-Caveat Lector-
What Happens When Whites Are No Longer The Majority?
by Dave Gibson, Columnist
July 29, 2002
We have been told, based on the most recent census and population forecasts that by the middle of this century, whites will become a minority within the United States. What does that mean for America?
When the U.S. population becomes dominated by blacks and Hispanics, this country as we know it will cease to exist. Crime and drug use will cripple this nation. We will have absolutely no tax base on which to depend. Every item sold in this country will be imported from Europe and Asia.
One only has to look to South Africa to see the chaos that a black majority population brings. Since the end to Apartheid and the election of Nelson Mandela as president, that nation has been coming apart at the seams. It has become shockingly commonplace for roving gangs of black youths, roaming the countryside at night to attack and kill white farmers throughout South Africa (you won't hear that from Dan Rather!). In fact, crime has become so rampant in that country, that the government now refuses to issue crime statistics.
The Clinton Administration seemed to have an open door policy with our 'friends' to the south, and now President Bush is continuing the fiesta. In recent years, the illegals crossing the border from Mexico have been doing so in record numbers. This unlawful exodus has placed a terrible strain on the school systems, emergency services, and even the social services of those border states. This nation's beleaguered Southwestern residents already feel as though they have been living in a war zone. It is also a war in which they are losing.
One need only take a look at every major city in this nation which has been run by a black mayor, and you will find paralyzing crime, non-existent city services, and taxpayers fleeing the city for the suburbs. I can point to Los Angeles under Tom Bradley, New York under David Dinkins - both of these cities became saturated with violent crime and deteriorating living conditions.
Philadelphia, New Orleans, and let us never forget Washington D.C (home to the only known crackhead mayor), under the direction of black police chiefs have become filthy, frightening places, leaving the taxbase no choice but to escape to the more civilized world of suburbia. They run to the suburbs, where the police come when you call them, the snow is plowed in the winter, and the garbage is actually picked up on time.
The blame for this current and future state of affairs can be placed squarely upon the shoulders of the 'great American liberal'. President Lyndon Johnson and his 'Great Society' programs have helped to turn a large segment of this country into nothing more than a permanent welfare state. Those same programs helped to destroy the black family, by rewarding people for not marrying while having more children than any reasonable person would want. The same bleeding hearts that advocated so fervently for the integration of our once proud public school system were sending their children to lily-white private schools.
We have watched our school system (which was once second to none) destroyed, due to the lowering of standards necessary to accommodate the black students. We have seen our business community emasculated, being told who they must hire and never fire to appease the affirmative action nuts and stave off tremendous though baseless lawsuits.
This country seems to be obsessed with hiring and promoting minorities simply because of the color of their skin (isn't that racism?). We are constantly bombarded by the liberal new media's claim that 'diversity is our strength', and attempts by black racists such as Cornell West and Jesse Jackson to shame white Americans and equate violence with meaningful protest.
I do not believe it will take another 50 years for white to become the minority in this country, I also do not believe that this will be the same nation it is today. Like it or not, this nation was founded by white Christians and upon the ideals in which they were grounded. Will it become a nation destroyed by white liberals? In 50 years will we have to take our place amongst the third world, and if so...who will be there to come to our aid? ***
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