-Caveat Lector-

this may be heavy for survivors

A list of Protestant clergy and news articles alleging child abuse are at :

Eugenicists used Shutesbury in study on sterilization idea By Ellen Barry, Globe Staff, 11/26/02 "Without revealing their purpose to residents, eugenicists spent many months gathering information about families in the Western Massachusetts town, drawing genetic charts that showed ''what may be expected when good pioneer stock is mixed with bad immigrant stock.'' The families of Shutesbury were used as a case study in Leon Whitney's 1934 book ''The Case for Sterilization,'' which argues that ''the useless classes'' should not be allowed to reproduce.....Historians estimate that as many as 60,000 Americans were sterilized without their consent in state institutions because they were alcoholic, epileptic, mentally retarded, or ''morally defective.'' In a landmark decision in 1927, Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes defended the practice, writing that ''instead of waiting to execute degenerate offspring for crime, or letting them starve for their imbecility, society can prevent those who are manifestly unfit from continuing their kind." http://www.boston.com/dailyglobe2/330


Judge Again Bars Effort to Keep Cheney Files Secret
WASHINGTON, Nov. 27 — A federal judge today again rejected Bush administration efforts to protect as confidential documents from Vice President Dick Cheney's energy committee.
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