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01 June 2002

Vatican Sued for Looting Nazi Gold Under CIA, MI Permission
The Lawsuit Against the Vatican and the CIA

By Jonathan Levy

17 January 2001

I am co-lead counsel for plaintiffs on two class action lawsuit
involving WWII era restitution claims filed in the United States
District Court for Northern California. I am the plaintiff in another
lawsuit filed under the Freedom of Information Act that requests
contemporaneous documents from the CIA and Army. The lawsuits are:

Alperin v. Vatican Bank C99-4941 MMC - A lawsuit by Serb, Jewish, and
Ukrainian survivors seeking restitution and an accounting of the WWII
Ustasha treasury which was laundered after the war with the help of
the Vatican and Swiss Banks, Franciscan Order, and Croatian Liberation

Naumovic v. SNB C-00-3636 BZ - A lawsuit on behalf of gentile
Holocaust victims from the former Soviet Union and Yugoslavia seeking
an accounting of gold looted by the Nazis and their allies and
processed through the Reichsbank, Swiss Banks, Bank for International
Settlements, and the Vatican Bank during WWII.

Levy v. Army & CIA C-00-3103 PJH - A Freedom of Information Act
lawsuit seeking declassification of Army and CIA files about the chief
of the Vatican "ratline [1]" agent Fr. Krunoslav Draganovic.

The chief expert witness [2] retained for these lawsuits is John
Loftus, former Department of Justice, Office of Special Investigations
attorney (Nazi hunting unit), co-author with Mark Aarons of Unholy
Trinity: The Vatican, The Nazis, and The Swiss banks; The Secret War
Against the Jews and author of The Belarus Secret. The lawsuits
themselves are based on the evidence unearthed by Loftus' research
spanning two decades. Loftus was an important source for a 1998 US
State Department report (Eisenstat/Slany Report: The Fate of the
Ustasha [3] Treasury) [4], which focused attention on the Vatican's
role in laundering the Ustashe funds.

In a nutshell, Loftus and others have theorized that the genocide of
World War II directed at Jews, Serbs, Roma, Soviets, and others by the
Nazis and their allies generated vast amounts of loot and plunder
including gold coins, wedding rings, and dental gold from
concentration camps. These genocide-tainted treasures were re- smelted
at the Reichsbank and other central collection points [5] and
laundered through the Swiss banks [\cite 6], Bank for International
Settlements [7] and the Vatican Banks [\cite 8] during and after WWII.
According to Loftus, much of the postwar Ustashe and Vatican activity
was cloaked in the guise of anti-Communist activities and was
encouraged or actively sponsored initially by British Intelligence and
later the CIA and in particular Alan Dulles and James Jesus Angleton.

Most remarkable among the Nazis postwar were the Croatian Ustashe.
Unlike the Germans whose major criminals faced a war crimes tribunal
at Nuremburg, virtually the entire Ustashe hierarchy including their
leader or Poglavnik [9], Ante Pavelic, escaped justice. And even more
surprisingly they took with them into exile the monetary proceeds of
the extermination of 750,000 Serbs, Jews, and Roma. Pavelic, known as
the "butcher of the Balkans", was an honored guest at the Vatican
between 1945 and 1947 [10] while other war criminals swing from a
noose. Artukovic, the Himmler of Croatia, the man responsible for
death camps where hundreds of thousands of Serbs were shot, burned
alive, or bludgeoned to death with special hammers, lived openly in
Southern California for over thirty years, while private Congressional
bills assured his safety from deportation [11]. Other Ustashe, such as
the sadist Luburic, purchased villas in Spain [12] or started new
lives as businessman in Argentina, Brazil, and Venezuela. But, unlike
other ex-Nazis, the Ustashe did not lose their fascist ideology,
instead they openly reestablished their Nazi party in Buenos Aires and
by 1956 were beginning a new campaign of terror which ultimately
reached the United States in the 1970s and 1980s resulting in
hijackings, bombings, and murders [13].

John Loftus and coauthor Mark Aarons and other researchers, notably
Christopher Simpson in Blowback and the Andersons in Inside the
League, have theorized that the postwar Ustashe revival was no
accident. The Ustashe [14] even in their pre WWII days, had been one
of the best organized terrorist organizations in Europe, successfully
assassinating King Alexander II of Yugoslavia and the French Foreign
Minister Louis Barthou in Marseilles in 1934. After WWII, the
Ustashe's knowledge of codes, smuggling, and black marketeering served
them well. The Ustashe also had powerful patrons among the Catholic
Church hierarchy, including the Franciscan Order and Vatican
Secretariat of State [15]. But this did not explain entirely their
phenomenal success in evading war crimes tribunals. The Ustashe were
not only tolerated postwar but nurtured by the American and British
intelligence agencies, including first the OSS and later the CIA. And
while the cast of character involved is immense, Loftus points the
finger at Philby and the anglophiles Angleton and Dulles who tried to
manipulate the Vatican and Ustashe operatives for their own ends.

Philby, who was appointed head of the SIS anti-Soviet section in 1944,
infiltrated the Ustashe ratline and Vatican Intermarium [16] with
Soviet spies [17], while Angleton and Dulles chose to ignore the ultra
Fascist leanings of their Croatian assets. In the middle of this
maelstrom of competing interest for 25 years was a single central
figure, the master spy and creator of the ratline, Fr. Krunoslav
Draganovic who worked at various times for the Ustashe, Vatican,
Americans, British, Tito's Yugoslavia and perhaps Soviets as well

Loftus likens trying to untangle this intrigue of Nazi gold, war
criminals, and intelligence agencies to trying to paste the leaves
back on a tree after a violent storm has passed. Compounding the
difficulty of the situation is that some of the leaves may have been
"altered", in other words disinformation planted in internal files to
confuse any future researchers from trying to untangle this web. The
Vatican ratline was initially exposed in 1983 in the Klaus Barbie case
[19] but its full extent is still unknown. Levy v. Army and CIA has
triggered a new declassification of several hundred documents never
before released, which may yet shed some additional light on the

Dulles and OSS in Bern originally made contact with the Ustashe [20],
British Intelligence, either MI5 and/or MI6, also had contacts. At the
end of the war, the OSS ceased to exist but operatives like Dulles
simply merged into Army Intelligence forming their own faction. While
some Army CIC units were chasing down Nazis, others American units
aligned with Dulles and British intelligence were busy recruiting and
protecting Nazis as valuable intelligence assets in the anticipated
war against Communism. Dulles' own group formed an alliance with the
430th Army CIC unit in Austria, while elements of the CIC in Italy
opposed these designs.

Key to these confusing happenings was the disposition of the mass
murderer Pavelic and the Ustashe treasury in Rome and their assets in
Switzerland [21]. Pavelic and part of his treasure were captured in
Austria by the British, a deal was struck, Pavelic and his high
command proceeded to the Vatican with British aid and the gold was
soon to follow from Austria and Switzerland [22].

Pavelic and other Nazis were housed and protected in Vatican castles
and monasteries, often taking the guise of priests [23]. The Ustasha
loot was used to set up the Ustashe as an anticommunist freedom
fighter. So-called Ustashe Krizari (Crusaders) fought a rearguard
action against Tito, who was in a standoff against the Americans at
Trieste. The Krizari were unsuccessful and it is likely that Kim
Philby may have sabotaged these efforts. It is also likely that the
Croatians exaggerated the numbers and effectiveness of their fighting
force, in order to stave off arrest [24].

Fr. Draganovic was a war criminal wanted by Yugoslavia for the brutal
ethnic cleansing of Serbs in 1942 in Kozara, the same region where
another Nazi, Kurt Waldheim had operated. In 1943, the Croatians
sensed the changing tides of war from the East, the loyalist of Nazi
allies, the Croatian Legion had fought at Stalingrad and been
destroyed there. As insurance against an eventual Allied victory,
Pavelic sent Draganovic to Rome as chief of intelligence, where
postwar he was to become the chief facilitator of Ustashe plans.
Curiously, Draganavic also functioned as an American and British agent
and may have later worked for the Tito government. As to where
Draganovic's ultimate loyalties lay is a mystery.

Draganovic ran the so called Vatican ratline procuring for Croatians
but also other Nazi war criminals, like Adolf Eichmen, false papers
and passage to new lives in South America and elsewhere. By 1946,
Draganavic was an American intelligence asset and soon the CIA was
using the Vatican ratline and, according to some, funding it well into
the 1950's as a method of sending anti-communist ex-Nazis to Latin
America. There it was anticipated their services might be required
some day in the battle against Communism. Croatian mercenaries fought
against Lumumba in the Congo and were recruited by Draganovic for an
operation in the Dominican Republic in 1966 [25]. Juan Peron's
government recruited Ustashe as shock troops before he was turned out
by the military [26], as did General Stroessner, the fascist dictator
of Paraguay, whose support for the Ustashe continued well into the
1980s [27].

Following the defeat of the Krizari in Yugoslavia, Pavelic's presence
in Rome was becoming a liability for the Vatican. American special
agents not compromised by Dulles had located Pavelic and were
preparing to capture him when the order was countermanded [28].
Pavelic escaped via the ratline to Argentina, where he became a
political advisor to Juan Peron. Other Ustashe were welcomed in
fascist Spain. The Ustashe treasury soon followed Pavelic to Buenos
Aires and the Ustashe were reconstituted in 1956 as the Croatian
Liberation Movement (HOP), establishing an effective government
(recognized as a legitimate government by several countries including
Taiwan and Paraguay) in exile with a terrorist arm the HVO [29].

By 1958, Draganavic's usefulness had waned and he was turned out of
the Vatican. Nonetheless, he continued to function as agent for the
Army until 1962 [30], and perhaps 1967, for the CIA. In 1967,
Draganavic either defected or was kidnapped by Yugoslav intelligence.
His fate was surprisingly mild; he was interrogated or debriefed and
allowed to retire to a monastery in Croatia. Loss of Draganovic
triggered a lengthy report from CIA Director of Plans Karamessines to
the State Department, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Security. But
whether Draganovic was really kidnapped or his repatriation was part
of some larger scheme is unknown. The answer is in the still secret
files of the Yugoslav intelligence agency.

The Ustashe were undeterred by Draganaovic's departure. Still under
the guise of anti-Communists they rearmed and began to carry out
terrorist operations, that eventually came to the USA. Misinformation
or lack thereof, hampered law enforcement efforts to curb them [31].
Indeed, the Chicago chapter of HOP (Croatian Liberation Movement) was
viewed by the FBI as an essentially non- violent organization at the
same time its "revolutionary" wing was on a rampage of murder,
hijackings, assassinations, and bombings. The FBI had been mistaken;
money from the Chicago HOP paid for terrorism worldwide.

Christophen Simpson describes the Ustashe as an example of "blowback".
Blowback is jargon for an unexpected negative effect domestically from
a covert operation abroad. The CIA therefore unwittingly aided a
terrorist organization and the intense secrecy that surrounded the CIA
sponsorship of the Ustashe and other fascists prevented the agency
from learning from its own past mistakes [32].

Fifty years have passed since the events described herein transpired,
the Independent State of Croatia has been reestablished with ensuing
bloodshed and turmoil in Yugoslavia. Yet the Vatican and CIA continue
to suppress information about past operations, information that, if
widely known, might have helped provide another perspective on the
unfortunate fate of modern Yugoslavia.

© The News Insider 2001

 Jonathan Levy is a California attorney who has represented
 organizations and
individuals in a variety of

Holocaust related lawsuits including banking, insurance, and slave
labor matters. For more information go to the Vatican Bank Claims

[1] The escape route that provided Nazi officials with new identities
and safe passage out of Europe. The headquarters of the ratline was
San Girolamo, a monastery in Rome. The principal facilitators were the
Ustashe priest Draganovic and the Franciscan Treasurer Mandic. The
ratline served not only the Ustashe but the Vatican inspired
Intermarium, American and British Intelligence, and anyone else who
could pay Draganovic's price.

[2] When knowledge of a technical subject matter might be helpful to a
trier of fact, a person having special training or experience in that
technical field, one who is called an expert witness, is permitted to
state his or her opinion concerning those technical matters even
though he or she was not present at the event.

[3] The preferred usage according to Serbs is Ustashe.

[4] A full version available at US Embassy to Sweden website.

[5] Switzerland and Gold Transactions in the Second World War Interim
Report, Independent Commission of Experts (Bergier Report), July 1998,
available here.

[6] Ibid.

[7] Nazi Gold, The London Conference, The London Stationary Office,
1997 at pages 43-60 (Conference paper by Piet Clement, Chief Historian
of the Bank for International Settlements).

[8] John Loftus, Unholy Trinity, St Martins Press, 1998 at pg. 289.

[9] Poglavnik, an honorific similar to Fuehrer or Duce.

[10] Exhibit - Ante Pavelic, Army CIC, Sep. 12, 1947, Pavelic at
Vatican, contacts are very high, Draganovic source of information.

[11] See Exhibit - 87th Congress, First Session, HR 2185, ex- Archives
of the World Jewish Congress , Jan. 6, 1961, Private bill by
Congressman Utt of California which allowed Artukovic to remain in the
United States despite the fact he was a Nazi and had entered the
country under a false name. Artukovic beat two extradition attempts in
the 1950's but was eventually extradited by DOJ/OSI to Yugoslavia in
1986 where he died shortly thereafter in prison. Artukovic was the
highest-ranking Nazi war criminal to enter the United States, he had
been Minister of Justice in Nazi Croatia.

[12] Exhibit - Luburic, Maks, CIA, July 1950, Luburic just arrived in
Rome from Spain. Former Chief of all concentration camps in
Yugoslavia. Luburic had been dispatched by Pavelic to assassinate
Yugoslav diplomats and kill unreliable Croatian elements. While in
Rome Luburics stayed at home owned by the Franciscan Order.

[13] A very short list includes 1972 bombing of a JAT airliner, a 1976
TWA Hijacking, bombings in the USA and worldwide, murders of political
opponents in the USA, and numerous assassinations of political
opponents and diplomats including the Yugoslavian Ambassador to Sweden
and the Uruguayan Ambassador to Paraguay.

[14] The Ustashe was founded by Pavelic in 1929 with funds received
from Mussolini, Edmund Paris, Genocide in Satellite Croatia, American
Institute for Balkan Affairs, 1962, pg. 20.

[15] Exhibit - Memo in Italian, CIC, May 10, 1946 - Source P
(Pavelic?) reports Pavelic has frequent secret meetings with the
Vatican Secretary of State Montini (later Paul VI)

[16] Intermarium was an anti-Soviet Vatican run organization,
Draganovic was the Croatian representative on its Board.

[17] Unholy Trinity, pgs. 214, 217.

[18] Exhibit - see pg. 6 for accusation of being a Soviet spy of
Draganovic, CIA, Jan 9, 1968, a remarkable 7 page report from CIA
Director of Plans Karamessines to the State department, Deputy
Assistant Secretary for Security giving a history of the ratline and
Draganovic on the occasion of Draganovic's 1967 disappearence

[19] Alan Ryan, Jr., Klaus Barbie and the United States Government,
University Publications, 2084. Ryan was head of DOJ/OSI and headed the
ultimately successful investigation of Klaus Barbie in the course of
which the Vatican ratline was uncovered as well as the involvement of
the 430th CIC. Ryan however failed to realize the extent of American
involvement with Draganovic and accepted the explanation that the
Barbie case was the exception rather than the rule.

[20] Exhibit -Croatian Gold, OSS Bern, Dec. 22, 1944, OSS monitored
Croatian transactions with Swiss.

[21] Exhibit -Transfer of Croatian Gold to Argentina, CIA, April 16,
1952, Pavelic was still transferring gold from his hoard in 1952. In
this case 200 kilos of gold and five million Swiss francs. The CIA
reports some of the treasure had been hidden in a wall near Salzburg
in 1945.

[22] Exhibit -Croatian Gold Question, CIA, Feb. 1951, 6 page document
giving details of the Ustashe Treasury but also how a deal was struck
with the British permitting Pavelic and his treasure to proceed to

[23] Exhibit -Pavelic, Army, May 19, 1947, typical report about
Pavelic indicating he had taken on the disguise of a priest, this was
standard procedure for many of the Ustashe fugitives.

[24] Exhibit -Pavelic , ex-Army CIC, Oct. 1947, a typical and likely
inaccurate entry in which Pavelic is described as leader of the
Ustascha resistance with contacts with [anti communist] partisans
fighting in Poland and Czechoslovakia. (by 1947 all these groups have
been compromised by the Soviets).

[25] September 2000 interview with former CIC translator of
Draganovic's reports JPM. JPM told me that Draganovic always submitted
his reports in several languages, often duplicating the contents in
hopes that additional pages would result in higher payment.

[26] Exhibit -Ustashi Activities in Argentina, CIA, July 1951, Croats
recruited as shock troops for the Peronista Party

[27] Exhibit -Paraguay Welcomes Croatian Terrorist, State Dept., Dec.
1987, State dept. report on welcoming of paroled Croatian terrorist by
Paraguayan government, also noted that Baresic was an officer in the
Paraguayan Army.

[28] Exhibit -Pavelic, Anton, CIC, July 7, 1947, Pavelic located and
request to arrest him made, handwritten "hands off" order written July
14, 1947. US agents permitted Pavelic to escape.

[29] Scott and Jon Anderson, Inside the League: The Shocking Expose of
How Terrorists, Nazis, and Latin American Death Squads Have
Infiltrated the World Anti Communist League, Dodd & Mead, 1986, pg.

[30] Exhibit -Army, Jan 23, 1962 Draganovic terminated with prejudice
as an asset.

[31] Exhibit - Dr. Ante Bonafacic, FBI, Nov. 2 1976 - FBI found that
though Bonifacic was head of Chicago HOP, he was nonviolent - In
reality Bonifacic was a ratline beneficiary and a wanted war criminal,
the HOP was never nonviolent and is simply the Ustashe. The FBI noted
the HOP was founded by Pavelic but apparently failed to realize the

[32] Christopher Simpson, Blowback, Wedenfeld and Nicolson, 1988.

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