-Caveat Lector- http://www.guardian.co.uk/international/story/0,3604,811240,00.html

New clue turns up in 'God's banker' death

Philip Willan in Rome
Monday October 14, 2002
The Guardian

Italian investigators have discovered a safety deposit box belonging to Roberto Calvi some 20 years after "God's banker" was found hanging from scaffolding under Blackfriars Bridge in London.

The safety deposit box, held at a Milan branch of the Banco Ambrosiano of which Calvi was chairman, reportedly contained a builder's brick, newspaper articles dating from the summer of 1981 and documents which police hope will help them to solve the puzzle of the banker's death.

One mystery they will seek to clarify is how the bank safe remained unnoticed for all these years. It was registered in the names of Calvi and his mother and in recent years had been under the control of one of his brothers, Leone.

The safe reportedly came to light two weeks ago and investigators have since searched four properties belonging to Leone Calvi for further clues.

The Banco Ambrosiano chairman was found hanged in London in 1982 following the £770m collapse of his bank in a financial scandal that implicated the Vatican, the Mafia and international Freemasonry.

Investigators said that the brick, wrapped in a copy of the newspaper Corriere della Sera, could constitute a cryptic reference to the Freemasons, as well as recalling the brick fragments that were found on Calvi's body - in his pockets and stuffed down the front of his trousers.

"That brick could be a warning, a message in code," an unnamed investigator told the Rome daily Il Messaggero.

Calvi's son, Carlo, expressed astonishment yesterday at the discovery.

"That safety deposit box should have been handed over from the beginning. Something hasn't worked as it should have done within the bank, and I would like to know the reason why," he told the Rome daily La Repubblica.

Rome prosecutors are awaiting the results of a fresh post-mortem examination of the banker's body, which is expected to confirm that he was murdered.

In 1997 they charged several Mafiosi and a Sardinian businessman, Flavio Carboni, with complicity in his murder. Mafia turncoats have accused the self-confessed Mafia boss Francesco Di Carlo, who lived in the UK, of strangling Calvi to punish him for absconding with some of Cosa Nostra's money.

Mr Di Carlo, who is himself now collaborating with the investigators, denies the charge.

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