-Caveat Lector-

Here we were all worried that HR 3598 was a reinstatement of the draft
waiting to happen.  This is an angle that hadn't occurred to me, and
it's far more chilling than the draft, imo - especially in our current
"homeland security" climate...

Keep your eye on that bill:   http://thomas.loc.gov/  (for those that
are not familiar with it, this bill was introduced in December 2001, a
search on "hr 3598" at this link will give you all the info on it.  It
has been sitting in committee for the past year, waiting to "ripen".)

----- Original Message -----

  Compulsory Boot Camp as Public Relations By Tabatha Static

Back in December, the Universal Military Training and Service Act (HR
3598) was proposed in the House of Representatives. If approved, a
new law would be created that forces ALL males between 18 and 22
years old to submit to military training and education for either six or

twelve months (depending upon what the Secretary of War thinks, in this
case Donald Rumsfeld). Registered and documented religious
conscientious objectors would perform civilian alternative service, but
only after completing boot camp and combat training; high school
dropouts must serve an additional six months. Women are not forced
into this program, but they would be strongly encouraged to volunteer
duty as well.

When I first heard about this, I thought that it was the first step in
reactivating the military draft. But as I began to read up on it, I saw
even some of the supporters of HR 3598 have gone on record to say
that a return to a military draft is not necessary, and that a draft
even be detrimental to the military. And another thing: HR 3598's
training and service is supposed to last from between 6 and 12 months,
which is not really enough time to make the average 18 year-old ready
for combat in Iraq, Colombia, the Philippines, Afghanistan, Georgia,
Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, or wherever else in the
Southern hemisphere that the Executive Branch is sending people to kill
and die. So what the hell is really going on here?

The objective of HR 3598 is to militarize hundreds of thousands of
young people for up to a year, and then release them back into civilian
society with pro-military (in other words, pro-war) attitudes. This may
sound paranoid at first, but think about it: over the last year, we^ve
told to get used to seeing armed soldiers on city street corners, in
airports, and on trains. The Pentagon and the White House are
desperate to brainwash civilian society as much as possible, as they
have already been doing with ambitious youth publicity programs that
include slick Army of One television commercials, internet webcam
propaganda, and free computer video wargames, as well as
blockbuster Hollywood movies that spew inane patriotism and
demonize people who live in the so-called Third World. HR 3598 is a
six-month Pentagon pep rally and a brainwashing session into the
ridiculous Homeland Security cult. It would allow rigid warmongering
hierarchies unprecedented influence over the socialization of young
people, dehumanizing and desensitizing them into becoming
submissive, mindless patriots who follow orders without question. HR
3598 is a Pentagon public-relations operation with a captive audience
robbed of at least six months of their lives.

In many ways, HR 3598 is just one more variation on the subtle
methods used to influence the civilian population to be less suspicious
of the military, like we^ve seen in high schools with the JROTC,
aptitude (ASVAB) testing, and youth mentoring by Army recruiters. The
Pentagon knows that starting up the draft again would anger a lot of
people immediately, and this is why they have spent so much time
hanging around schools and calling up high-school seniors before
graduation, telling many low-income kids that joining up with the
National Guard is the only way to earn money for college.To make the
whole thing less threatening to high school kids, they point out how the

majority of U.S. military operations in the last fifteen years have been

low-risk tactics like high-tech, high-altitude bombing or getting locals
these faraway countries to do the real fighting with guidance from U.S.
military advisors.

As the current regime commits more troops and weapons to its petro-
imperial adventures across the globe in order to erect the New World
Order at gunpoint, it will become increasingly necessary to massage
people^s attitudes domestically and internationally to accept it. After
it is obvious that the Bush-Cheney Administration has put a great deal
time and effort into engineering public opinion: the Pentagon's
proposed Office of Strategic Information was meant to spread
disinformation that would bolster U.S. defense policy; the U.S.
Department of State has an Office of Public Diplomacy whose job it is to

convince people that the U.S. is not a corrupt, war-mongering empire
driven by oil companies and investment banks; the White House
recently opened an Office of Global Communications to provide spin
directly from the West Wing. If it becomes law, and young people are
packed off to boot camp to have their behavior modified by systematic
humiliation, desensitization, and militarism before being mixed back
into the general population, HR 3598 will have served its purpose as
just one more public relations campaign designed to make the U.S. war
and the war machine as something logical, inevitable, and normal,
instead of an outrageous abomination that must be stopped.


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