-Caveat Lector-

>From http://www.dfw.com/mld/startelegram/news/columnists/dave_lieber/4288050.htm

Posted on Tue, Oct. 15, 2002

Nothing fond about farewell to Armey

Dave Lieber commentary

A congressman from our area, House Majority Leader Dick Armey, R-Flower Mound, is a
man. In less than three months, he will be out of office, and we will no longer have 
to listen
to his stupid comments.

His son, Scott Armey, who could not win the House seat even though he shares his 
name, will still be a federal employee, thanks to political patronage. But neither 
father nor
son will be an elected official, and for that, we should say a small prayer of thanks.

What motivates my call for prayer? Dick Armey's latest stunt. Still fuming over a 
series that
The Dallas Morning News published on the eve of his son's loss in the Republican 
primary in
April, Armey tried to pull an unbelievable power play this month. He attempted to 
language into a military appropriations bill that would have forced the Morning News' 
company, Belo, to sell one of its three media properties in the region. His 
amendment alluded to, but did not name, these Belo properties: WFAA/Channel 8, the
Morning News and the Denton Record- Chronicle. Armey's amendment stated that any
media company that owns a network-affiliated TV station; a newspaper with a Sunday
circulation of at least 750,000 that doesn't have a competitor with a Sunday 
exceeding 350,000; and a second daily newspaper with a Sunday circulation of 25,000 or
less -- all in the same market -- would have to divest the smallest property.

That type of vague language is how lawmakers have historically inserted last-minute
amendments that aid cronies or target enemies. Therefore, in celebration of Armey's
pending retirement, I suggest that the following amendments -- based on incidents 
from his career -- be inserted into bills:

• The Mispronounced Name Amendment: Applies to any congressional leader who in 1995
referred to an openly gay congressman with a term that rhymes with rag. The leader 
be forced to wear, for an entire year, a rainbow-colored tie with the words "Ask me 
my first name is."

• The Fool-Me-Twice-Shame-on-You Amendment: Applies to any congressional leader who
apologized for the above incident and then in 2000 made another derogatory joke about 
same congressman. The leader shall be forced to do aerobics exercises with Richard
Simmons on live television.

• The Failed Coup Amendment: Pertains to any top House leader who tried to orchestrate
the ouster in 1997 of his boss, then-House Speaker Newt Gingrich, and, when asked about
it later, did not tell the truth about his role. The leader shall be forced to tell 
the story of
George Washington and the cherry tree to every first-grader in Flower Mound.

• The Thanks for the Memories Amendment: Applies to any congressional leader who
spread a false report on the House floor that comedian Bob Hope had died. The leader 
be forced to serve as an unpaid intern for Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-N.Y., for no 
than one year.

• The False Pretenses Fund-raiser: Relates to any congressional leader who had a fund-
raiser for his re-election campaign on Dec. 6 with Vice President Dick Cheney in 
Dallas, then
announced six days later that he had no intention of running again. The leader shall 
with interest, the more than $400,000 his campaign received from contributors.

• The Misleading Signs Amendment: Pertains to any congressional leader whose son has
lost a primary to replace him in Congress. If supporters put up signs stating "Support 
Armey Flat Tax" to confuse voters into thinking that the father was running for 
the congressional leader shall remove the nails from each wood stake using his front 

• The Father-Son Nepotism Amendment: Relates to any congressman who helped get his
son a job as the regional administrator for the General Services Administration in a 
whose name is Fort Worth. If the father and son said afterward that the son got the 
patronage job on his own merits, then the congressional leader shall be forced to tell 
story of George Washington and the cherry tree to every second-grader in Flower Mound.

You get the idea. Dick Armey's career has been one long comic routine of cheap tricks, 
truths and foolish remarks. In a few months, the area will start fresh with a new
congressman who can restore dignity to the office as the people's representative.

Good riddance.

Dave Lieber's Column Appears Sundays, Tuesdays and Fridays.
(817) 685-3830 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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