-Caveat Lector- http://www.stevequayle.com/index1.html

What should we be looking for? As you look at the world scene, obviously India and Pakistan are "hot" right now. But so is the U.S.

Quayle: It doesn't do any good, Rick, to have smallpox vaccination for, let's say, one variant form of smallpox, if you've got 61 others. And if you've got hemmorhagic smallpox, which is the combination of Ebola and smallpox, that has been genetically altered, then you've got mortality rates that are up to the 70-80% realm.

[Editor's note: Remember Dr. Len Horowitz's serious warning about the smallpox vaccination scam in last month's SPECTRUM.]

Martin: Well, and there are those who believe that vaccines, anyway, will kill you.

Quayle: I'm one of those.

Martin: I am, too.

Quayle: Yeah. Someone said to me, would I take a smallpox vaccine? I said: "No way. I'd go into self-imposed exile." That's my statement to that.

Martin: There certainly is a school of thought that the United States is moving toward mandatory vaccinations, at some point, and there are those who also say that will be the time that people are "chipped", and those who resist will be incarcerated.

I don't see that as being all that far-out.

Quayle: No, I don't either. Remember, Health & Human Services, Tommy Thompson, made the statement that there's a dose of smallpox vaccine "with everyone's name and number on it".

Martin: Now THAT'S scary!

Quayle: That IS scary! You know, this breaks my heart to have to say this stuff.

But again, I wrote the book Breathe No Evil before this stuff was on anybody's radar screen.

So, again, I want you to make that point, so people don't think I'm trying to capitalize on fear to sell my book. That's not it, at all. It's just, I guess, when you've got foresight, you've got the ability to project this stuff. The bottom line is, people are going to become even more frightened—because then that gives me credibility, then I'm even more to be feared. You follow me?

Martin: Yes.

Quayle: Getting back to what's going on, just in the last several months the Army has been doing aerial spraying tests in the Gulf Coast, in the Florida area, and it's panicked and angered the Florida Keys residents. The Army admitted to that aerial spraying test.

Now, also, we've had an outbreak of "black water" in the Florida region, actually in the Gulf Coast, and around some of the Florida region, where everything is dying in the ocean. The question is: Is there a cause and effect between both the Army's aerial spraying tests, or this spray-plane incident that happened on the Mississippi, that seemingly got lost. Are you familiar with that incident?

Martin: No.

Quayle: Some people on barges said that they watched spray planes dumping powder into the mouth of the Mississippi. They called the FBI, and the FBI didn't do anything about it. [Seems to be a chronic problem.] But, after that, the "black water" started to appear.

For instance, if you wanted to spray everything in the oceans, you would come up with some type of a biological agent that would begin to annihilate the phytoplankton, which is the lowest rung on the food-chain ladder.

Martin: The foundation.

Quayle: The foundation, that's a better word.

I'm suggesting that, not only do these [New World Order] people have a plan to kill-off a lot of people, but they have a plan to kill-off the ability to feed the people. I think it's something like 75% of the world's population lives off the ocean. That means they are in close proximity, or eat protein out of the ocean. So, understand this: I believe the New World Order boys want to kill-off 5 1/2 billion people—that's what they've said.

Martin: They're on record.

Quayle: And that's something to refer to in your article.

Martin: Sure.

Quayle: Another clue is the racespecific and genetic-specific nature of some of these weapons systems. Let me give you the name of a guy who's been in the news. You can go on the BBC and type in this name on the Internet, and you'll get the whole background. The name is: Wouter Basson. He's known as "Dr. Death" in South Africa, and he was working on race-specific biological pathogens.

Martin: I've heard about that.

Quayle: The British Ministry of Defense stated that between 1940-1980 they ran over 100 different tests of germs on the British citizens.

Martin: Porton Down has been busy for a long time.

Quayle: And' by the way, I'm on record as stating that both Mad Cow and the virulent form of Hoof-and-Mouth Disease, both came from Porton Down, and they were intentional releases.

Martin: That would make sense.

Quayle: Also, in Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD), in the United States, spreading through the deer and elk populations of the midwest, and the Rocky Mountains, I believe THAT was genetically engineered.

The whole thing with Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE)— both CWDs and BSEs are called TSEs; they're transmissible spongiform encephalopathies. And the deal is, we, the United States, sent our people down to New Guinea 40 years ago, when the headhunters were dying of Kuru. They would eat the brain of the vanquished victims. This is kind-of gross, but then they would come down with it.

We sent a bunch of our people down there and cultivated that. And they try and go back and say: "Oh, it was in this country a long time before that."

Well, first of all, too, Alzheimer's patients and Parkinson's Disease, I believe a LOT of them are TSE. There was a Boston medical school test that was done, and I think when it was done, 20 out of 100 brains were found to have the TSE.

Martin: I think Len Horowitz would agree with you.

Quayle: Len's a friend of mine. And, by the way, the test for TSE in humans, and CWD in animals, has to be done at an autopsy. The person has to be dead' so you can go cut out their brain.

Now, they may have some new system, supposedly, or some new investigative techniques to identify it, but you know, that's a mixed bag because you hear they do, but then you talk to them and they say they don't.

Martin: The usual. [Laughter]

Quayle: For instance, in Wisconsin, we're talking about 15,000 deer having to be destroyed. In Colorado, there have been hunters who have died from CWD. And they claim it doesn't jump from one species to another; in other words, they're claiming it's not transgenic. I'm claiming IT IS.

Martin: Again, dangerous stuff.

Quayle: The whole anthrax attack that was on Senator Tom Daschle's [D-SD] office, I said it wasn't domestic, meaning localized, right-wing fanatics, because that had I trillion spores per gram. That's unheard of. That's the most sophisticated' weaponized and aerosolized version of anthrax ever designed—1 trillion spores per gram.

In my book Breathe No Evil, on page 46, I talked about the American Stamp Collectors' society being concerned that the stamp glue, or glue on the envelope that seals, that this could be a growing medium for Anthrax spores.

And, now, they still are trying to figure out where it is. And I said: "It's the stamp and the seal."

Martin: What do you think is going to happen next?

Quayle: What am I looking for?

Martin: The next "incident".

Quayle: I believe that it's going to be a "simultaneous" type of thing.

That is, I don't believe it will be a single incident. I believe it will be multiple incidents. Given the fact that nuclear power plants are so vulnerable, I think these guys have already pretty much demonstrated that vulnerability and ease are very much in their "methodology".

I would say that, given the lack of correct, protective measures being taken by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (them whining about not having the budget, etc.), I'd say that a "dirty" bomb, meaning either conventional explosives blowing-up a nuclear power plant, or a radiological bomb, are probably the most likely scenarios in the near-term, from that standpoint.

>From a biological standpoint, I think that these guys are going to hit us with CCHF. CCHF is Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic Fever.

Now, I'll take you to Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Iran. I believe that, basically, that's what happened there. Typically they claim that it can be transferred from tick to animal to humans, ok? But the point that I'm making is, some of these areas are so vastly remote, and so separated, that no tick, no animal, and no human came into contact with each other.

I believe it was a "trial test" to see the rate of spread' the time of spread' and the degree of spread. In other words, it was a biological weapons test, done on live people, in a very remote part of the world. And that's what I believe we're headed for. I believe we're headed for some combination.

First of all, I think we're going to get hit with something VERY CONTAGIOUS, like a genetically altered form of smallpox, ok? I really believe that. Whether it is Ebolapox or Mousepox or something, it will be smallpox plus something else—that there absolutely is no vaccine for.

Martin: Is there any immune system mechanism for fighting this?

Quayle: Even in that, the best fight that everyone has is to build-up the immune system, because you don't get 100% mortality rate with any of this stuff. The difference seems to be that the people who have the strongest immune systems fare the best.

By the way, I'm convinced there was purpose behind the Army's aerial spraying test in the Florida Keys. The Florida Keys have a very large gay population, and one of the things that no one has put forth is—

Martin: Right, they're already suppressed; their immune systems are already suppressed.

Quayle: What an ultimate laboratory for suppressed immune systems. Do you follow my thinking?

Martin: I do.

Quayle: Because the homosexual population down there already has compromised immune systems. That's the only thing that makes sense. Why would they, specifically, do it in the Keys?

Martin: The whole thing is just so sick; and yet, that's the New World Order agenda.

Quayle: And it goes beyond even this. I mean, when we say sick, I use the word diabolical, in its truest sense: El Diablo, the Devil. This is total contempt for the human race by something, and I believe that something is supra-natural with just a complete hatred for mankind.

And I think-and I'd like you to quote me on this—that never before in history have the words of Jesus been so pronounced: "Except the days be shortened, there'd be no flesh left alive." Because these guys are absolutely planning, by their own writings and testimony, to lessen the planet by 5-1/2 billion people.

By the way, I see the Human Genome Project as incredibly dangerous. Everyone is hailing it as such a wonderful thing, but I think there is a sinister side to it, too.

Martin: There has to be.

Quayle: By typing the Human Genome, then they can develop anything they want to kill anybody, anywhere, anytime. They could even put in a biological pathogen that could be activated in a field of specific electro-magnetic radiation. In other words, they press a button and it activates, and the person is dead within hours.

[Editors note: This is certainly one of the more suspicious possibilities ascribed to HAARP-type systems. Keep in mind that the New World Order misfits want to reduce the population down to an easily MANAGEABLE size. That implies the application of technologies to essentially robotize that remaining smaller population. Thus you can assume it is an equally critical agenda item to develop some advanced mind-control techniques perhaps utilizing such electromagnetically induced adjustments to brain DNA. The absolute arrogance of this New World Order gang is exceeded only by their stupidity about how resilient is God's engineering of His Creations.]

Martin: Right. So what's the good news?

Quayle: The good news is, and I mean there is good news! And the good news is, number one, people who don't live in cities have a very small chance of being infected. If they can cut their exposure by isolating themselves away from large population centers, I think they have the best chance of surviving.

Number two, there are things people can do. They can build themselves "safe rooms" in their houses, or some kind of a shelter, in which you positive-pressure the inside of the shelter, but you're bringing in filtered air, with an air filter that can, basically, kill all the biological pathogens. And you may have to stay in that realm for up to, say, 40 days.

[Editors note: For example, you may obtain more information about a simple nuclear and bio-chemical "safe room " for under $2, 000 at the www.americansaferoom.com Internet website.]

But, I think the point is, practical civil defense is still the most viable way of protecting Americans. And the government has NO civil defense, NONE, ZERO! And I think that's the greatest failure in history, and I think that history will record that the United States had a death wish, or did not care enough for their population to defend them.

There is no way that antibiotics will work against viruses—end of story. There is no way that the Federal Government, under the most extreme panic and peril, could even begin to try and control a population that's out of control. And so, my thing is, I have a statement: I WANT PEOPLE TO BE WHEREVER EVERYONE ELSE ISN'T.

In other words, you don't want to be in downtown Los Angeles when something goes off; you want to be away.

For the record, you will have to stop the minute one of these biological weapons is released in any place. All, ALL aircraft transportation will come to a halt, because there's nothing worse than somebody getting on an airplane infected. And that's my real fear. These guys could infect themselves with this stuff and' basically, just walk through an airport, and everybody in the airport would be infected that they come into contact with, or disperse it throughout the country. That's the scariest scenario I know of.

Martin: It's like 12 Monkeys, the movie.

Quayle: Yep.

Martin: How real do you think the nuclear threat is, domestically?

Quayle: I think the domestic nuclear threat is very real. The head of one of the highest ranking Chinese intelligence officials defected [Colonel Xu Junping] some months ago, and said that China is sneaking both nuclear and biological weapons into America. It was Colonel Xu Junping, Director of Strategy, in China's Defense Ministry for the past 5 years. He told, specifically, that they are bringing in nuclear and biological weapons.

Now, remember this: China has just, in the last couple weeks, been given access to all of Russia's former bases in Cuba. Did you know that?

Martin: No, I did not.

Quayle: Cuba has some incredibly extensive bio-weapons labs. And no matter what Fidel says, and Jimmy Carter. Here's the deal: Rick, in this article, you should run through the defectors. Get the information on Xu Junping from Gordon Thomas. This is the biggest story in the world, and no one picked it up. I won't say they didn't pick it up, but they don't know how big this story is.

[Rick Martin: Let's turn for a moment to the story on this subject written by the great investigative journalist and author familiar to SPECTRUM readers since our May 2002 front-page feature about him, Gordon Thomas. Gordon wrote this in January, 2002, titled "China Spies On America" and I am here quoting portions of that outstanding report:

A high-ranking Chinese defector to America with full access to Beijing's powerful Secret Intelligence Service (CSIS)—has revealed the most comprehensive ever details of China's spying operations against key economic and industrial targets in Britain.

State-of-the-market research and technology worth an estimated $14 billion pounds sterling has been stolen in the past three years since CSIS intensified its operations in Britain.

The defector, Colonel Xu Junping, was Director of Strategy in China's Defense Ministry. For the past 5 years he oversaw all secret operations by CSIS against the West.

Traditionally such a treasure trove of vital intelligence would be immediately shared with MI-5. But Washington has put a hold on sharing—to show its fury over the publication this week of Dame Stella Rimington's (of MI-5) memoirs, Open Secret.

Her decision to publish, against strong Government advice, has seriously damaged the longstanding and close ties between Washington and Britain's intelligence communities.

President Bush has personally endorsed his intelligence chief's decision not to provide Britain with revelations of China's secret penetration of this country.

Pointedly, Xu's other revelations about CSIS operations in Germany and France have been passed on to their intelligence services.

In the five months that Xu has been kept under wraps in a safe house deep in the countryside outside Washington—its perimeter guarded by crack-shot agents— the .slim, good-looking 44 year old defector has also provided invaluable insights about how much China knows:

• of MI-6 operations in the Far East.

• How China secretly contravened sanctions against Saddam to re-arm Iraq with nuclear weapons. Iraq now has a capability to produce long-range nuclear missiles.

• How China secretly helped Slobodan Milosevic during the Balkans War—and they didn't pick it up, but they don't know how big this story is.

• How a CSIS team flew to Belgrade, ready to whisk Milosevic to sanctuary in China, shortly before he was arrested and sent to The Hague War Crimes Tribunal.

• Even more alarming was Xu's revelation that Osama bin-Laden—to the U.S. "the grandmaster of terrorism"—has established contacts with CSIS.

"Our intelligence services operate on the principle that your enemies are our potential allies" Xu told his debriefers.

So important were some of Xu's revelations that U.S. National Security Adviser, Condolezza Rice, sat in on debriefings. She heard:

• Xu confirm CSIS plans to stage an escalating series of crises to help China become the new Superpower of the new Millennium.

• How CSIS is working hard to exploit Europe's growing problem with asylum seekers. Xu's predictions have now been included into a CIA report entitled Global Trends Up To 2015.

The Sunday Express has learned the report contains these chilling claims:

• CSTS will provide biochemical and small nuclear devices to terrorist groups to attack the United States and Britain.

• CSIS will increasingly support rogue states like Iraq and Iran. "On present calculations, with the help of China, both countries will have gone nuclear by the year 2005" says the report. The report is a grim precursor to the present economic slowdown.

• "CSIS will exploit the present economic stagnation that will reach its peak in the year 2015. All the indications are that there could be a major war by then. The main protagonists will be China and America. But Britain and NATO will inevitably be drawn in."

Now, back to the interview.]

Quayle: This guy is THE highest ranking defector in the history of defections. This is a "Gold Star" guy, it's that important, Rick.

Also, I believe that al-Qaeda and the Taliban have, basically, been sold nuclear weapons by different renegade members of the former Russian-military.

The positioning of specific nuclear weapons that were planted in this country during the Cold War, along with their detonation codes, and detonation sequences—remember, every nuclear weapon has a specific code that allows the weapon to be detonated. I believe some of those, not all of those, have already been transferred. I have reason to believe that the codes, the positions, and the weapons, have been sold.

So, trying to check for nuclear weapons after everything is already in this country is, in my opinion, a moot point. It's not that these are "missing". I want to make the point that they are DEPLOYED! They are not missing, unaccounted for, someplace in the world. They're accounted for; they're deployed; and unfortunately, I believe they're deployed IN THIS COUNTRY.

Martin: And you think al-Qaeda is a reasonable place to look?

Quayle: Yes, I do. And I believe this because they use euphemisms.

By the way, usually the Moslems don't lie. When I say "don't lie", it's one thing with deception and stuff, but the thing is, after the first World Trade Center bombing, they said that they would continue to go until it was gone. Even FEMA put out a manual, and it showed the World Trade Center with crosshairs RIGHT WHERE THE PLANES HIT! You can get that. I don't have it.

My computer melted down, literally burned-out, and I lost 9,000 emails, and all of my records.

Martin: Was that because of the Art Bell program?

Quayle: I think "The Boys" did it to me.

Martin: The Government did it to you?

Quayle: Somebody did it; I won't say the government. I'll say that somebody did it.

Martin: “The powers that be."

Quayle: "The powers that be."

Martin: Let's talk about Red Mercury. Is it real? There is a lot on the Internet on the subject, half of which says that it doesn't exist, that it is just a way for the government to entrap black-market nuclear suppliers. What is your understanding of Red Mercury?

Quayle: On Red Mercury, I interviewed some pretty seedy characters. I believe it's real. Mercury Antimony Oxide, it is a nuclear material. In other words, you don't just get mercury and mix it with antimony oxide, and get Red Mercury, do you follow me?

Martin: Yes, I do.

Quayle: It is a fissile material; that means it is generated in a nuclear reactor. The point is, when I, also, interviewed Sam Cohen, the inventor of the neutron bomb, when the book One Point Safe came out, that was about the Red Mercury phenomenon. I don't know if you've ever read the book.

Martin: No.

Quayle: But the gist of it is—when I interviewed Sam Cohen five times in radio interviews, the inventor of the neutron bomb, he maintains that it is real.

Martin: He maintains it's real?

Quayle: Yes.

Martin: Well. again, the reason I ask you is because, on the Internet, as you're probably aware, on primarily government websites, there's a lot of documentation saying it's a hoax, that it's a sting.

Quayle: That's their SPIN, OK?

Martin: What's the real story?

Quayle: The real story is: it exists. It's created in a reactor. Vladimir Zhirinovsky, in some of his outlandish speeches, even made reference to it, one or two times. I've also interviewed some guys who dealt in that kind of stuff.

Let me give you a good example. I'm typing into my computer, online, Red Mercury, right now, on the AltaVista search engine. I don't know how much of this relates to what we're talking about. There was a band' or something, also, but on that name there are 183,648 links to websites with this phrase on it. And you get everybody in here from Abdu, to a lot of guys wanting to buy it.

It's interesting; most people just deny that it exists. But the point is that it is a highly fissile material. And the nice thing about it is that it provides for very small, subcompact detonations. This stuff is powerful!

Martin: Let me ask you about something else, too. The name of the satellite system that detects nuclear materials is called Milstar. Allegedly, it can detect high-velocity spin-off particles from enriched uranium, that shielding does not block. Now, the question is: Both for the larger nuclear weapons, as well as the suitcase nukes, can ALL of those be detected by Milstar, or only a portion of those?

Quayle: It's only a portion, as I understand it. Sam Cohen told me that wax, just paraffin, will absorb neutrons. Look, I don't have access to the top-secret code for it, but there is an electromagnetic, or what is called a photodeactivation—this is a real word—method of shielding it from being able to be picked-up. What that basically means, I'll make it simple. It allows the changing of the radioactive particles.

So, let's say this. There are numerous shielding techniques. A lot of them are top-secret; some are electromagnetic; but some of them are simple, like paraffin, and that I learned from Sam Cohen, again, the inventor of the neutron bomb.

Martin: What do you know about the softball-sized' two-megaton fusion bomb, the so-called s-megaton, micro-nuclear warhead that Iraq possesses.

Quayle: First of all, if they're submegaton, that means they're in the kiloton range. I think you said two megatons. I think you mean two kilotons?

Martin: The document I was reading from says two megatons.

Quayle: Then forgive me, I know nothing of that. You see, you can't have a sub-megaton weapon. Isn't that what they're talking about?

Martin: The exact phraseology here is: "softball-sized, two-megaton fusion bombs, so-called s-megaton micro-nuclear warheads".

Quayle: What that would be would be a derivation of the Mirv warhead technology, if it's in the megaton realm. Remember, Hiroshima was 14-18 kilotons. And there are a thousand kilotons to a megaton. That's why I'm stammering over your question. It's almost saying two diametrically opposed statements. If something is sub-megaton, it's less than a megaton; so it's in the kiloton range. If it is a two-megaton bomb, it would not be sub. Do you follow me?

Martin: Yes.

Quayle: It would be a two-megaton, softball-sized nuclear weapon.

Martin: So, s-megaton means "sub"?

Quayle: Yes.

Martin: Are you familiar with softball-fusion bombs?

Quayle: Yes. But everything that I know related to that is the Red Mercury style.

Martin: Are those so-called "dirty bombs"?

Quayle: No, they're not. Those are fissile weapons, ok? Fission takes place. A "dirty" weapon is conventional explosives, wrapped with radioactive materials like uranium, plutonium.

Martin: I see.

Quayle: When we're talking about Red Mercury, we're talking about actual nuclear—which means they have the process of fission taking place. A fusion bomb, by the way, is another way of saying thermonuclear, and that's usually reserved for hydrogen bombs. Does that make sense?

Martin: Yes, it does. I'm glad I asked you about that, because I was confused about it.

Quayle: And I'm confused, because I've never seen s-megaton. That's usually always referring to sub-megaton.

Let me share this with you. But put this down as rumor. What's rumor "out there" is that under Bill Clinton's administration—according to a nuclear physicist who is well aware of the defense industry—Clinton gave the Chinese, or actually saw to the transfer to the Chinese, what would be called our micro-miniaturized warheads, ok? That's the most TOP-SECRET thing we have, in our nuclear arsenal. So, IF it is in their possession, IF it is a two-megaton fusiontype weapon, then that IS state-of-the-art. The only place that Saddam Hussein could get that would be from the Chinese.

In a Mirv warhead, we went to smaller and smaller missiles, but more powerful warheads. The two-megaton warheads— if you've got, say, five of those sitting in the nosecone of an ICBM or a Tomahawk or whatever delivery system you're using—those would all be considered, if you will, micro-miniature warheads.

Martin: Let me read this to you. The headline is "The Balance Of Terror And The Red Mercury Nightmare", dated March 26, 2002, by J. R. Nyquist.

Quayle: I know Jeff Nyquist, he does his homework.

Martin: The second paragraph reads, quoting:

What the CIA director could not say, and perhaps what makes President George W. Bush so desperately eager to wipe out the regime of Saddam Hussein, is that Russia may have given Red Mercury fusion technology to Saddam. According to one of my sources, Iraq possesses "s-megaton" micro-nuclear warheads. These are softball-sized, two megaton fusion bombs triggered by an irradiated and compressed compound of mercury antimony oxide. This device doubles the nuclear yield with a hundred-fold reduction of weight. Using heavy hydrogen instead of uranium or plutonium to fuel its explosive reaction, this hand-held nuclear weapon cannot be detected by U.S. sensors. End quoting.

Quayle: That is true, they cannot be detected.

Martin: So, is that an accurate paragraph?

Quayle: The only thing I would question is the fusion part of it, ok? Because, every time, and my source is Sam Cohen on this, every time we talked, it was never a thermonuclear reaction— that is, fusion is a hydrogen-type thing. If we're talking about deuterium, that's what heavy hydrogen is, then that makes me think it IS a fusion weapon. I'm not trying to play games, I'm just trying to understand the context of this. The only way Saddam could have gotten that is from the Chinese. I don't think the Russians would give it to him; the Chinese would.

To be safe, I should just say that Saddam could only get this from either the Russians or the Chinese.

You're talking about state-of-the-art nuclear weapons development; and talking about, still, our government's position, to this day, regarding Red Mercury, is that it doesn't exist. But I can tell you this: this whole change in the U.S. defense posture, and with us using our nuclear weapons to go after rogue states, is based on the premise that Red Mercury DOES exist. Does that help?

Martin: It helps a great deal.

Quayle: And let me say this: probably the guy who invented the neutron bomb—because the difference between a neutron bomb is that it kills by a high dosage of neutrons, where it doesn't blow-up, and produce fallout; it produces massive amounts of radiation that kills all living things, but doesn't touch the buildings and all that stuff.

What you're talking about is what I said about the Clinton years. The most top-secret, high-powered, microminiature warheads that we designed, were given to the Chinese.

Now, the Russians probably stole them from us before the Chinese. But I would say, knowing where Saddam's weapons development program is coming from, I'd guess the Chinese got them to him. But that's just speculation on my part.

Let me just add—and this isn't because this is a pet thing of mine—YOU'RE ONTO THE BIGGEST STORY


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