-Caveat Lector- http://www.islamonline.net/english/News/2002-09/03/article19.shtml

Israel Could Commit Terrorist Act in U.S. to Urge Iraq Strike: Baghdad

BAGHDAD, September 3 (IslamOnline & News Agencies) - Israel could commit a terrorist act in the United States and make it look like by Iraq to spur Washington into a military campaign on Baghdad, the Iraqi newspaper run by Saddam Hussein's eldest son, Uday, said Tuesday.

“With the U.S. administration having failed to find the slightest link between Iraq and the events of September 11, the Zionist entity could act by carrying out a terrorist act in the United States conforming to its desire to see Iraq attacked,” Babel paper warned, Agence France-Presse (AFP) reported.

“The Zionist entity wants to involve the United States in an insane war from which it will benefit by settling its account with the Palestinian people and imposing its hegemony on the region,” the daily said.

Babel urged Arab states to realize the “inherent dangers to these plans” and to take “decisive steps” to defend their interests, AFP said.

The administration of U.S. President George W. Bush has repeatedly threatened to launch a military strike to topple Saddam Hussein's regime, which it accuses of harboring terrorists and developing weapons of mass destruction. Baghdad denies the charges which were not confirmed by any source.

The U.S. plans to attack Iraq to topple the Iraqi regime faced world opposition that increased in the Earth Summit held in Johannesburg.

Meanwhile, Foreign Minister Naji Sabri said while visiting Russia that the arms inspectors might return to Iraq if the UN sanctions crippling the Iraqi economy were lifted.

“First of all the sanctions which reduced the majority of Iraqi population to misery must be lifted. Respect for our country's national security is also important, as well as ensuring its sovereignty and territorial integrity,” Sabri said in an interview televised on Russia's ORT channel early Tuesday, AFP reported.

The White House reacted by saying it doubted Baghdad was sincere about the return of the UN inspectors.

The American Vice President, Dick Cheney has said weapons inspections cannot ensure Iraq has disarmed and Washington has no plans to abandon its policy to topple Saddam Hussein even if the inspectors are allowed back.

Meanwhile, a spokesman for Iraqi Air Defense Command said that the U.S. and British warplanes, supported by an AWACS, carried out on Sunday 34 sorties from bases in Kuwait, Iraqi News Agency (INA) reported.

“Iraqi missile force and anti-aircraft artillery drove the enemy planes back to their bases in Kuwait”, the spokesman added.

Since December 17, 1998 up to September 1, 2002, the U.S. and British warplanes carried out a total of 41998 sorties from Saudi, Kuwaiti and Turkish airspace, of which 15218 sorties from Kuwaiti airspace, INA said.

Meanwhile, the British Defense Ministry dismissed as speculation reports that the deployment to the Mediterranean of a 20,000-ton aircraft carrier, alongside warships from nine other nations, showed London was getting ready for war with Iraq

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