-Caveat Lector- http://www.japantoday.com/e/?content=news&id=226549

Video on germ warfare during Korean War found

Thursday, August 15, 2002 at 09:30 JST
TOKYO — Japanese researchers announced Wednesday that they made a video copy of film footage in Pyongyang indicating the United States conducted germ warfare against China and North Korea during the Korean War.

The researchers, who recently returned from Pyongyang with the video, said the footage includes germ weapons believed to have been dropped by U.S. forces, as well as a confession by a captured pilot admitting to U.S. involvement in germ warfare.

It also records that flies and spiders were dropped from U.S. airplanes to spread epidemics and that epidemic prevention measures were taken by North Korea, they said.

Washington has continued to deny any involvement in biological warfare, but Masataka Mori, the group's leader and part-time lecturer at Shizuoka University, said the video confirms it.

During their visit to Pyongyang and northeastern China from July 26 to Aug 5, Mori and the other researchers were able to see and duplicate the 20 minutes of footage that had been shot by staff of the North Korean national movie studio in 1952.

They also said they interviewed North Korean victims of the germ warfare and leaders of the epidemic prevention activities.

Keio University Professor Takao Matsumura said of the video, "This is the first time I've heard of a video about the germ warfare." He said he thinks the confession of the captured U.S. pilot "is a precious record." (Kyodo News)

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