she sat on my lap one time
we were all sitting around
having drinks after work
and she plopped gracefully
into my lap
she did that to all the guys in the dorm
it was a spontaneous demonstration
of affection
I hugged my boss one time
we were all sitting around
having drinks after work
she was beside me on the couch
I put my arm around her and hugged her tight
despite the fact that
she was already married
the assistant director, who was single,
and who fancied herself by far the better-looking
glared at me and asked, acidly
"Are you drunk?"
"I suppose I am" I replied thoughtfully
I don't think my gesture meant
all that much
it was a spontaneous demonstration
of affection
come to think of it
I slept with the secretary once
we were all sitting around
having drinks after work
afterward I went back to her place
and we did it
"slept" is probably too strong a word
the whole thing took about
an hour and a half
and I didn't even stay the night
later that week, after I hadn't called her
she gave me a tape of "American Gigolo"
and she meant it to sting
I never thought of myself as a
Don Juan
it was just a spontaneous demonstration
of affection

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