this day, Sunday May 26, 2002, I
>  arrived home after church to see David Broder of the Washington Post and
>  Establishment House Presidential “historian” Doris Kearns Goodwin on
>  NBC’s “Meet the Press” with Tim Russert.
>  I put “historian” in quotes regarding Doris Kearns Goodwin because she
>  has been nailed for plagiarism in her 1987 book, “The Fitzgeralds and
>  the Kennedys.”  Her “credibility” problem would be serious for normal
>  people, as her publisher, Simon & Shuster, paid out a money settlement
>  to one of the people she plagiarized from – in 1987. That means she knew
>  of the problem and covered it up for 15 years! Now that she’s been
>  caught red-handed in public, she is expressing official mea culpas. She
>  has pulled all the paperback copies of the book in existence so that all
>  such copies can be destroyed – while she re-makes those portions of the
>  book. Even so – she’s claiming it’s all a matter of “inadvertent
>  research procedures” – after covering it up for 15 years after knowing
>  her publishers paid a cash settlement to an aggrieved party! For a full
>  report on her many back ups since she’s been publicly exposed on this
>  plagiarism issue, see the Forbes Magazine article from 2-27-02 at
>  http://www.forbes.com/2002/02/27/0227goodwin.html%20
>  Doris Kearns Goodwin’s worst offense is her constantly appearing as an
>  Establishment mouthpiece to (objectively) falsify history through her
>  personality / hero worship of such low-life scoundreals, traitors, and
>  criminals – as her former boss, Lyndon Baines Johnson. But, as an
>  establishment asset, even plagiarism doesn’t ruin her reputation as an
>  “historian” – so she is constantly invited back to shows like “Meet the
>  Press” to tell us what to think about history. Thankfully, years of
>  selling her soul is catching up with her, and since the public exposure
>  of her plagiarism, she’s really beginning to show her age, which will
>  make her girlish cheerleading for sinister establishment figures – less
>  effective.
>  The above is just one of those delicious sidebars that you may find
>  tucked into any Network America e-wire --- but the real point of this
>  e-wire – is that today’s “Meet the Press” provided the first hard
>  evidence I’ve been able to latch onto from Establishment sources that W.
>  Bush is adamantly BLOCKING any commission or investigation into 9-11.
>  Surprisingly, Tim Russert asked a tremendous question. He said
>  (paraphrase): “There is still controversy over whether FDR knew about
>  Pearl Harbor in advance and let it happen to get us into World War II,
>  and whether Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone gunman in the assassination
>  of President Kennedy. Obviously, even the conclusions reached by those
>  commissions that were set up shortly after those events still haven’t
>  satisfied some Americans. And still, after 8 months, we don’t have any
>  investigative commission on the events of 9-11. There is momentum
>  building in the Republican Party to set up an investigative commission
>  on the 9-11 terror attacks – do you think we will eventually see a
>  Congressional investigation?” (Remember, that was a paraphrase.)
>  Then, David Broder said that he didn’t think there would be any
>  commission if President W. Bush continued to oppose it. Broder then
>  stated that he couldn’t understand why W. Bush has been so resistant to
>  any kind of an official inquiry or investigation. --- Today’s “Meet the
>  Press” transcript will give any interested party the exact wording and
>  the exact quotes.
>  This is the first time I have been able to grasp for sure such an
>  admission from Establishment sources. The reason these admissions are
>  valuable is because when even the establishment’s mouthpieces are
>  admitting something so damaging to one of their boys – then we know it
>  must be true.
>  All the other sources I had seen  (although undoubtedly correct) had
>  been from independent news sources like this e-wire (as opposed to
>  controlled news sources like David Broder and the Washington Post). All
>  the assertions about W. Bush blocking investigations and commissions had
>  been stated without documentation – and that will only fly with
>  favorable readers – not with skeptical readers. And we must always
>  strive to convince skeptical readers with adequate documentation. (I
>  realize that sometimes I pass on pieces of information in an e-wire
>  without any documentation – but that is a decision to include something
>  so that interested parties can look for the documentation on google.com
>  or other sources, -- even though I don’t have time at that moment to go
>  find the exact documentation for something I have read.)
>  In any case, with regard to W. Bush blocking 9-11 investigations --
>  that’s why I thought it might be helpful to pass this major piece of
>  evidence along to our entire Network America list..
>  Jim Condit Jr.,
>  Director, Network America Ewire List
>  Director, Citizens for a Fair Vote Count

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