-Caveat Lector- http://www.bankindex.com/read.asp?ID=859


This is what we need.....


* Expose the Globalist international bankers that control the United States Government from behind the scenes, then permanently eradicate them from our political system.
* Abolish the Federal Reserve.
* Default on that portion of our National Debt which is owed to the international bankers. A savings of $359 billion a year on interest payments. (see table one)
* Return the creation of money to Congress as it was prior to 1913.
* Abolish all Globalist trade agreements such as NAFTA and GATT.
* Impose a tariff on all goods being imported into this country.
* Prohibit ownership of more than ONE media source by any individual or corporation.
* Remove the Federal Government from any endeavor that the private sector can perform. Savings from transferring the Postal Service would be $17 billion a year, and over $500 million for Amtrak.
* End all Federal funding to public education and return it to a state and/or local level. A savings of $50.3 billion a year.
* Abolish the Voter News Service (VNS) and computerized vote tallying, thus allowing election results to be determined by the voters, not a single corporation.
* Institute a flat tax with no loopholes, virtually eliminating the IRS. A savings of $10.4 billion a year.
* Pass a balanced budget bill, insured by the fact that all Congressmen get paid last.
* Greatly reduce campaign contributions of any kind (not allowed as tax write-offs or business expenses), and replace them with Internet campaigns.
* Allow the States to vote upon which Federal laws they wish to alter or eliminate.
* All Social Security and Medicaid payments should be forwarded to an individual's bank account, not the Federal Government, thus allowing the citizens to not only collect interest on this money, but to also to invest a certain percentage as they see fit. The savings would be enormous.
* Open 99% of all government files - no more hiding behind a "National Security" blanket. (example: John Lennon's file)
* All Federally elected government officials will be limited to one-term.
* Institute an accountability for the "bureaucracy culture" - perks, etc.
* Freeze all foreign aid. A savings of $25 billion a year.
* Leave unchanged all expenditures to the military, entitlement & social programs, and other Federal agencies.
* Greatly reduce legal immigration, and severely outlaw illegal immigration (there are now 8.7 illegal immigrants in this country)
* Make it illegal for corporations to establish offshore and overseas bank accounts to avoid paying income taxes. A mere 10% increase in the collected total of corporate income taxes would raise $20 billion in revenue.
* Expose the plethora of underground bases and installations being maintained by our government (ex: Mount Weather)
* Prohibit the CIA and other Intelligence agencies from generating black-budget money via illegal activities such as drug trafficking, arms sales, and money laundering.
* Immediately eliminate corporate welfare, tax breaks, and business subsidies. A savings of $150 billion a year.
* Develop hydrogen as an alternative to fossil fuels.
* Outlaw the spraying of poisonous chemicals (Chem Trails) in our skies.
* Introduce legislation into the United Nations that outlaws the implantation of computer microchips into humans, cloning, designer babies, and mind control experiments by participating nations.
* Expose the truth behind who created the AIDS virus (it is a man-made disease), then find a cure for it immediately (if it doesn't already exist).


National Debt: $5.9 trillion
Amount owed to intranational banks: $2.54 trillion
Amount owed to the public: $3.38 trillion
Percentage of debt held by intranational banks: 37%
Interest per year on National Debt: $359 billion

Result: Default on all debts to international bankers, then make a one-time payoff to all public holders of the debt, thus getting the Federal Government out of the borrowing business.


* The above listed initiatives would result in savings of $632.2 billion per year, which would result in a 30% reduction in our current $2.05 trillion budget.
* If we also impose tariffs on all goods imported into this country, totaling $1.4 trillion per year, and tax those at 5%, we could generate $700 billion a year.
* Thus, if we total the above: $632.2 billion from the savings outlined in the Outsider Party's platform, and $700 billion in revenue from tariffs, the total is $1.332 trillion. Now, if we subtract that from the $2.05 trillion dollar budget, the difference is only $718 billion dollars.
* At the current time, taxpayers furnish (via income taxes) approximately $1.02 trillion of the $2.05 trillion dollar budget, which equals 49%. But if we trim $1.332 trillion from the $2.05 trillion dollar budget, this means personal income taxes will be eliminated (with a $312 billion surplus), and the taxpayers will only have to pay Payroll Taxes (Social Security, Medicare, etc).

* Example savings: Single male, $50,000/year:
$0 - $7,450 x 0% = 0
$7450 - $34,500 x 15% = $4,057
$34,500 - $50,000 x 27.5% = $4262
TOTAL = $8,319

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