-Caveat Lector-

This may be heavy for survivors

The New York Review of Books - 4/25/02 The Torturers Among Us - By William F.
Schulz - http://www.nybooks.com/articles/15289

from Lynne Moss-Sharmann  - Escaped convict, 70, done running after 31 years
Larry Oakes Star Tribune 5/31/02 "But in 1970, the stepdaughter, then 17
years old, recanted, telling a judge she made up the rape allegations to get
even with Severs for beating her and to punish her parents for fighting. "I
didn't think he'd go to the penitentiary," she said, according to newspaper
reports. Instead of vacating the conviction or ordering a new trial, Judge
Charles Owens found that her recantation was a lie and had her charged with
perjury. He said her new testimony didn't fit other evidence that supported
her original testimony. On Thursday, Sharon Severs said that the recantation
was indeed false and that she made it because she wanted to get married. She
was legally too young, and her mother promised to give the required parental
permission only if she recanted. http://www.startribune.com/

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