-Caveat Lector-

A book review:
Kris Millegan
Secrets of the Tomb
Alexandra Robbins@2002
Brown & Little
230 pages

The Order of Skull & Bones is the Wizard of Oz!
Presidents are just assassinated!
There is no conspiracy!

It’s just nec-essary for us barbarians "to be able to make sense of the

Whitewash, Smokescreen, Disinformation and Modified Limited Hang-out

Recent Yale graduate, Alexandra Robbins’s new book, Secrets of the Tomb –
Skull and Bones, The Ivy League, And The Hidden Paths of Power portends to be
an exposé, but in reality is a response by Bones to its critics, an apologia
and… more skullduggery. Ms. Robbins, claims to be a member of one of Yale’s
seven senior secret societies (she never reveals which one) writes:

 "The rumors and conspiracy theories about Skull and Bones… are widespread
and deep-rooted… the most fascinating thing I learned through my interviews
with members of Skull and Bones is that the majority of rumors were carefully
planted by the Bonesmen themselves."
"Skull & Bones is at its core, equivalent to the Wizard of Oz, the puny but
cunning man hidden behind a curtain of mystique, projecting images that
inspire awe and terror in order to expand himself into something great and
"If the Wizard of Oz can represent Skull and Bones, then one must point out
that, for a while, Oz 'needed' its Wizard to provide balance and a constant
current of reassurance." [Emphasis in original]

According to Ms. Robbins, The Order of Skull & Bones is all just a façade and
the conspiracy theories are created out of a psychological need of us
"barbarians." It’s just a "frat" house that taps into the power of the Ivy
League old boy network. Just a bonding "thing," Skull and Bones isn’t
"cultlike" but its critics are.

"The Bonesmen cannot see the outside world without first looking through the
Bones-constructed prism; at the same time, the outside world cannot see into
Bones headquarters—instead, barbarians can only project their own imagery
onto the, blank, brown walls of the tomb. Which they do. Often. At great
length. The attention paid to Skull and Bones is cultlike, and it has grown
exponentially in recent years because of the Bush dynasty and the expansion
of the Internet, which has provided a most convenient medium through which to
discuss and expound on conspiratorial ties. Skull and Bones is not a legend
just to those who live it. To barbarians also, it is more than merely an
institution; it is a concept onto which people project the images necessary
for them to be able to make sense of the world. However sinister the notion
of an all-powerful secret society might be, the existence of a Skull and
Bones also brings us some measure of relief. The secret soci-ety allows us to
believe that things don’t just happen: genocide isn’t just caused by one
crazy individual, presidents aren’t just assassinated, family political
dynasties aren’t just born. Even chaos, the society’s con-spiracy theories
tell us, has causality. The secret society—like the power of the elitist,
old-school colleges, the small groups of mogul networks, and the political
dynasties—survives because people like to believe that seemingly random
events are orchestrated by someone or something in control. "We’ve all done a
good job of keeping the quintessential mystery alive," one patriarch said to
me, "because people don’t believe this is all we do." Perhaps one of the
reasons people are so fascinated with con-spiracy theories, particularly the
far-reaching networks associated with secret societies and old-school power,
is that they need causality in much the same way as they need a God. People’s
need for the Skull and Bones conspiracies to elucidate an underlying order is
similar to the need for religion to explain death and purpose. Underground
control suggests order and order implies reason. Explanations, however
implausible, are somehow reassuring."

The psychological underpinnings, the rhetoric and the techniques used to
"massage" the message in this book I find are very interesting. Also, her use
of the term barbarians to refer to non-members and her use of Bones’ terms of
deference to older members, I also find interesting.

Ms. Robbins takes a swipe at the "sinister" views of Bones with an
exaggerated and shunted version of many of the allegations about Bones in an
introduction titled The Legends of Skull and Bones. By mixing reality with
known myth Ms. Robbins clumsily tosses aside many historical tragedies
brought about by the elite deviance of Bones and its cohorts.  She then
proceeds to tell us "What follows, then is the truth about Skull and Bones."
But by simply not addressing many of the allegations against Bones that she
brings up in her "legends" she lays down more smoke and mirrors on the whole
subject of what is real and what is fiction, even ending her book with more
of the same:

"Whether the legend of Skull and Bones reflects a sinister veracity or a
prismatic distortion depends almost entirely on one’s desired perception. The
great conspiracy surrounding the society is one of half-truths and our own
willing complicity. And its secret, great and terrible, is that Skull and
Bones, unreal, has mastered both"

This book is not an expose it is a paean to The Order of Skull & Bones.
Secrets of the Tomb is designed to deflect mounting exposure and criticism of
The Order’s secrecy and its malignant effect upon our body politic and our

Ms. Robbins has insights into the culture of Yale and access to Bones
members. She supplies us with some gossip, some new info, a map of the inside
of the tomb, and plenty of Bones’ unsourced shallow retorts.
I will offer a small disassembly of one piece of Ms. Robbins disinformation,
for now… Her dismissal of the history of Skull & Bones members’ financial
dealings with the Nazis consisted of one sentence.

"Nor was it Skull and Bones that specifically instructed members to aid Adolf
Hitler, though Hitler’s financier stowed $3 million in the Union Banking
Corporation, a bank that counted among its seven directors Prescott Bush."

Ms. Robbins gives us no documentation of her assertion that all that happened
was that Fritz Thyssen "stowed" just "$3 million" in a bank that "counted
among its seven directors Prescott Bush."  Poor Pres, just has been stuck
with a bad rap, them mean Nazis did it behind his back. What a crock!
If one checks the historical record one finds that the Union Banking Co. was
established in 1924 to formalize an agreement between Bonesman Averell
Harriman and Fritz Thyssen, German industrialist and author of I Paid Hitler.
Union Bank was more than just some place to stow money but was an active
participant in the rearming of Germany and the financing of Nazism. The US
Alien Property Custodian eventually seized Union Banking Corporation in
October on 1942 under the Trading with the Enemy Act.
And there were many more Bonesmen involved than just Prescott Bush. And there
was much more Bonesmen involvement in the financial affairs of Germany and
the Nazis. In 1933 there were eight directors of Union Bank. Four were
members of Skull & Bones, classmates Roland Harriman, Knight Woolley, Ellery
Sedgewick James and Prescott Bush. In 1942 the bank had (Ms. Robbins is
correct) only seven directors but there were three Bones directors and
shareholders, Roland, Prescott and Ray Morris. And their shares were declared
as being "held for the benefit of… members of the Thyssen family, [and] is
property of nationals… of a designated enemy country…"
There is much more historical evidence about The Order’s and the Bush’s
involvement in the financing of Germany and of Hitler. There is George
Herbert Walker’s and Prescott Bush’s major involvement with the Harriman
Fifteen Corporation and the American Ship and Commerce Corporation which both
helped in the rearmament of Germany and the rise of Nazism.

Ms. Robbins also sidestepped the very real relationship between The Order,
eugenics and Hitler. But that is par for the course for this book. Not that I
do not recommend it. For as I have learned much can be gathered from
disinformation, first there are the "bonifides" that must be supplied and
then there is what is not said and where they wish you to go, which always
provides… illumination.

Kris Millegan
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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