-Caveat Lector-

Euphorian spotted this on the Guardian Unlimited site and thought you should see it.

Note from Euphorian:

More abuse by the "Church"

To see this story with its related links on the Guardian Unlimited site, go to 

LA cathedral stirs wrath of the faithful
$200m wasted as city's poor suffer, say Catholic protesters
Duncan Campbell in Los Angeles
Monday September 02 2002
The Guardian

The first cathedral built in the United States for three decades opened yesterday amid 
protests from Roman Catholics who say that the $200m cost of the building should have 
been spent on the poor.

All-night vigils were held by protesters describing the building as a "fat cats' 
cathedral" and by others critical of the church's handling of the sex scandals 
engulfing it.

The dedication of the cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels comes at an awkward moment 
for the church. Seventy-two current or former priests from the LA diocese alone are 
under criminal investigation and the church is embroiled in costly settlements with 
abuse victims. The city's Catholic archbishop, Cardinal Roger Mahony, has been widely 
attacked for not acting more speedily.

"We think it is totally inappropriate to spend $200m on a building like this," said 
Catherine Morris of Catholic Worker, which has been working with the poor in LA since 
1970. The protesters claim that the cost of building has led to cuts in church social 

The cathedral is situated in LA's civic, business and entertainment centre, close to 
what is possibly the largest Skid Row in the US, with around 4,000 people, many 
mentally ill, sleeping on the streets. The city and the church have been accused of 
ignoring them and the thousands of others who live in homeless hostels in the area.

Ms Morris said there were nearly 300 other churches in the archdiocese which could 
have been converted into a cathedral and the $195m thus saved could have been spent 
"in more productive ways".

She added: "We have layers and layers of poverty in this country and layers and layers 
of poverty in this city that could have been addressed. There are so many needs. It is 
unconscionable to make a spectacle out of the spending of money on a building.

"The cathedral is being built in the part of the city associated with government, 
business and culture but the church's founder, Jesus, lived in the margins."

Alice Callaghan, of Las Familias del Pueblo, which works with the homeless, agreed. 
"They are spending $200m on the cathedral but how much on God's poor? In response to 
the criticism, they have hired one nun - one nun - to do outreach. It's ludicrous ... 
I think it's very appropriate that they have built it in the entertainment district."

The Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests also attacked the lavish nature of 
the opening ceremony which was attended by 3,000 guests.

Money for the cathedral has been raised with the help of high-profile donors including 
Rupert Murdoch, who gave $10m, Bob Hope and Roy Disney. Money will also be raised by 
selling resting places in the crypts for $50,000 each.

Cardinal Mahony said yesterday that he hoped the cathedral would be "the new people's 
church", representing "a new beginning" that would outlast scandals.

Designed by the modernist Spanish architect Jose Rafael Moneo, the new cathedral has 
taken five years to build. The previous cathedral was damaged by the 1994 earthquake.

Visually, the new building has won some plaudits. The 25-tonne bronze doors and the 
sculpture of Mary above them have been widely praised. But some critics have nicknamed 
the building "the yellow armadillo".

Copyright Guardian Newspapers Limited

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