-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 8/16/02 2:32:34 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

<< >Wouldn't it be a relief if Bush just lied about sex?  Prudy

 Depends on what "sex" is.  Recall that Bill Jeff Blythe-Clinton -- when he
was no longer able
 to disguise nor indulge his dalliances -- turned sex into cruise missiles.

Yes, but those were the cruise missiles that came within about a half hour of
getting Osama.  Congress refused to fund any more, because they and the
Republican public were all yelling "wag the dog."  Wouldn't it have been nice
if he had managed just a few more and maybe accomplished his objective? The
twin towers would still be in place and all those lives could have been
saved.  I really don't think Clinton cared about disguising his dalliances.
Why would he?  Those who voted him in didn't care, and the Republicans didn't
need sex to condemn him.  I heard someone castegating Hillary for Monica
recently.  I think it was Don Imus.   I kept trying to figure out what she
had to do with it, and I couldn't come up with much of anything.  Republicans
can.  Someday maybe they'll reward us with an explanation of their rationale.

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