-Caveat Lector- In a message dated 10/11/2002 4:10:17 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

These news articles blame 'mental illness', but it this *really* the
reason behind these incidents?

  ABEMARF, the theory behind many of your post  have a feel of soundness,
  but I think something is missing or lay in an area that require further explanation.

     Senator Chuck Schumer called for a slice of the homeland security money going
to combat violent organized crime committed by those, who based on the nature of
their violent actions(behavior) would be considered quite ill.

      Initially my(JZ) response to the Senator's suggestion was quite shrill and fearful. As
my response saw it as directed at the 'little guy'. But you know I bet it is directed
at the organized mobs of  perps who have turned the 'keep an eye on em' suggestion
of the local area mental health czar into a form of racketeering style organized

   I live in the Bronx as you do.Fishbay no less. The home of voodoo cults, grassroots
(economic underclass) scientology congregations, and very violent fundamentalist
Christian cults. In fact the new ecumenical odd couple are individuals who are both
Jehovah Witness's and members of the Church of Scientology(tm).  Most of the homes
are row houses and share a common set of beams, drainage basins, and through
years of unlicensed plumbing work, they usually share some of the same pipes
in the plumbing system, as well having a common wall.  

    The common form of volunteerism for those time challenged(unemployed)
person's who, for one reason or another, have given up on work is mental
health volunteerism.  As you know the Bronx Psychiatric Center is a stone's
throw down the Hutchinson River Parkway from this nabe. The informal network
of volunteers that is the basis of the structured community based mental health
in this nabe draws both its' validation as well reams of unauthorized privacy data
through this institution. 

   Homes of the potential violent and or suicidal mentally ill, are commonly bugged
(via the phone system), people followed, and physical as well virtual violence is quite
common. Especially perpetrated by children of the volunteers against those whose
behavior or in the case of  a mentally ill female:body,  is deemed worthy of observation.
In fact the fate of the single female in this area is often an untold tale of horror often
ending in madness and or suicide.   
    Her male counterpart, depending on 'what he learns and how quickly' can be
reflected in the externalized rage that you ABE often write about.  The police
who lost any semblance of objectivity when they rolled out community policing are
of no help and often get manipulated into being tools of criminal harassment.

    Lately, the smell of  this situation has drifted out of the political patronage
urinal known as the Bronx Psychiatric Center into the homes of the sleeping
private sectored middle class residents of the nabe. Who are literally rubbing
the 'sleep out of their eyes' and in disbelief saying 'how did these pieces of
walking human excrement get this kind of power?'  

   Perhaps it was also this smell that awoke Senator Schumer. Who knows,
maybe even the rumors of what really lay behind the acts of rampage, and
other modern myths offering explanations for this violent madness has
reached the 'mensch' from Brooklyn.     

Rumors of medical experiments on children in foster/care group homes.
Usually entailing 'non-chemical' treatments for depression and or hyper 

  Rumors of the local volunteers persuading delusional senior citizens to give up
their choice rent stabilized apartments and move into a stellar nursing home
where the well educated aides will take care of their every need. 
    If this what Senator Schumer is going after, then great!  IF.  The homeland
defense budget should fund an active criminal pursuit of the miscreants
who have lived off of the misery of the ill, since the dark days of Mayor Crazy -
Ed Koch.          

Who knows? We might even save a child from an endless night of 'virtual violence.'


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