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Wednesday, May 26, 1999

Blood scandal and Clinton's plumbers
By Joseph Farah
© 1999 WorldNetDaily.com

Imagine if the nation suddenly learned that, as governor of
Arkansas, Bill Clinton knowingly oversaw the illicit sale of state
prison blood to Canadian hemophiliacs and others -- spreading
AIDS and other deadly diseases to hundreds, perhaps thousands, in
the 1980s.

My guess is that a scandal like that could potentially do more than
destroy President Clinton's historical legacy. It could ruin Al Gore's
chances for succession. It could set back the Democratic Party
nationally for a decade. It could help Americans regain their senses
and reconstitute their naturally healthy skepticism of government

It seems someone is trying very hard to make sure Americans never
reach such conclusions.

Last week, as reported exclusively in the Ottawa Citizen and
WorldNetDaily, two crimes occurred within hours of each other
hundreds of miles apart that raise questions as to whether someone
is attempting to silence those who have tried to expose just such a
real-life scandal.

In Pine Bluff, Ark., someone firebombed a prosthetics clinic owned
by Michael Galster, the author, under the nom de plume Michael
Sullivan, of "Blood Trail," a fictional account of the prison-blood
scandal. Since writing his book, Galster has been on an
international campaign to expose the blood trail that led from the
Arkansas prisons to the AIDS deaths in Canada.

Meanwhile, in Montreal, someone broke into the offices of the
Quebec chapter of the Canadian Hemophilia Society, which recently
unearthed documents that showed Finance Minister Paul Martin
was a board member of the  corporation that owned Connaught
Laboratories, the company that fractionated and distributed the
Arkansas prison plasma in Canada.

Officials at the Hemophilia Society said thieves stole a computer,
telephones and documents from a box labeled "Hepatitis C, Krever
Commission, Reform of the blood system, HIV-AIDS." Executive
Director Pierre Desmarais said it appears the thieves were looking
for information rather than goods.

Mike McCarthy, a Canadian hemophiliac activist pushing for a
broader investigation of the blood scandal, is convinced the two
crimes are linked.

"It's too much of a coincidence," he said. "They're trying to find
out what we know and erase the trail if they can. I think they're also
sending a message. They're trying to scare us into backing off.
They're trying to put the fear of God into us, that if we pursue the
truth it can get worse. That the next action might not just be
buildings and records."

But who is this "they" to whom McCarthy refers?

If there is such a conspiracy to obstruct justice and truth in the
matter of the blood scandal, can there be any doubt as to who is
behind it? Who would have the power and resources to conduct
such a daring, international campaign of dirty tricks? In another
time, during another administration, didn't we refer to such actions
as an illegal "plumbers operation"?

"It's really frightening," said Desmarais. "This is the kind of thing
you see in the movies."

Yet, with all the news being made in Washington -- from bombing
foreign embassies and hospitals to the selling out of vital national
security secrets to the Chinese to the latest government attacks on
the fundamental human right to bear arms -- it's easy to overlook a
story like this. It's easy to miss what it suggests about the criminal
character of the Clinton administration. It's so easy to miss the
forest of scandal for the trees.

Sometimes the cover-up is more dangerous than the original crime.
Someone's betting that few will notice these events -- that even
fewer will connect the dots spread across a continent and two
separate nations. They're hoping that those who do will chalk it up to

"I'm trying not to get too paranoid about it," says Galster. "I pray
to God that it was just a coincidence."

While he's praying to God that it was a coincidence, I prefer to pray
to God that the guilty parties -- those responsible for these recent
acts as well as the bigger and more deadly prison blood scandal,
whomever they may be -- are caught and held accountable for their
despicable crimes.


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A vast right-wing conspiracy. ~~ HRC

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