-Caveat Lector-

........Jerky LeBeouf sounds off!................

........I know it's I'll likely be thrown into a
containment dungeon for potential subversives
after writing this - and that John Ashcroft will
proclaim my arrest as another giant leap towards
victory in the Crusade Against TerraT - but
goddamnit, enough is enough already. Somebody has
to say what so desperately needs to be said, and
it might as well be yer old pal Jerky.

Airport security workers are totally out of
control, and they need to be taken down a notch.

Don't believe me? Then ask Fred Hubbell. Fred is
an eighty-year-old veteran of World War II who
made the mistake of cracking an exasperated joke
during the second full-scale pat-down he and his
wife were forced to go through at a Connecticut
airport before being allowed to board their
flight to Texas. Spotting a trooper thoroughly
checking the contents of his wallet, Fred
declared: "What do you expect to find in there, a

At the merest sound of the verboten word rifle,
trooper Wayne Foster puffed out his handlebar
moustache, looked up from beneath his
wide-brimmed Smoky Bear hat, and gave Fred a
taste of his no-doubt withering stare. "Do you
think that was an appropriate remark?" he asked
the decorated combat veteran.

When Fred made the mistake of replying in the
affirmative, he earned himself a handcuffed
perp-walk through the crowded concourse, a
fingerprinting, a mug-shot-taking, a missed
flight, and an eighty dollar fine for 'creating a
public disturbance.' When asked whether putting
an elderly vet through all that fuss and bother
was appropriate and/or at all necessary, the head
of airport security told reporters: "I want to be
sure that when people step on that plane they're
100 percent comfortable."

Yeah. Because nothing puts one's mind at ease
like watching an octogenarian war hero with his
hands chained behind his back being marched off
to hell-knows-where by a couple of
power-tripping, armed-to-the-teeth security
goons. On the Soothing Sights Scale, it's second
only to watching an old lady drowning kittens,
one by one, in a bucket of spit she's been saving
up for just this occasion. Meow!

But if abuse of authority isn't your bag, how
about stupidity on such a grandiose level, it
borders on the surreal? If so, then Judy Powell's
got a story for you. The British grandmother set
off alarms at Los Angeles International when the
crack security squad caught sight of an assault
rifle in one of her bags. a two-inch long,
plastic assault rifle. It was the one that came
bundled in the package with the GI Joe doll she'd
bought for her grandson, you see.

"Security examined the toy as if it was going to
shoot them and looked at the rifle," Judy later
told the press. "I was really angry to start with
because of the absurdity of the situation. But
then I saw the funny side of it and thought this
was simple lunacy. I was simply stunned when I
realised they were serious."

Eventually, after determining that the chances of
this middle aged tourist going on a tiny, plastic
killing spree were remote at best, the bag
screeners let her board the plane. without the
toy, which they kept. Thank God! They probably
saved a hundred lives that day! Way to earn your
paycheck, gang!

When asked about the incident, a spokesman for
the airport embarrassed himself by declaring: "We
have instructions to confiscate anything that
looks like a weapon or a replica. If GI Joe was
carrying a replica then it had to be taken from

Give it up for Zeer O'Tolerance, ladies and
gentlemen! Everybody's favorite Police State
Comic! (Failure to laugh and applaud vigorously
will result in stiff penalties and indefinite
detention in our on-site, government approved
incarceration facility.)

Okay. so far, we've witnessed the humiliation of
an aging veteran over a harmless comment, and the
disarming of a tiny plastic man who was hiding in
a British grandmother's luggage. It couldn't
possibly get more pathetic, more ridiculous than
that. could it?

Hold on to your horses, Paco, cuz this next true
story takes the cake and shoves big handfuls of
it up your tight, pink asshole.

New Yorker Elizabeth McGarry was headed for
Florida, with her baby in tow, when a security
guard at JFK Airport found three bottles in her
carry-on luggage and asked what they contained.
When McGarry informed him the bottles contained
pre-pumped breast milk for her baby, the guard
said: "You have to drink it."

When McGarry balked at drinking her own breast
milk, the guard said: "You have to drink it, or
you're not getting on the plane."

McGarry offered to put a little on her arm and
lick it, but that wasn't good enough for Mister
Fucking Tough Guy. "You have to drink from the
bottle," he insisted. "All three bottles."

And so, while a gathering crowd watched and the
sneering Rent-a-Thug contemplated the gut-laughs
his telling of this story would generate at the
pool hall later that evening, McGarry - not
wanting to miss her flight - swallowed her pride,
then swallowed three gulps of her own tit juice.
Apparently, this isn't the first time this has

And so it's come to this. Despite all the
post-911 promises of tighter oversight and
increased hiring standards for our "vital"
airport security, all that's really been done is
to give the same useless idiots who've always
done the job carte blanche to treat us, the
public, with as much hostility, disrespect and
utter contempt as they can muster. Newly
empowered, the brooding police academy dropouts,
perpetually-annoyed tooth-sucking soul-sisters,
and snickering Beavis and Butthead clones of yore
have evolved into new breeds: The anal retentive,
authority-drunken Super Trooper. The Wand-Waving
Queen of the X-Ray Machine. The Sadistic
Fetishist, finally let loose from the leash to
fondle underwear and force lactating mothers to
drink their own breast milk, for kicks. We now
have in our midst nothing less than a
nation-wide, completely unregulated, minimum-wage

"But Jerky!" I can already hear some of you
typing. "Don't you remember the horrific events
of September 11?! You can't be too careful these
days! If we are to survive as a nation, we must
require nothing less than the utmost vigilance
from the men and women who watch over our
airports! Isn't the extra security worth a little
added inconvenience?!"

The problem with such assumptions is that they
simply don't apply, here.

It wouldn't be unfair, for instance, to describe
what happened to Fred Hubble as: "being too
careful." In fact, that would be far too generous
and forgiving a description. Nor does
confiscating a vaguely gun-shaped, half-ounce wad
of plastic from a GI Joe doll constitute a
display of 'the utmost vigilance.' And are we now
to consider being forced to drink one's own
breast milk a mere inconvenience?

If anything, such behavior quite literally
borders on bona-fide psychosis. It's the kind of
behavior one might expect to see exhibited in
persons suffering from severe mental illness.
That most of us unquestioningly accept this -
even try to rationalize and defend it - reveals a
lot about how far down the slippery slope we have
already slid.

Israel is a tiny country. They have the world's
most pro-active anti-terrorism measures in place.
There are checkpoints everywhere. Israelis are
the most closely monitored population on the
planet. The streets are crawling with
highly-trained military personnel on the look-out
for potential terrorists. And yet every few days,
you hear about another Palestinian blowing
himself up at a crowded bus stop. So really, who
are we trying to kid? As things currently stand,
we would be no worse off if we chose to forgo the
whole pathetic charade of airport security
entirely, and let the planes fall where they may.
Because if we've really come to the point where
common sense, human dignity and basic respect are
no longer legal interpersonal tender, then the
terrorists have already won, and we're doomed no
matter what we do.

Bill Kalivas

"The American Republic will endure, until politicians realize they can bribe
the people with their own money." -- Alexis de Tocqueville

"Complete liberty of contradicting our opinion is the very condition which
justifies us in assuming its truth." John Stuart Mill

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