-Caveat Lector- http://www.americanfreepress.net/08_16_02/America_First_Party_/america_first_party_.html

America First Party Holds First National Convention

The growing America First Party had a rousing founding convention.

Exclusive to American Free Press
By Jack Ross

Orlando, Fla.— At its founding convention Aug. 9-10 in Orlando, Fla., the America First Party came out forcefully in opposition to a planned war on Iraq and called for the impeachment of President Bush if he uses U.S. troops to depose Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein without a declaration from Congress.

The convention was addressed from prison by former Rep. Jim Traficant, who was expelled by the House on trumped up charges and is now being held as a political prisoner in Allenwood, Pa.

The party pledged to support Traficant’s independent campaign for re-election.

The America First Party’s platform was overwhelmingly passed in its entirety by voting members.

According to attendees, there was no animosity during debate of the specifics.

“This is a 100 percent populist party,” said Warren Baldwin, one of the members of the board of directors of the America First Party. “We passed an America-first, pro-faith, pro-Constitution platform that will strike fear in the hearts of the Democrats and Republicans.”

The new party also reported rapid growth and already has seven candidates for public office in the field.

At adjournment, the party had 19 state affiliates: Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missis sip pi, Missouri, New Hampshire, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia.

The party expects to be affiliated in all 50 states by next year’s convention.

According to party leaders, the prospects for two of America First’s seven candidates look extremely promising for this November’s elections.

The first is Cameron Bates, running for the City Council in Port St. Lucie, Fla.

Bates, a police officer who has long sought to run for public office, has finally decided to do so in an open challenge to a state law prohibiting police from running.

Bates, who is in a two way race against a Democrat, has been endorsed by the AFL-CIO.

The second is James Edwards, running for the Tennessee State Legislature in District 97 (Bartlett).

Edwards, who at the age of 22 represents the America First Party’s future focus, is the only candidate against Tre Hargett, who was the deciding vote in raising Tennessee’s sales tax after efforts to introduce an income tax were thwarted only by mass protests last year.

Hargett is the embodiment of “liberal” statist Republican tendencies in Tennessee.

Attending as observers were Sherree Lowe, head of the Florida chapter of JAIL For Judges, a judicial reform group, who is running for lieutenant governor of Florida along with Nancy Grant for governor.

Also present was Linda Kennedy, a radio talk-show host who is affiliated with JAIL For Judges.

Most notable were George Stryker and Sam Cross, leaders of the Pennsylvania Populist Party, the last remnants of the Populist Party, which was sabotaged from within and purposefully destroyed.

Stryker and Cross, along with Ms. Lowe, told AFP that they hoped to see the America First Party grow and become truly revolutionary.

The two said they would recommend that the Pennsylvania Populist Party vote to affiliate with the America First Party.

Stryker, Cross and Baldwin expressed their pleasure that, in contrast to all other news media, American Free Press was covering the convention.


The convention declared its disdain for the so-called “conservative establishment” by overwhelmingly adopting a resolution initiated by John Hey of Mississippi to oppose any U.S. military action against Iraq. If a surprise attack on Iraq were to take place without a declaration of war by Congress, the party agreed that it would call for President Bush’s impeachment.

America First Party national chairman Dan Charles told AFP that he expects his party to take the lead on this issue, citing that many followed the party’s lead after it was the first to take the bold step of calling for the impeachment of the federal judges who struck down the pledge of allegiance.

The highlight of the convention came when it was treated to a video address by Traficant, who was to speak in person at the convention were it not for his political imprisonment.

Traficant praised the America First Party for taking a stand when no one else will and urged the party to reach out far beyond its base.

The America First Party, particularly through John Francis, chairman of its Ohio affiliate, is playing an instrumental role in Traficant’s re-election campaign.

Polls show Traficant between 50-54 percent in a field of four, making him easily poised to become the first man elected to Congress from prison.

Members of the party’s national committee told AFP that they see nothing but greater opportunities and success to come through their support of Traficant.

Most tellingly, the convention finished its business ahead of schedule—a rare feat for any political convention in these trying times.

For any and all information about the America First Party call, toll-free, 866-SOS-USA1 (767-8721).

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