-Caveat Lector-
This is a very interesting subject. There is another book called "The Grand Design Exposed", by a fellow named John Daniel. I haven't read the whole book, but it was written about the same time Saussy's "Rulers of Evil" was written. Another interesting thing about this book is that neither Saussey or Daniel knew about the other. The two books compliment each other rather well.
I found a review of The Grand Design at http://www.freeamerican.com/Rome.htm
The well documented subject of the Jesuits being in the middle of the devilment in the world makes me wonder. How can this be when American politics and what passes for Christianity these days is dominated by the Jews? I'm not trying to be difficult. I've tried to reconcile this for years.
Any thoughts?
Bill Kalivas
-Caveat Lector-
  The Jesuits
by Mike Bellinger

The reason why I keep hammering the Jesuit issue is because they are, for sure, the core of the problem. It isn't just the opinion of Phelps or Saussy. There are so many books exposing the Jesuits that it’ll make your head spin. These just happen to be the latest and most up-to-date. Malachi Martin has one too. In “The Trance Formation of America” by Cathy O'Brien and Mark Phillips, the Jesuits and the Vatican and NASA came up constantly throughout her book as the perpetrators. This book was published long before Phelp's or Saussy's.

Kerry Thornley's book, “A Confession of Conspiracy to Assassinate JFK,” which was compiled in 1990 and Internet-published by Sondra London just before his death (1996 I think). It also has continuous references to the Vatican, the Jesuits, and NASA as the overseers of mind control and JFK's assassination. Thornley was a friend of Oswald in the Marines. He was discharged and moved to New Orleans several years later where he got mixed up with a group of psycho's who constantly talked about killing JFK and controlling the public. Thornley was subpoenaed by Jim Garrison as a conspirator, but refused to show up. Over the years he pierced the crowd he was with in New Orleans and realized they were the men who killed JFK. Their leader was a sinister character who was nicknamed "brother-in-law". Thornley says he was a dead ringer for E. Howard Hunt when he saw his pictures after the JFK killing. His book is absolutely fascinating. You can download it, and it’s a true inside look at these maniacs.

Sherman Skolnick has a bunch of articles about the Vatican, the Jesuits and the Pope's corrupt schemes and banks on his site. In most of Jim Keith's books they appear again and again just like the other books above: NASA, Jesuits, and Vatican as being connected to all the New World Order and mind control activity. These people never knew about Phelps or Saussy, but they had found the evidence anyway. It just took someone to connect the dots, and now we can see the picture.

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